Pro abortion and Nazism

Where did I say rhetoric matters in a debate?

Please post a link.

Meanwhile, your habit of attributing false statements to me is getting stale.

Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations.

Seems relevant.
Where did I say rhetoric matters in a debate?

Please post a link.

Meanwhile, your habit of attributing false statements to me is getting stale.

Rhetoric is the art of discourse, an art that aims to improve the facility of speakers or writers who attempt to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences in specific situations.

Seems relevant.
Uh, that's not mine.
I'm still waiting for anybody to post something that shows how Pro-Lifers employ the same rhetoric to the same end as Nazis.

I have proven that pro-abortionists use the same arguments to justify killing.

Now please support your statements that pro-lifers do exactly the same.
You set a priori the terms of the argument, yet then fail, koshergirl. You have not proved that those pro-lifers who dismiss any abortion for any reason are any different than those Nazis did the same in order to build a Master Race.

But I will help you out. Answer this: is abortion every morally or ethically right? A refusal to answer will be taken as an Affirmative Silence, or, in other words, "yes".
PS, I see nothing that makes an estimate of lifespan.

So tell me, is it your MO just to spout nonsense and try to pass it off as "science" or is this a special occasion?

Your statement was that there were few ancient humans. (and, yes, I count species other than Homo Sapiens. I've discovered this new species called Homo Funditardus" It justifies its hate using crappy old books of bullshit.) That article shows that there are plenty.

We know a lot about ancient man, including that he didn't have a long lifespan.

No, you fucking idiot. My statement was that we have very little EVIDENCE of pre-agriculture humans, i.e., OUR ANCESTORS, in response to an idiot comment made by that pseudo-intellectual photo, I think, stating that we know various and assorted specific crap about them...including their lifespan.

And I was absolutely correct.

NO, actually, you were sort of retarded. We have a lot of evidence of humanity before agriculture, and even after it, just not living that long. Disease, predators, famines, natural disasters, other tribes of humans... people didn't last that long back in the day.

Today, we do, so we don't need to breed indiscriminately like the Big Book of Fairy Tales says we should.

Abortion makes up for the lack of Saber-tooth cats.
I'm still waiting for anybody to post something that shows how Pro-Lifers employ the same rhetoric to the same end as Nazis.

I have proven that pro-abortionists use the same arguments to justify killing.

Now please support your statements that pro-lifers do exactly the same.

You haven't proven anything of the sort. You've taken bullshit from anti-abortion websites any historian would find laughable.

Abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany. They even executed people for performing them.

You claims would hold water if we were forcing abortions on people, which no one is. Abortion is a choice.
Excuse me, I don't have to disprove your ridiculous argument. You made the argument, you prove it.

MY argument was that Nazis & pro-abortionists use the same language to the same purpose.

I made my point and then some.

If your argument is that "you're just as bad as we are" then fine..make your point. But just SAYING that isn't making your point. And I'm not obliged to disprove something that has never been established.

I keep giving you opportunities to prove any of the half-assed arguments you have used ineffectively to discredit my argument, I even spell out what it is you need to do.

And every time, my request for more specific information, verification, and proof is met with a deafening silence...followed up by yet another spurious claim.

You guys are amateurs. And you aren't doing anything on here so well as proving me right.
Your statement was that there were few ancient humans. (and, yes, I count species other than Homo Sapiens. I've discovered this new species called Homo Funditardus" It justifies its hate using crappy old books of bullshit.) That article shows that there are plenty.

We know a lot about ancient man, including that he didn't have a long lifespan.

No, you fucking idiot. My statement was that we have very little EVIDENCE of pre-agriculture humans, i.e., OUR ANCESTORS, in response to an idiot comment made by that pseudo-intellectual photo, I think, stating that we know various and assorted specific crap about them...including their lifespan.

And I was absolutely correct.

NO, actually, you were sort of retarded. We have a lot of evidence of humanity before agriculture, and even after it, just not living that long. Disease, predators, famines, natural disasters, other tribes of humans... people didn't last that long back in the day.

Today, we do, so we don't need to breed indiscriminately like the Big Book of Fairy Tales says we should.

Abortion makes up for the lack of Saber-tooth cats.

And I asked for proof of all that evidence..and got nothing except a lame wiki article. Very lame wiki article.
I'm still waiting for anybody to post something that shows how Pro-Lifers employ the same rhetoric to the same end as Nazis.

I have proven that pro-abortionists use the same arguments to justify killing.

Now please support your statements that pro-lifers do exactly the same.

You haven't proven anything of the sort. You've taken bullshit from anti-abortion websites any historian would find laughable.

Abortion was illegal in Nazi Germany. They even executed people for performing them.

You claims would hold water if we were forcing abortions on people, which no one is. Abortion is a choice.

Actually, wrong, I've taken information from the Nuremburg Trials, from the lips of Nazi doctors, from Hitler, from mein kampf...and it lines right up with what you yahoos are spouting.

PS..the Nazis didn't force abortion on that many women. Their plan was to use VOLUNTARY abortion and PROPAGANDA to encourage women of despised populations to seek abortion on their own.

Just like you do.
Excuse me, I don't have to disprove your ridiculous argument. You made the argument, you prove it.

MY argument was that Nazis & pro-abortionists use the same language to the same purpose.

I made my point and then some.


The only point you've made is that you are some kind of high-functioning retarded person.

Name Calling
"Name Calling" is a device to make us form a judgment without examining the evidence on which it should be based. Here the propagandist appeals to our hate and fear."

Propaganda Techniques of German Fascism - From "Propaganda Analysis"
Brilliant argument!

And the only one you are worthy of at this point... having been proven a liar and an idiot for a week now..

Name Calling
"Name Calling" is a device to make us form a judgment without examining the evidence on which it should be based. Here the propagandist appeals to our hate and fear."

Propaganda Techniques of German Fascism - From "Propaganda Analysis"

PS..the Nazis said Jews were stupid liars as well, to justify their killing machine.
Man, not sure what your fascination with Germany is.

I mean, did someone tell you at some point that saying "Nazi Germany" is like a winner of any argument.

"Hitler was a vegetarian. Therefore meat is good!"

I mean, seriously, I think that worked for a week when they started the internet, but usually, invoking Godwin's Law isn't considered a good argument.


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