Press in Asia asks Obama some "tough" questions


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Press in Asia asks Obama some tough questions - Liberty Unyielding

Asia trip has received some tough criticism back in the United States, but the traveling press seems to be giving the president an easy enough time. In Japan on Friday, pool reporters inquired as to whether he’s getting enough sleep and whether he liked the Mount Fiji–shaped ice-cream dessert he had at a dinner in Japan.

Per the pool report:

Pool was ushered to a hold area at the end of a hallway in the hotel, where Obama, after a false start, walked down the hall.

Asked by Julie Pace of the AP if he slept well, he said, “I’m still on 4 am time.”

Another reporter asked Obama if he like the ice cream dessert in the shape of Mt. Fuji served at the state dinner.

Obama nodded, saying, “They have the green tea at the bottom that I’ve spoken of having when I was six, and I was very pleased,” Obama said. “It was delicious.”

The apparently jet-lagged president made sure to share the press’s lightweight treatment while speaking with Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko later:

“The press was asking if I enjoyed the green tea ice cream,” Obama said.

“Did you enjoy it?” the empress asked.

“Yes, absolutely,” he replied.


Their beloved leader. In case anyone wants to know why or how this country has well over 47% totally and utterly brainwashed in left wing shit, look no further than the agenda driven left wing press.

The same ones that reported relentlessly that the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8 percent in October. Not only did they report it (turned out to be one of a hundred lies) they bragged about it.

The same press that did not say shit about the unemployment rate being 4.6 percent in 2006. Which, just so happens to be the last year the Republicans had majority power. Then Pelosi and the democraps took over in 2007. They have had majority power since.

Anyway, Bush was hounded by tough questions.

There are the questions Obama gets.

"Did you enjoy your ice cream?"
Obama has been pampered by the press since day 1. They protect him profusely and refuse to allow questions asked to him about his ineligibilty to be president, why he uses a Connecticutt social security card and why his selective service registration is fraudulent.

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