Pro abortion and Nazism

I think the pro abortionists have forgotten exactly what it is they're arguing about.

Even with how stupid this thread was originally, it should've ended when a poster showed how genocidal soviet communists were pro-life and someone sarcastically equated you to them for having the same stance on abortion.

But even then, you were too stupid to make the connection.
And it appears you don't understand what the thread is about.

It isn't about communists.

It's about Nazis, and pro-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to promote slaughter of a despised population.

So would you like to try again?
And it appears you don't understand what the thread is about.

It isn't about communists.

It's about Nazis, and pro-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to promote slaughter of a despised population.

So would you like to try again?

Yeah i'll try again.

It's about communists, and anti-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to defy women the right to their womb because of a despised population.

That sounded really REALLY stupid right? That's exactly how you sound.
I'm not a believer in the death penalty, however. I do see a distinction between the state killing adults as punishment for crimes they have committed, and the state sanctioning wholesale slaughter of poor minority infants.
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And it appears you don't understand what the thread is about.

It isn't about communists.

It's about Nazis, and pro-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to promote slaughter of a despised population.

So would you like to try again?

Yeah i'll try again.

It's about communists, and anti-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to defy women the right to their womb because of a despised population.

That sounded really REALLY stupid right? That's exactly how you sound.

Pretty much everything you post sounds really stupid, Drock. I think we all agree on that.

Kindly support your statement with the examples of the identical verbage, please. As I have done to prove my point.
The real Christian realizes at times abortion is necessary and sanctified by God.

The real Christian never worries about what wacks to the far side of God's Truth think about it.

So real Christians aren't supposed to defend the innocent?

You must be reading a different bible than I am.


Beware of any fool who say what "real Christians" believe or for any religion,
they tend to be extremists

Being so judgmental seems to be very "non-Christian"
funny how that works....

You find this a lot with Leftists who tend to think minorities should think a certain way as well
They just love to impose their beliefs on others

Next these extreme fools will be telling us what "real Americans" should think as well

What? Did you miss out on that after 9/11, because I didn't.
And now, back to the (real) topic, we've let the pro-abortionists vacillate enough:

Further, a Nazi decree of October 19, 1941 established abortion on demand as the official policy of Poland. Hitler, however, expressed dissatisfaction with this policy. Abortion, he believed, should NOT be limited to Poland. He therefore ordered that abortion be expanded to all populations under the control of the "Ministry of the Occupied Territories of the East."
On July 22, 1942, the Fuhrer exhibited a highly positive attitude towards abortion as an indispensable method of dealing with the non-German populations in countries under Nazi control. "In view of the large families of the native populations," he asserted, "it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible." Hitler also personally announced that he "would personally shoot" any "such idiot" who "tried to put into practice such an order (forbidding abortion) in the occupied Eastern territories.
Despite contemporary attempts to characterize Hitler as opposed to abortion, the historical evidence clearly and overwhelmingly supports only one possible conclusion: Hitler and his regime were adamantly pro-abortion. To depict Hitler as anti-abortion is a ludicrous as calling him anti-genocide or pro- Jewish. Both Hitler and his government had little regard for human life perceived as subpar, whether born or preborn."

Hitler Pro-Abortion
Neotrotsky judges himself with his own judgement. The point is this: mainstream Christians such as myself understand that God permits abortion under certain circumstances. The far right so-called "christian" conservatives deny that. Their immorality is between them and God.
And now, back to the (real) topic, we've let the pro-abortionists vacillate enough:

Further, a Nazi decree of October 19, 1941 established abortion on demand as the official policy of Poland. Hitler, however, expressed dissatisfaction with this policy. Abortion, he believed, should NOT be limited to Poland. He therefore ordered that abortion be expanded to all populations under the control of the "Ministry of the Occupied Territories of the East."
On July 22, 1942, the Fuhrer exhibited a highly positive attitude towards abortion as an indispensable method of dealing with the non-German populations in countries under Nazi control. "In view of the large families of the native populations," he asserted, "it could only suit us if girls and women there had as many abortions as possible." Hitler also personally announced that he "would personally shoot" any "such idiot" who "tried to put into practice such an order (forbidding abortion) in the occupied Eastern territories.

