Pro abortion and Nazism

I ignored that the first time because it was just too pathetic for words.

Yes, I know you copied the references as if that somehow proves something. All it proves is that you can cut & paste.

I thought about cutting and pasting the references I used about the holocaust/pro-abortion similiarities but figured it would just go over your head.

And the fact that you're back with the same drivel, after (stupidly) making fun of MY sources, shows I was right.

The only theory really supportable by conclusive evidence is the one that you cannot seem to produce a valid argument to support your view, so you are reduced to comparing the other view to Nazi ideology in an effort to maintain your own delusion that the other view is evil.

You can support your own argument in any way you please. You are only going to convince yourself.

So you claim your side doesn't use the exact same arguments to defend killing babies that the Nazis used?

If that's you're claim, then you're just a run of the mill liar.

Which of course you are.
you can practice eugenics without abortion

And most of us do.

That's why you always want to have sex with the babe of the hunk instead of the geeky nerd. It's almost like - I don't know, nature. The most desirable traits breed.

On a more serious note, yes, we do practice eugenics. For instance, women are advised against having babies after a certain age because of increased possibility of diseases like Down Syndrome. Ethnicities with higher percentages of diseases like Tay-Sachs go through genetic screenings to avoid it.

I'm not seeing this as bad, I'm seeing it as prudent.

Sure enough, no problem there.
Eugenics for purely medical reasons is usually benign and people on the most part
have no problem with it

It is when it is based on social factors or other factors that one gets into problematic areas
and most people would not support it or at least not claim to....

Putting that aside
I tried looking quickly through the posts, there is over 300

Did she actually say they were ALL Nazi's ?
It did not seem that way

My point is that Nazis and abortionists use the exact same methods and propaganda to promote killing.

I don't make the finer distinction of "we aren't nazi's, we don't wear swastikas! We like Jews!" and "We aren't Nazis, we just employ the same methods to kill, for the same reasons!"

The only difference, of course, is that the targeted population of this group of disgusting killers are poor minorities and the disabled, and the objective, instead of developing a perfect Aryan race and protecting the German state, is to develop a perfect human race, and/or "save the planet" from humans.
Well sad to say
you can find examples of modern day
where people use wording of support that do make some uneasy

For example Justice Ginsburg said in a NYT magazine article:

Who is this "we" and what "populations" Ginsburg refers to?

Q: Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?

JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.​

Now some could claim wiggle room with the her last statement, "I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong"
though does she mean her first statement or the other on the McRae?

It does seem a good reporter would have asked her at least
who these "populations" were and who the "we" refers to or to at least clarify her statement
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Where did I say rhetoric matters in a debate?

Please post a link.

Meanwhile, your habit of attributing false statements to me is getting stale.

"Kindly support your statement with the examples of the identical verbage"

I don't know why I keep playing this game. Someone who starts a thread on this stupid of a premise surely has no ability to reason at any somewhat adult level.

Maybe it's like the human interest in seeing a car accident.
Well sad to say
you can find examples of modern day
where people use wording of support that do make some uneasy

For example Justice Ginsburg said in a NYT magazine article:

Who is this "we" and what "populations" Ginsburg refers to?
Q: Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid for abortions for poor women?

JUSTICE GINSBURG: Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae — in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion. Which some people felt would risk coercing women into having abortions when they didn’t really want them. But when the court decided McRae, the case came out the other way. And then I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong.
Now some could claim wiggle room with the her last statement, "I realized that my perception of it had been altogether wrong"
though does she mean her first statement or the other on the McRae?

It does seem a good reporter would have asked her at least
who these "populations" were and who the "we" refers to or to at least clarify her statement

They won't because she means exactly what she said, and those who support abortion agree with her. Poor, minorities are a population they don't want too any of. They view them as a waste of resources, and they don't like to see them in difficult straits (reference the comment about the starving African child previously, where it was said he would have been better off dead).
Where did I say rhetoric matters in a debate?

Please post a link.

Meanwhile, your habit of attributing false statements to me is getting stale.

"Kindly support your statement with the examples of the identical verbage"

I don't know why I keep playing this game. Someone who starts a thread on this stupid of a premise surely has no ability to reason at any somewhat adult level.

Maybe it's like the human interest in seeing a car accident.

No, it's your interest in promoting the killing of babies, and using lies to do it.
Has anyone seen the pro-abortionists provide evidence of a single thing they've claimed in this thread?
Where did I say rhetoric matters in a debate?

Please post a link.

