President's FBI nominee termed "perfect choice"

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Well done Mr. President.

Miller: FBI head nominee close to "perfect" choice - CBS News
CBS News senior correspondent John Miller, a former deputy director of the FBI, calls the likely nomination "as perfect a choice" as the White House could come up with, "given the politics of it."

"What you don't want ... is a messy confirmation with the FBI director, who has to be acceptable to all parties and completely independent," Miller explained, noting, "He gets a 10-year term."
How Obama's FBI Nominee James Comey Triggered the Plamegate Investigation | Mother Jones
Comey is best known for saying no to a top-secret surveillance program much beloved by Vice President Dick Cheney and his lieutenants. He successfully defied the Bush-Cheney White House on this point in a dramatic encounter in a Washington hospital room, when top Bush advisers tried to bum-rush an ailing Attorney General John Ashcroft into authorizing an extension of the program after Comey, then the acting attorney general, had refused. But Cheney and his crew have another good reason to be aghast at the thought of Comey leading the FBI: he was the guy who started the independent Plamegate investigation that ended up tainting Cheney and convicting Scooter Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, of serious crimes.

Senate Hearing on U.S. Attorney Firings
First, can you confirm that a night-time hospital visit took place?

COMEY: Yes, I can.


Can you remember the date and the day?

COMEY: Yes, sir, very well. It was Wednesday, March the 10th, 2004.

SCHUMER: And how do you remember that date so well?

COMEY: This was a very memorable period in my life; probably the most difficult time in my entire professional life. And that night was probably the most difficult night of my professional life. So it's not something I'd forget.

SCHUMER: Were you present when Alberto Gonzales visited Attorney General Ashcroft's bedside?


SCHUMER: And am I correct that the conduct of Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Card on that evening troubled you greatly?


He was a Repub & stood up to Gonzales' & Cheney's thuggery
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