President's handling of Harvey

How would you rate Trump's handling of Harvey thus far?

  • Strongly Approve

    Votes: 22 62.9%
  • Somewhat Approve

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Somewhat Disapprove

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strongly Disapprove

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
"Different Than" Is Prepositioned Improperly

The issue is to distinguish between confusing words, which should not have to be articulated. Even though the context quickly makes it clear, the mind still has to take an unnecessary extra step. Truly educated people (the self-educated) use a writer's bad grammar to determine that his educational credentials are meaningless.
Crying about POTUS Responses to natural disasters is nothing but politics.

If the man comes by your home and tells you to evacuate because a hurricane might kill you, you evacuate.
not going to prove much either. my guess is the 3 who votes strongly disapprove would strongly disapprove of trump breathing, so it's not like it really matters.

some people will just let hate rule their lives. i kinda pity them.
"Different Than" Is Prepositioned Improperly

The issue is to distinguish between confusing words, which should not have to be articulated. Even though the context quickly makes it clear, the mind still has to take an unnecessary extra step. Truly educated people (the self-educated) use a writer's bad grammar to determine that his educational credentials are meaningless.

Ever notice that your postings have nothing to do with the topic at hand?
"Different Than" Is Prepositioned Improperly

The issue is to distinguish between confusing words, which should not have to be articulated. Even though the context quickly makes it clear, the mind still has to take an unnecessary extra step. Truly educated people (the self-educated) use a writer's bad grammar to determine that his educational credentials are meaningless.

To help those who have difficulty 'distinguishing between confusing words' (whatever that means :biggrin:) there are dictionaries. If you prefer to 'articulate' your own rules of grammar, perhaps additional mental exercise would be beneficial.

Anyhooo...if that's the biggest issue you must face today - you are one fortunate soh! (son of an herb). :2up:
Has this discussion REALLY broken down into a debate of 'the definition of 'IS''? :p LOL

Regarding the thread / thread title, Trump has been praised by ALL sides for the expert / experienced staff he put together, for that team's preparation and pre-positioning of supplies, and how they have responded thus far.

He / his team has arguably surpassed the performances so far of both bush and Obama in handling a disaster. Immediate response is only half the battle. This disaster and the recovery will take YEARS, and the responsibility of overseeing all of that, in large part, will fall to Congress (funding) .. wherein lies the problem.
The question should be "In what ways will the media make Trump look bad?"
So far they have criticized his hat and Melania's shoes.

So I think it is pretty clear they are going to great lengths to paint this negative no matter what he does.
Has this discussion REALLY broken down into a debate of 'the definition of 'IS''? :p LOL

Regarding the thread / thread title, Trump has been praised by ALL sides for the expert / experienced staff he put together, for that team's preparation and pre-positioning of supplies, and how they have responded thus far.

He / his team has arguably surpassed the performances so far of both bush and Obama in handling a disaster. Immediate response is only half the battle. This disaster and the recovery will take YEARS, and the responsibility of overseeing all of that, in large part, will fall to Congress (funding) .. wherein lies the problem.

FEMA is learning from its mistakes
Has this discussion REALLY broken down into a debate of 'the definition of 'IS''? :p LOL

Hey now!...don't ya just love the smell of red herring in the morning?. :D

The President has done and will do all in his power to facilitate recovery from this disaster. Nothing he can do or say will turn back the clock.
In response to the dumbass liberal media's criticism of Trump for his 'lack of Empathy' for the victims of Hurricane Harvey:

"While I have never been in a natural disaster, like most people, I have certainly lived through my share of crises, and the last thing you are looking for in the middle of a crisis is something as utterly useless and symbolic as empathy — especially from a stranger. If my house is underwater, if my kids don’t know where they are going to sleep, if everything I have ever worked for is about to be washed away into the Gulf of Mexico, I don’t want your stupid feelz, your squeezing of my shoulder, your words. What I do want is action, competence, a plan, and a way out of this.

And that is exactly what Trump has so far delivered."

Nolte: Texans Don't Want Empathy, They Want the Help Trump Has So Far Delivered - Breitbart

Natural disasters are about PEOPLE

They want reassurance that they will be taken care of. That the President will do everything he can to fix things. That people care

Images of hugs go a lot further than silly hats

What's the Pres actually got to do with it?

I'm curious to know myself, knowing how Democrats reacted to Bush's response to Katrina. Yes indeed, I was wondering that too...