Despite contemporary attempts to characterize Hitler as opposed to abortion, the historical evidence clearly and overwhelmingly supports only one possible conclusion: Hitler and his regime were adamantly pro-abortion. To depict Hitler as anti-abortion is a ludicrous as calling him anti-genocide or pro- Jewish. Both Hitler and his government had little regard for human life perceived as subpar, whether born or preborn."

Hitler Pro-Abortion

To depict Hitler as pro-abortion when discussing his plans for the German Volk is ludicrous. Look up the abortion prohibitions for Germans under Hitler, hmmm?
And it appears you don't understand what the thread is about.

It isn't about communists.

It's about Nazis, and pro-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to promote slaughter of a despised population.

So would you like to try again?

Yeah i'll try again.

It's about communists, and anti-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to defy women the right to their womb because of a despised population.

That sounded really REALLY stupid right? That's exactly how you sound.

Pretty much everything you post sounds really stupid, Drock. I think we all agree on that.

Kindly support your statement with the examples of the identical verbage, please. As I have done to prove my point.

I know, I sound stupid when I use your words.

What's the verbage matter? I thought it was just the positions that matter?

If a pro-choicer says "I hate Hitler", isn't a pro-choicer still a Nazi to you?
"The Planning Begins. Nazi physicians, ethicists, and planners had been greatly influenced by the thinking of American eugenicists, as described previously in this Chapter. The Hegelian (utilitarian) "ethic" held by the eugenicists deemed that there was such a thing as human life not worth living. Once this initial assumption had been made, of course, the definition of "unworthy" inevitably expanded to suit the needs of those in power at the time.
This type of thinking dovetailed nicely with Hitler's developing philosophy. In his book Main Kampf, he wrote that the government had seven chief responsibilities. One of these was "... to maintain the practice of modern birth control. No diseased or weak person should be allowed to have children."[62]

"In 1933, the compulsory sterilization law for the mentally handicapped and crippled when into effect. On October 8, 1935, Germany promulgates the Erbgesundheitgesetz - "hereditary health laws." One of these laws legalized abortion for "just the hard cases" - rape, incest, and if either parent had a hereditary disease that might lead to deformation of the fetus.[64]

Facts of Life: Chapter 5: The Holocaust Analogy to Abortion: The History of the Nazi Abortion Program
Neotrotsky judges himself with his own judgement. The point is this: mainstream Christians such as myself understand that God permits abortion under certain circumstances. The far right so-called "christian" conservatives deny that. Their immorality is between them and God.

Try to stick to the subject, if you can. The only people who have brought up morality, religion and Christianity in this thread are the pro-abortionists.
Yeah i'll try again.

It's about communists, and anti-abortionists, and how you use the exact same verbage to defy women the right to their womb because of a despised population.

That sounded really REALLY stupid right? That's exactly how you sound.

Pretty much everything you post sounds really stupid, Drock. I think we all agree on that.

Kindly support your statement with the examples of the identical verbage, please. As I have done to prove my point.

I know, I sound stupid when I use your words.

What's the verbage matter? I thought it was just the positions that matter?

If a pro-choicer says "I hate Hitler", isn't a pro-choicer still a Nazi to you?

I don't know. It depends on whether or not that pro-aboritonist supports Nazi practices.

Tell me what the difference is between a toe-the-line Nazi party member, and a person who just supports their practices?
"A short April 27, 1942 statement by Berlin population and demographics expert Professor Heinrich Wetzel (reproduced below in its entirety) summarized the entire Nazi population control program for Eastern Europe. Notice carefully the striking similarities this program has to the one that has been implemented in the United States by pro-abortion groups.

