Pro abortion and Nazism

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Recently uncovered documents from the Clinton Presidential Library shed new light on the modern motivations of those who pushed the Clinton Administration to expedite bringing RU-486, often called the "morning after pill," into the American marketplace. Mincing no words, one document quotes a leading abortion and birth control advocate who told President-Elect Bill Clinton that he should "start immediately to eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of the country."[/SIZE][/FONT]

Abortion, Birth Control Biases Exposed by Proponents' Original Intentions
Meh, ad hominem. Nothing new there.

wow, latin.

and irony.

nothing new was presented by you.

you are just displaying your flaws, and they are horrible.

compounded by your self-righteousness, which is NOT synonymous with righteousness.

just a fyi.

Oh, and ad hominem.
Again. just a fyi.

once again you "managed" to totally use my attack and reflected it back to me.

you excel at predictable lameness.

shame on you.
Again, you are attributing stuff to me that has nothing to do with me. I never provided that as a source.
This is the stuff your source produces. He is a far right wack who distorts information. So sense of what is correct or not. By the by, your Affirmative Silence on no abortion period has been noted. You would have made a great race purist for the Nazis.
This is the stuff my source produces.

WHAT source..and when you say "my source produces" what the hell do you mean? It's an ad? A link they have on their site?

You do realize that specificity is a hallmark of an intelligent argument, right? Which is why I find your inane meanderings so frustrating.
You have given no specificity based on good source material.

You have babbled.
Again, you are attributing stuff to me that has nothing to do with me. I never provided that as a source.

You have provided material attributed from the source's work and site. The whole site and all of the material, including the tripe you are using, are toxic materials.
Excuse me, kindly tell me what source produced that, and exactly how that ties in to anything I've posted.

Otherwise, the only person babbling is you, with your random and crazy posts that serve no purpose other than obfuscation.
Said the troll.

Again, which of my sources linked that particular link, and how exactly did they source to it?

Because I smell another lie. I can go to sites and pull random links and ads off them and present them as evidence that your sources (if you had any) are questionable as well.

For could pull all sorts of garbage off there, if I was that dishonest.
Said the troll.

Again, which of my sources linked that particular link, and how exactly did they source to it?

Because I smell another lie. I can go to sites and pull random links and ads off them and present them as evidence that your sources (if you had any) are questionable as well.

For could pull all sorts of garbage off there, if I was that dishonest.

it is perfectly clear that you can go to a site and pull random links, and even copy and paste the whole content of the site to get your hatefest started.

that's what goebbels would have done if he had the internet and wasn't prohibiting abortion.
Well yes, in theory...but that's not what I did, it's what Jake did. So kindly address your diatribe towards him. Thank you.

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