Pro abortion and Nazism

Poor Neo. Sadness for the reactionary wack. Pwnd earlier by me. Pwnd by JoeB (JoeB! of all people!!) Supported by koshergirl!!!

The far right wacks so amuse me. :lol:

You've been Pwnd by me a lot more times...

At least Neo is adult enough to admit it.

How about you?

It is like the animals in the zoo

Don't Feed Them

Jake is just excited, because you got me on a point
something he can never do and he constantly trying
to pass his radical ideas off, as the norm by accusing
everyone around him as being "radical"

Sort of like his spam thing - he spams as he accuses people of spamming

I have made a thread in the flame zone for Jake and I to discuss ideas
But he never seems to show up
Funny how that works
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We know quite a bit, including their diet, interaction with animals, general psychology, infant mortality rate, etc.

Hunter-gatherer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Do you get all of your information from wiki?

And I see no evidence of their lifespan. I see an article that says "we know this" and "we know that" with almost zero evidence referenced.

Do you get all your information out of your own internal reality?

Why no, I don't. Hence the many, many links and quotes showing how Nazis used the exact same terminology as baby killers today.

Which is why I feel comfortable laughing at your ridiculous wiki education and sourcing.
PS, I see nothing that makes an estimate of lifespan.

So tell me, is it your MO just to spout nonsense and try to pass it off as "science" or is this a special occasion?

Your statement was that there were few ancient humans. (and, yes, I count species other than Homo Sapiens. I've discovered this new species called Homo Funditardus" It justifies its hate using crappy old books of bullshit.) That article shows that there are plenty.

We know a lot about ancient man, including that he didn't have a long lifespan.

No, you fucking idiot. My statement was that we have very little EVIDENCE of pre-agriculture humans, i.e., OUR ANCESTORS, in response to an idiot comment made by that pseudo-intellectual photo, I think, stating that we know various and assorted specific crap about them...including their lifespan.

And I was absolutely correct.
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If you want to be taken seriously, and make even a moderate showing, you might want to take a step away from wiki and try to at least respond to the conversation that is taking place, instead of random shit you pull out of your ass.

Just a suggestion, of course. I can not and will in no way compel you to stop acting like a 5th grade special ed student. I'm just trying to save you additional embarassment.
Poor Neo. Sadness for the reactionary wack. Pwnd earlier by me. Pwnd by JoeB (JoeB! of all people!!) Supported by koshergirl!!! The far right wacks so amuse me. :lol:
You've been Pwnd by me a lot more times... At least Neo is adult enough to admit it. How about you?

It is like the animals in the zoo Don't Feed Them

Jake is just excited, because you got me on a point something he can never do and he constantly trying to pass his radical ideas off, as the norm by accusing everyone around him as being "radical" Sort of like his spam thing - he spams as he accuses people of spamming I have made a thread in the flame zone for Jake and I to discuss ideas But he never seems to show up Funny how that works

Neo continues to spam here because he can't support his opinions, though I have offered so many times to actually discuss it with him. But because he believes in a priori nonsense, and will not budge from spamming it because he can't support it, I have no trouble having fun with him here.

JoeB pwnd Neo. I have pwnd all three of you (JoeB about Mitt, koshergirl on creationism and evolution, and Neo on American political philosophy and history).

I will continue to do so as surely as you three post here each day, until each of you have learned how to post solid, objective evidence.
I'm sure you mean that the lifespan is theorized to be around 21-25 for humans, prior to agriculture.

But we really don't know much about that period. In fact, close to nothing.

well, hon, perhaps people who try to show there's some "link" between naziism and reproductive choice don't know much, but scientists do. and there's a lot of very good information available.

the only problem is you have to be willing to avail yourself of it.

I know the science. Science got the Nazis in a LOT of trouble. The doctors were the worst monsters of the bunch.
You've been Pwnd by me a lot more times... At least Neo is adult enough to admit it. How about you?