Every propaganda means, especially the press, radio and movies, as well as pamphlets, booklets, and lectures, must be used to instill in the Russian population the idea that it is harmful to have several children. We must emphasize the expenses that children cause, the good things that people could have had with the money spent on them. We could also hint at the dangerous effect of childbearing on a woman's health.
Paralleling such propaganda, a large-scale campaign would be launched in favor of contraceptive devices. A contraceptive industry must be established. Neither the circulation and sale of contraceptives nor abortions must be prosecuted.
It will even be necessary to open special institutions for abortion, and to train midwives and nurses for this purpose. The population will practice abortion all the more willingly if these institutions are competently operated. The doctors must be able to help out, in case there is any question of this being a breach of their professional ethics. Voluntary sterilization must also be recommended by propaganda.[74] "

Facts of Life: Chapter 5: The Holocaust Analogy to Abortion: The History of the Nazi Abortion Program
"Between October of 1947 and March of 1948, the United States Military Tribunal prosecuted the leadership of the RKFDV in its 'Case 8.' One of the charges was that "Protection of the law was denied to the unborn children of the Russian and Polish women in Nazi Germany. Abortions were encouraged and even forced on these women."[77]
One of the RKFDV documents entered into evidence by the U.S. prosecution stated that "It is known that racially inferior offspring of Eastern workers and Poles is to be avoided if at all possible. Although pregnancy interruptions ought to be carried out on a voluntary basis only, pressure is to be applied in each of these cases."[78]
The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal indicted and convicted ten Nazi leaders for "encouraging and compelling abortions," an act which the Tribunal characterized as "a crime against humanity." [79]
As with their other crimes against humanity, the Nazis protested that "we were just following orders." Lieutenant General Richard Hildebrandt, the SS Chief of the RKFVD's Race and Settlement Office in Berlin, stated that "Up to now nobody had the idea to see in this interruption of pregnancy a crime against humanity."[80]

"The Genocide Treaty. With the atrocities of Nazism still fresh in the minds of the world, international lawyers soon drafted the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide," which defines "genocide" as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical (ethnic), racial, or religious group."
Article II of the Convention further defines "genocide" as "imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group."[84] "

Facts of Life: Chapter 5: The Holocaust Analogy to Abortion: The History of the Nazi Abortion Program
Pretty much everything you post sounds really stupid, Drock. I think we all agree on that.

Kindly support your statement with the examples of the identical verbage, please. As I have done to prove my point.

I know, I sound stupid when I use your words.

What's the verbage matter? I thought it was just the positions that matter?

If a pro-choicer says "I hate Hitler", isn't a pro-choicer still a Nazi to you?

I don't know. It depends on whether or not that pro-aboritonist supports Nazi practices.

Tell me what the difference is between a toe-the-line Nazi party member, and a person who just supports their practices?

Nice dodge, you're the one saying rhetoric is what matters.

If someone says I hate Hitler, and says I want abortions legal a few months into pregnancy, is that person a Nazi?
Where did I say rhetoric matters in a debate?

Please post a link.

Meanwhile, your habit of attributing false statements to me is getting stale.
I'll drink to most of that.

I disagree that Sanger was the monster you guys try to make her out to be. Or really trying to tie her into the abortion thing, because she didn't advocate abortion, she advocated contraception, which today, everyone accepts as a sensible practice.

Fair enough
we agree to disagree

But I do hold you responsible for getting Jake so excited about
your oneupmanship on me with the photo

Now he is going to be sending me email all day
and posting on my wall
(it is tough having such a "devoted" flunky)

I just hope he didn't ruin a good pair of pants

i feel kind of bad for him. I don't think the man has any friends. I'm close to putting him on ignore so I don't have to read his drivel.

You can see what I mean with him when I say...

Don't feed the animals

He keeps ups his spam complaining about spam
and his delusion of high self-worth is laughable.
rather sad....
perhaps his extreme thoughts have burnt out his brain
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