For a long time Bush didn't have a response to Katrina, remember?

The Undoing of George W. Bush
Hurricane Katrina badly damaged the former president's reputation. And it still hasn't recovered.
You moron!
Bush repeatedly told the DEM Gov. and the DEM mayor (is the asshole still in prison?) there was federal help and the NG ready to help. The DEM bitch REFUSED Bush's offer for 100% political reasons until it was too late.
You NEVER hear this FACT from the LIB MSM though.
Notice how silent the LIB MSM is in looking how the DEM city mayor is doing except to offer their congratulations constantly. If the mayor was White the LIB MSM would be turning over every rock looking for something, anything to attack the mayor with.
Fucking bastards!
Given Bush & Hobby are shutdown, not sure where he's gonna fly into. I guess a nearby military base?
President Trump has a mechanical device called a 'helicopter I think.
It's said to be able to land just about anywhere.
Mr. 'Chocolate City' fuckied off to NY city with his family and stayed at a five star luxury hotel and eat $1000 dinners and went to basketball games while his Chocolate City drowned.
Is the negro thug still in federal prison for looting the city's piggy bank?
OKTexas, Crixus, HereWeGoAgain and any others I may have missed...

Well, mr sg and I bought ya some ice cold beer. Feared the beer would arrive warm so we drank it for ya too...:up:

I admire your fortitude and humor. Soooo - a little tribute to Texas with love from Florida -



The devil, we're told, in hell was chained,
And a thousand years he there remained,
And he never complained, nor did he groan,
But determined to start a hell of his own
Where he could torment the souls of men
Without being chained to a prison pen.

So he asked the Lord if He had on hand
Anything left when He made the land.
The Lord said, "Yes, I had plenty on hand,
But I left it down on the Rio Grande.
The fact is old boy, the stuff is so poor,
I don't think you could use it in hell any more."

But the devil went down to look at the truck,
And said if it came as a gift, he was stuck;
For after examining it careful and well
He concluded the place was too dry for hell.
So in order to get it off His hands
God promised the devil to water the lands.

For he had some water, or rather some dregs,
A regular cathartic that smelt like bad eggs.
Hence the deal was closed and the deed was given,
And the Lord went back to His place in Heaven.
and the devil said, "I have all that is needed
To make a good hell," and thus he succeeded.

He began to put thorns on all the trees,
And he mixed the sand with millions of fleas,
He scattered tarantulas along all the roads,
Put thorns on the cacti and horns on the toads;
He lengthened the horns of the Texas steers
And put an addition on jack rabbits' ears.

He put little devils in the broncho steed
And poisoned the feet of the centipede.
The rattlesnake bites you, the scorpion stings,
The mosquito delights you by buzzing his wings.
The sand burrs prevail, so do the ants,
And those that sit down need half soles on their pants.

The devil then said that throughout the land
He'd manage to keep up the devil's own brand,
And all would be mavericks unless they bore
The marks of scratches and bites by the score.
The heat in the summer is a hundred and ten,
Too hot for the devil and too hot for men.

The wild boar roams through the black chaparral,
It's a hell of a place he has for a hell;
The red pepper grows by the bank of the brook,
The Mexicans use it in all that they cook.
Just dine with a Mexican and then you will shout,
"I've a hell on the inside as well as without."


What's the Pres actually got to do with it?

I'm curious to know myself, knowing how Democrats reacted to Bush's response to Katrina. Yes indeed, I was wondering that too...

For a long time Bush didn't have a response to Katrina, remember?

The Undoing of George W. Bush
Hurricane Katrina badly damaged the former president's reputation. And it still hasn't recovered.
You moron!
Bush repeatedly told the DEM Gov. and the DEM mayor (is the asshole still in prison?) there was federal help and the NG ready to help. The DEM bitch REFUSED Bush's offer for 100% political reasons until it was too late.
You NEVER hear this FACT from the LIB MSM though.
Notice how silent the LIB MSM is in looking how the DEM city mayor is doing except to offer their congratulations constantly. If the mayor was White the LIB MSM would be turning over every rock looking for something, anything to attack the mayor with.
Fucking bastards!
Myth....Nobody turned down aid
They were desperate
Offense name calling, but it was Dallas.
Mr. 'Chocolate City' fuckied off to NY city with his family and stayed at a five star luxury hotel and eat $1000 dinners and went to basketball games while his Chocolate City drowned.
Is the negro thug still in federal prison for looting the city's piggy bank?

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