It is like the animals in the zoo Don't Feed Them

Jake is just excited, because you got me on a point something he can never do and he constantly trying to pass his radical ideas off, as the norm by accusing everyone around him as being "radical" Sort of like his spam thing - he spams as he accuses people of spamming I have made a thread in the flame zone for Jake and I to discuss ideas But he never seems to show up Funny how that works

Neo continues to spam here because he can't support his opinions, though I have offered so many times to actually discuss it with him. But because he believes in a priori nonsense, and will not budge from spamming it because he can't support it, I have no trouble having fun with him here.

JoeB pwnd Neo. I have pwnd all three of you (JoeB about Mitt, koshergirl on creationism and evolution, and Neo on American political philosophy and history).

I will continue to do so as surely as you three post here each day, until each of you have learned how to post solid, objective evidence.

What is with you and spam?

Have some for breakfast...:

You really don't know the science, koshergirl, and that keeps getting you in trouble because you discuss things you don't understand.

Yes, the Nazis were bad. Yes, the far right of America on issues of reproduction have much in common with the Nazis.

Spam is OK, and you need to go talk to Neo, who makes a mess of it every time.
Of course I know the science. Not that this thread is about science. It's about the similarities between Nazis and the pro-abortionists, like yourself, who employ the exact same tactics to dupe people into supporting murder.

It's sort of deny the parallel..then when I post the evidence, you call "spam". If there had been internet in Nazi Germany, I'm sure they would have employed that tactic as well.
I'm sure you mean that the lifespan is theorized to be around 21-25 for humans, prior to agriculture.

But we really don't know much about that period. In fact, close to nothing.

Actually, we know quite a lot from the fossils we have found.

Oh, wait, you don't believe in fossils, you believe in talking snakes...

He Joe, since your one of those 'control the population' extremists, are you planning on having children, or do you already have children?
And although it's a complete logical fallacy, not to mention a blatant attempt at distraction in a thread not about science, kindly point out where I've "gotten into trouble" in re: my incorrect understanding of "the science". Whatever "the science" happens to be...

PS...a doctor is the one who came up with the "death to save lives" slogan.
Of course I know the science. Not that this thread is about science. It's about the similarities between Nazis and the pro-abortionists, like yourself, who employ the exact same tactics to dupe people into supporting murder.

It's sort of deny the parallel..then when I post the evidence, you call "spam". If there had been internet in Nazi Germany, I'm sure they would have employed that tactic as well.

Facts that are unrelated by casuality are not links except in your mind.

Most Americans support restricted regulated abortion limited to cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother are moral individuals, many of them who are saved Christians.

Anyone who believes in no abortion anytime anywhere, like you, perverts the love and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Do you get all of your information from wiki?

And I see no evidence of their lifespan. I see an article that says "we know this" and "we know that" with almost zero evidence referenced.

Do you get all your information out of your own internal reality?

Why no, I don't. Hence the many, many links and quotes showing how Nazis used the exact same terminology as baby killers today.

Which is why I feel comfortable laughing at your ridiculous wiki education and sourcing.

Can you at least admit now, that you were lying when you said you weren't judgemental?

And if not lying, you at least incorrectly labeled yourself?

Do you get all of your information from wiki?

And I see no evidence of their lifespan. I see an article that says "we know this" and "we know that" with almost zero evidence referenced.

Do you get all your information out of your own internal reality?

Why no, I don't. Hence the many, many links and quotes showing how Nazis used the exact same terminology as baby killers today.

Which is why I feel comfortable laughing at your ridiculous wiki education and sourcing.

You don't see the irony in your own statement?

That asides, do you have evidence that this article is incorrect? Sources?
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26 Similarities Between America and Nazi Germany

For anyone who wants a good laugh, this is the link Kosher was using to show how America and Nazi Germany are so "similar."