Meanwhile, your habit of attributing false statements to me is getting stale.

"Kindly support your statement with the examples of the identical verbage"

I don't know why I keep playing this game. Someone who starts a thread on this stupid of a premise surely has no ability to reason at any somewhat adult level.

Maybe it's like the human interest in seeing a car accident.

No, it's your interest in promoting the killing of babies, and using lies to do it.

I want zero abortions, same as you and have repeatedly stated this.

No one in the history of typing on a keyboard has lied as many times as you have.
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Has anyone seen the pro-abortionists provide evidence of a single thing they've claimed in this thread?

Great projecting.

You start the thread, provide no evidence whatsoever, and expect pro-choicers to make an equally crazy claim that you have and back there's with evidence.

Really, seek help.
Again, answer the question..are you saying the propaganda you use to justify abortion hasn't been used by the Nazis?

Please provide me with your justification for abortion. And I will show you the exact same argument spouted by a Nazi.
As I have done for every single justification for abortion put on these pages, and for every single lying comment posted by pro-abortionists.

Every. Single. One.

Again, answer the question..are you saying the propaganda you use to justify abortion hasn't been used by the Nazis?

Please provide me with your justification for abortion. And I will show you the exact same argument spouted by a Nazi.

What propaganda have I used?

Let's first see if you actually know what I say on the issue, or if you're just going to lie again.
Doooy, you know, Corketta, I just don't feel right picking on you because you just seem like you're kind of slow...

That is what I have been trying to say. I mean some people are idiots when they post, but obviously have at least average intelligence. I have no problem with people making fun of that type of poster. It is just cruel to make fun of this poster when something is obviously more wrong than being an uninformed idiot.
As I have done for every single justification for abortion put on these pages, and for every single lying comment posted by pro-abortionists.

Every. Single. One.


Yep your strategy has been consistent, lying. About Every. Single. One.
koshergirl opposes all abortions, as did Nazis concerning Aryan women. She makes the link clearly between the no-abortion far right today and the Nazis of the thirties and forties.
Again, answer the question..are you saying the propaganda you use to justify abortion hasn't been used by the Nazis?

Please provide me with your justification for abortion. And I will show you the exact same argument spouted by a Nazi.

What propaganda have I used?

Let's first see if you actually know what I say on the issue, or if you're just going to lie again.

I'm asking you to repeat it so I won't misunderstand you.

Go ahead.
koshergirl opposes all abortions, as did Nazis concerning Aryan women. She makes the link clearly between the no-abortion far right today and the Nazis of the thirties and forties.

The first thing the Nazis did when they came into power was lift the ban on abortions and make them legal for those they wanted annihilated.

So what is your justification for abortion? I find it amusing that you and Drock don't want to answer that question. Because you've already seen that your reasons are the exact same as the reasons of the Nazis for promoting abortion.
Naw, I'll leave it. I find you amusing. I probably don't find you as witty as you find yourself, but still you're cute.

i get it. you are now criticizing my wit quality after you failed to recognize my sarcastic critique of your lack of wit.

btw, all my posts in this thread are pity posts.

and i am indeed cute.

you might also find it interesting that i have a phd.

a pretty huge dick.

Yeah, thanks for shutting my brain off.

And making me smile.

................ just waiting for my brain to turn back on. :tongue:

Again, answer the question..are you saying the propaganda you use to justify abortion hasn't been used by the Nazis?

Please provide me with your justification for abortion. And I will show you the exact same argument spouted by a Nazi.

What propaganda have I used?

Let's first see if you actually know what I say on the issue, or if you're just going to lie again.

I'm asking you to repeat it so I won't misunderstand you.

Go ahead.

I want a woman to have the choice to get an abortion if she desires up to a certain point, a point in which the medical community and the law finds the fetus to be viable.

Here's actual text of the Nazi law against abortion. It even talks about the specifics of a woman who had an abortion, and her sentence was to be 1-5 years of detention. Same punishment for the doctor. The penalties were even harsher if the doctor made a profit off of it. The laws got stricter and stricter throughout the '30's and '40's and reached highest level of restrictions towards the end of the war when the Nazis racheted up their evil as much as they could.

Nazi family policy, 1933-1945 - Lisa Pine - Google Books

However still, I'm not equating you to a Nazi for wanting their abortion laws to come here to the U.S. Sharing one position on an issue doesn't make you able to equate someone to genocidal monsters.
Even with the exact facts going 100% against her, there's no chance kosher admits she's wrong.

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