Prince's Death & This New Flu: DANGER

Look at Sil using Prince's death to lamely smear queers. Get a life, Mentally Sil.
Oh, those stinging facts.
Homo male transmission of HIV is more than 300 times more than that of hetero men. Deal with it.

We don't know if Prince died from AIDS.

Silhouette is an obsessed anti-gay loon. Deal with it.
Who said anything about AIDS? The speculation is related to HIV. HIV is a male homo problem. A crisis.

Tell that to every woman and non-homosexual man who has AIDs.

They will be glad to find out that they were just imagining it.
You're wagging the dog. Typical anecdotal attempt at rationalizing.
Go to the CDC and look it up. You certainly won't find any stories about it from where you get your biased info.

Your just promoting the usual homophobic bullshit- you are one of those people who would be sad if AIDs was cured just because you are glad it has killed so many gay Americans.

You say HIV is a male homo problem- despite the thousands of women and straight men who have HIV.

Tell that to them.
Yes, I'm familiar with that theory but that's not the point. It was never and still is not a "gay disease".

Believing you're safe because you're straight and/or have sex only with other straights is a good way to get the disease.

Now, please take your idiotic homophobia and put it where the sun don't shine. Thanks ever so much.
And from what I read, you homos quit using rubbers to keep normals in the infection loop..

That is what comes from getting all of your 'reading' from Stormfront and the Westboro Baptist church.
Well it's unknown whether or not he had AIDS and if the coroner finds he did, we'll never hear about it. .

It's unknown whether you have AIDs and if you do we will never hear about it.

It is unknown whether Donald Trump has AIDs as it is unknown whether Bernie Sanders or the Pope has AIDs.

That of course doesn't stop you from telling everyone that you think Prince does have AID's.

Because that is the sick homophobe you are.
Prince never promoted a faggot lifestyle in any way, shape or form. He just partied one time too many. He wasn't all that healthy to begin with and didn't he have a baby that died of some congenital stuff?
But I can tell you if he did have AIDS...and it sure seems like from the reports and the cryptic stuff about writing his memoirs needing to be sudden of late...if he got the flu I had, there would likely be no chance of him getting over it. Antivirals are like weaklings lying on the beach and this flu is like a muscle bound brute kicking sand in their faces..

If Silhouette couldn't spout crap she pulls out of her ass she wouldn't have anything to post.
Well it's unknown whether or not he had AIDS and if the coroner finds he did, we'll never hear about it. The media will cover it up clean. Nothing negative associated with the wanton homosexual lifestyle will ever be allowed out.

But I can tell you if he did have AIDS...and it sure seems like from the reports and the cryptic stuff about writing his memoirs needing to be sudden of late...if he got the flu I had, there would likely be no chance of him getting over it. Antivirals are like weaklings lying on the beach and this flu is like a muscle bound brute kicking sand in their faces.

Prince wasn't gay. You know that, right?

He was a deeply religious Jehovah's Witness.

Don't you know the new definition of 'gay'?

Anyone Silhouette calls 'gay'.

Her 'gaydar' is infallable- just ask her.
I have said it before and I'll say it again....flu is the most deadly disease on the planet.
Yep. But as also noted, certain existing conditions make flu even more dangerous.
yeah but we've got horrific strains hitting us from other parts of the world....stuff we have zero residtance to.

We have always been hit with flu from other parts of the world.

Most flu we have some resistance to- since they are basically all mutations.


FLU stupid people can be?

flu LOL :laugh:...

my whole family tree would be dead by now

if it's flu

my GOD!!!

The flu kills more Americans than heroin overdoses do, every year.

True for now, but opioid abuse is becoming an epidemic. (Understanding the Epidemic | Drug Overdose | CDC Injury Center)

And "coming to your neighborhood soon"....I've lived in my neighborhood outside Princeton, NJ for ten years. NOTHING ever happens here except for a minor traffic accident or two.

Last year a construction worker on a house remodel in our neighborhood canvassed the neighbors complaining of back pain. He finally ended up breaking into a house two doors down and stealing a cancer patient's Vicodin.

Last month an elderly woman in our neighborhood was attacked and tied up in her basement. The thieves ransacked her house. One of the suspects was arrested. He and friend were looking for drugs. I doubt they thought they were going to find pot or cocaine in this old lady's house, but lots of middle-class whites have opioids in some form by prescription.

It's not hard information to find out. According to the CDC, there are 36,000 flu-related deaths in the US each year. In 2015 (the highest heroin fatalities in the last 40 years) there were about 12,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US.