I am not sure why people keep this post alive. It is obviously a case of I have no evidence to back up my viewpoint so I will bring the Nazi's into it and see if anyone will get emotional enough to bite. it is all nonsense, prussic acid was created as a pesticide long before Hitler was even born and Mifepristone was discovered by a German chemist when he was looking for a progesterone inhibitor, but it was not used for an abortion pill until a Swiss chemist thought it would be a safe way to induce abortions. After that the original pharmaceutical company tried to get Germany to approve it for that use and they would not, so they moved manufacturer and sales to the US. So, for those of us who actually have some logic skills, we should chalk this up to more nonsense from a poster that doesn't know the difference. Feel sorry for her instead of making fun of her and move on.
Nazis like the modern social values conservative and reactionary right believe women are secondary to men: no priesthood, limited roles of responsibility, subject to male direction.

The modern American majority that believe in regulated restriction of abortion under certain standards is far more biblical than are those who say no abortion no time.

You seriously believe the bolded??? :lol::lol::lol: Thanks for the laugh... :lol: I'll have to tell my husband that one, that I'm subject to his 'direction', he'll get a good laugh too... :lol:

Well, since it is true, what are you laughing about?
Here ya go Kosher.

^ Marlowe, F. W. (2005). "Hunter-gatherers and human evolution". Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 14 (2): 54–67. doi:10.1002/evan.20046. edit
^ The Last Rain Forests: A World Conservation Atlas by David Attenborough, Mark Collins
^ Fagan, B: People of the Earth, pages 169-181. Scott, Foresman, 1989.
^ Diamond, Jared. (1998). Guns, Germs and Steel. London: Vintage. ISBN 0-09-930278-0.
^ "Atlas of the Human Journey-The Genographic Project". National Geographic Society.. 1996-2008. Retrieved 2009-10-06.
^ "The peopling of the Americas: Genetic ancestry influences health". Scientific American. Retrieved 2009-11-17.
^ "Alternate Migration Corridors for Early Man in North America". American Antiquity, Vol. 44, No. 1 (Jan., 1979), p2. JSTOR 279189.
^ ""Mitochondrial DNA Studies of Native Americans: Conceptions and Misconceptions of the Population Prehistory of the Americas", Evolutionary Anthropology" (pdf). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2003. p. 12:7–18. Retrieved 2009-11-17.
^ Jacobs, James Q. (2001). "The Paleoamericans: Issues and Evidence Relating to the Peopling of the New World". Anthropology and Archaeology Pages. Retrieved 2009-11-17.
^ Broster, John (2002). "Paleoindians in Tennessee". Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. Tennessee Historical Society. Online Edition provided by:The University of Tennessee Press. Retrieved 2009-11-21.
^ "Blame North America Megafauna Extinction On Climate Change, Not Human Ancestors". ScienceDaily. 2001. Retrieved 2010-04-10.
^ Fiedel, Stuart J (1992) (Digitised online by Google books). Prehistory of the Americas. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521425445. Retrieved 2009-11-18.
^ Stuart B. Schwartz, Frank Salomon (1999-12-28) (Digitised online by Google books). The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521630757. Retrieved 2009-11-17.
^ African Bushmen Tour U.S. to Fund Fight for Land
^ a b John Gowdy (1998). Limited Wants, Unlimited Means: A reader on Hunter-Gatherer Economics and the Environment. St Louis: Island Press. pp. 342. ISBN 155963555X.
^ a b Dahlberg, Frances. (1975). Woman the Gatherer. London: Yale university press. ISBN 0-30-02989-6.
^ Erdal, D. & Whiten, A. (1996) "Egalitarianism and Machiavellian Intelligence in Human Evolution" in Mellars, P. & Gibson, K. (eds) Modelling the Early Human Mind. Cambridge MacDonald Monograph Series
^ a b c Thomas M. Kiefer (Spring 2002). "Anthropology E-20". Lecture 8 Subsistence, Ecology and Food production. Harvard University. Retrieved 2008-03-11.
^ Biesele, Megan; Barclay, Steve (March 2001). "Ju/'Hoan Women's Tracking Knowledge And Its Contribution To Their Husbands' Hunting Success". African Study Monographs Suppl.26: 67–84
^ Stefan Lovgren. "Sex-Based Roles Gave Modern Humans an Edge, Study Says". National Geographic News. Retrieved 2008-02-03.
^ Sahlins, M. (1968). "Notes on the Original Affluent Society", Man the Hunter. R.B. Lee and I. DeVore (New York: Aldine Publishing Company) pp. 85-89. ISBN 020233032X
^ Kelly, Robert L. (1995). The Foraging Spectrum: Diversity in Hunter-Gatherer Life ways. Washington: Smithsonian Institution. ISBN 1-56098-465-1.
^ Portera, Claire C.; Marlowe, Frank W. (January 2007). "How marginal are forager habitats?" (PDF). Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (1): 59–68. doi:10.1016/j.jas.2006.03.014.
^ Lee, Richard B. & Daly, Richard, eds., ed (1999). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-60919-4.
^ Kelly, Raymond (October 2005). "The evolution of lethal intergroup violence". PNAS 102 (43): 15294–15298. doi:10.1073/pnas.0505955102. PMC 1266108. PMID 16129826.
^ Wilmsen, Edwin (1989). Land Filled With Flies: A Political Economy of the Kalahari. University Of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-90015-0.
^ Lee, Richard B.; Guenther, Mathias (1995). "Errors Corrected or Compounded? A Reply to Wilmsen". Current Anthropology (36): 298–305.
^ Lee, Richard B. (1992). "Art, Science, or Politics? The Crisis in Hunter-Gatherer Studies". American Anthropologist (94): 31–54.
^ Nicolas Peterson; John Taylor (1998). "Demographic transition in a hunter-gatherer population: the Tiwi case, 1929-1996". Australian Aboriginal Studies (Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies) 1998.
[edit]Further reading