In my best panicking teen age kid voice




The flu mostly kills older people, people with compromised immune systems and the very young. That is why it kills pretty much the same number of people year after year.

Now if it had an exponential growth rate....

The scary thing right now is that heroin deaths are increasing - perhaps not exponentially, but nevertheless incredibly fast.

At this rate, heroin overdose will surpass the flu in a few years.

Yup, because heroin is easier to get than opioids. People become addicted to hydrocodone/oxycontin from surgery or other procedure. Doc refuses to refill their Rx after so many weeks or months. So they turn to illegal drugs.

(Edited: I know that heroin IS an opioid. I am referring to them differently to distinguish between Rx drugs and illegal drugs.)
The strain of flu that caused Prince's hospitalization six days ago is the Percoset strain. He got a narcan save shot.
Sorry pal. 'Narcan' is not a 'save shot'.
He ODed on his private jet and the crew had to make an emergency landing.
The 'save-shot' was for a heroin overdose.
Prince -- Treated for Drug Overdose Days Before Death

Considering that he was found unresponsive inside the elevator in his house sort of speaks to a drug problem, rather than a flu problem where he might have instead died in bed with some sort of medical care in line with his JW beliefs.
It's not hard information to find out. According to the CDC, there are 36,000 flu-related deaths in the US each year. In 2015 (the highest heroin fatalities in the last 40 years) there were about 12,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US.

In my best panicking teen age kid voice




The flu mostly kills older people, people with compromised immune systems and the very young. That is why it kills pretty much the same number of people year after year.

Now if it had an exponential growth rate....

The scary thing right now is that heroin deaths are increasing - perhaps not exponentially, but nevertheless incredibly fast.

At this rate, heroin overdose will surpass the flu in a few years.

Yup, because heroin is easier to get than opioids. People become addicted to hydrocodone/oxycontin from surgery or other procedure. Doc refuses to refill their Rx after so many weeks or months. So they turn to illegal drugs.

(Edited: I know that heroin IS an opioid. I am referring to them differently to distinguish between Rx drugs and illegal drugs.)

grim narrative of self-destruction and death is filling graveyards. But this time, it’s happening in the United States.
Opioid abuse is so prevalent now that there's even an ad on cable news channels for an opioid-induced constipation Rx. I bet insurance doesn't cover it and it's quite pricey. Big Pharma doesn't spend millions of dollars on advertising for drugs that are either a) covered by insurance or b) don't have a hefty co-pay.
It's not hard information to find out. According to the CDC, there are 36,000 flu-related deaths in the US each year. In 2015 (the highest heroin fatalities in the last 40 years) there were about 12,000 heroin overdose deaths in the US.

In my best panicking teen age kid voice




The flu mostly kills older people, people with compromised immune systems and the very young. That is why it kills pretty much the same number of people year after year.

Now if it had an exponential growth rate....

The scary thing right now is that heroin deaths are increasing - perhaps not exponentially, but nevertheless incredibly fast.

At this rate, heroin overdose will surpass the flu in a few years.

Yup, because heroin is easier to get than opioids. People become addicted to hydrocodone/oxycontin from surgery or other procedure. Doc refuses to refill their Rx after so many weeks or months. So they turn to illegal drugs.

(Edited: I know that heroin IS an opioid. I am referring to them differently to distinguish between Rx drugs and illegal drugs.)

grim narrative of self-destruction and death is filling graveyards. But this time, it’s happening in the United States.

And women, too. A 52-year-old female acquaintance of mine died last year, too many years of cocaine after her son was murdered in NYC in 2005. I think if she had not had the money for cocaine, she would have died sooner from meth or heroin.
Let me tell you. I just got over that flu I know Prince had...had to be the same one and WOW. I've not been that sick in decades. My buddy who probably gave it to me was down for 7 days spiking fevers of 103 consistently and unrelentingly. He went from 200lbs to 178 pounds in four days.. and this is a guy who gets the usual viruses and fights them off twice as fast as anyone else. He's on powerful antibiotics for a secondary bacterial infection from it. He'll be on those for another week yet.

It hits you suddenly and fast. The minute you get a scratchy throat RUN for the musinex and garlic, raw, as much as you can tolerate. It goes from the scratchy throat to about 100-101 temperature and instant chest congestion and running sinuses that keep your lungs topped off with a nice yellow green goop.

I suspect that Prince with his free wheeling lifestyle during the highest transmission of HIV/AIDS (Prince claimed to be bisexual), had HIV. I really don't know what to tell people with HIV other than wear a mask and double down on the purell.

Don't fool with this one. Just ask Prince..
Did he have a mother and father?

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