Barnard, A. J., ed. (2004). Hunter-gatherers in history, archaeology and anthropology. Berg. ISBN 1-85973-825-7.
Bettinger, R. L. (1991). Hunter-gatherers: archaeological and evolutionary theory. Plenum Press. ISBN 0-306-43650-7.
Brody, Hugh (2001). The Other Side Of Eden: hunter-gatherers, farmers and the shaping of the world. North Point Press. ISBN 0-571-20502-X.
Lee, Richard B. and Irven DeVore, eds. (1968). Man the hunter. Aldine de Gruyter. ISBN 0-202-33032-X.
Meltzer, David J (2009). First peoples in a new world: colonizing ice age America. University of California, Berkeley. ISBN 0-5202-5052-4.
Morrison, K. D. and L. L. Junker, eds. (2002). Forager-traders in South and Southeast Asia: long term histories. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-01636-3.
Panter-Brick, C., R. H. Layton and P. Rowley-Conwy, eds. (2001). Hunter-gatherers: an interdisciplinary perspective. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-77672-4.
Turnbull, Colin (1987). The Forest People. Touchstone. ISBN 978-0671640996.
[edit]External links

Nature's Secret Larder - Wild Foods & Hunting Tools.
A wiki dedicated to the scientific study of the diversity of foraging societies without recreating myths
Balmer, Yves (2003–2009). "Ethnological videos clips. Living or recently extinct traditional tribal groups and their origins". Andaman Association.

There are some sources, as per the article.

Your sources for your stance on this are...?

I've given up trying to interject reason into this discussion, I'm just trying to figure out where all these conclusions based on misinformation are coming from.

You really are as dumb as dirt.
But here, let's try to communicate like big people do...

What conclusions and what misinformation are you referring to?

My sources are up, thanks, and the point was made repeatedly. You retards use the exact same talking points the Nazis did to justify killing when THEY wanted a particular group of people eliminated.
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I think the pro abortionists have forgotten exactly what it is they're arguing about.

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