Pro abortion and Nazism don't save a species by killing it off. In case you didn't know. To preserve a species with a high mortality rate you need a HIGHER birth rate, not a lower one.

So the whole Nazi concept of "death to preserve life" is no more viable today than it was when the deathcamp docs were spouting it.

No, what you need is a sustainable environment.

The real problem is that we've already messed with the system. Any species that sustains itself does so because it maintains a steady repelacement rate, not an expanding one.

For most of human history, when the life span was only about 40 years and infant mortality was north of 50%, this wasn't an issue. The human species spread across the planet but largely had sustainable numbers.

Then we invented agriculture and medicine and vastly increased our numbers to the point where they aren't sustainable in the long run.

There are regions that are deserts today that were once thriving agricultural centers. But they were stripped bare by farming. Given enough time, even with improvements in agriculture, the whole world is going to look like that, but not before we've wiped out every forest and jungle and swamp trying to maximize foodproduction to feed 7 billion hungry mouths.
She wrote to Gamble

"we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

"Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project". Margaret Sanger Papers Project Newsletter (Margaret Sanger Papers Project) (28). 2002-11-14. Retrieved 2009-01-25

But hey
Eugenius everybody was doing it
So sad how to justify
Such egregious behavior
Really someone's opinion piece on why they think she is good

I can hear it now

"hey eugenics., everybody was doing it"

Everybody still does it.

91% of women who find out they are going to have a Down Syndrome baby abort. We use genetic screening to prevent the birth of Tay-Sachs children.

The fact is, you got caught again, I proved TWO of the quotes you cited were fakes. I could probably debunk the third one if I wanted to waste a perfectly good Sunday Morning, but the fact is, with the fake picture, you've been caught peddling falsehoods three times here.
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left To think, Planned Parenthood gives out awards every year in her name funny how that works :eusa_whistle:

Magaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood Speaking to Democrats
Some of her more famous lines .... On the right of married couples to bear children: Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932 On the purpose of birth control: The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2) On blacks, immigrants and indigents: "...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

How things change over almost a 100 years.

Today Margaret Sanger would be talking to the Hard Right and far righty Republicans.

Some Dems got it, like Richard Byrd, and repented and lived the rest of their lives doing the best they could to make up for it.

Some Dems never did, like Strom Thurmond, and became Pubs and ignored the black illegitimate children.
So sad how to justify
Such egregious behavior
Really someone's opinion piece on why they think she is good

I can hear it now

"hey eugenics., everybody was doing it"

Everybody still does it.

91% of women who find out they are going to have a Down Syndrome baby abort. We use genetic screening to prevent the birth of Tay-Sachs children.

The fact is, you got caught again, I proved TWO of the quotes you cited were fakes. I could probably debunk the third one if I wanted to waste a perfectly good Sunday Morning, but the fact is, with the fake picture, you've been caught peddling falsehoods three times here.

The photo

Like I said, I am sad

I feel like a Papa Obama voter
totally duped

as for the rest, you have presented little

Hey, if you want to be an apologist for a noted racist
because she fits some Leftist template of reality
I will not stop you

But it does speak well for you
She wrote to Gamble

"we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

"Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project". Margaret Sanger Papers Project Newsletter (Margaret Sanger Papers Project) (28). 2002-11-14. Retrieved 2009-01-25

But hey
Eugenius everybody was doing it

Oh, the mother of all fake quotes...

Sanger was aware of African-American concerns,
passionately argued by Marcus Garvey in the 1920s,
that birth control was a threat to the survival of the
black race. This statement, which acknowledges
those fears, is taken from a letter to Clarence J.
Gamble, M.D., a champion of the birth control
movement. In that letter, Sanger describes herstrategy to allay such apprehensions. A larger
portion of the letter makes Sanger's meaning clear:

It seems to me from my experience . . . in
North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and
Texas, that while the colored Negroes have
great respect for white doctors, they can get
closer to their own members and more or
less lay their cards on the table. . . . They
do not do this with the white people, and if
we can train the Negro doctor at the clinic,
he can go among them with enthusiasm and
with knowledge, which, I believe, will have
far-reaching results. . . . His work, in my
opinion, should be entirely with the Negro
profession and the nurses, hospital, social
workers, as well as the County's white
doctors. His success will depend upon his
personality and his training by us.
The minister's work is also important, and
also he should be trained, perhaps by the
Federation, as to our ideals and the goal
that we hope to reach. We do not want
word to go out that we want to exterminate
the Negro population, and the minister is the
man who can straighten out that idea if it
ever occurs (Sanger, 1939, December).

So that makes four misrepresentations you've put out here.
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left To think, Planned Parenthood gives out awards every year in her name funny how that works :eusa_whistle:

Magaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood Speaking to Democrats
Some of her more famous lines .... On the right of married couples to bear children: Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932 On the purpose of birth control: The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2) On blacks, immigrants and indigents: "...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

How things change over almost a 100 years.

Today Margaret Sanger would be talking to the Hard Right and far righty Republicans.

Some Dems got it, like Richard Byrd, and repented and lived the rest of their lives doing the best they could to make up for it.

Some Dems never did, like Strom Thurmond, and became Pubs and ignored the black illegitimate children.

What surprise
Jake the Fake making apologies for Democrats again
Always so quick to defend them
Funny how that works

your moment in the sun awaits you

click here
Last edited:
The photo

Like I said, I am sad

I feel like a Papa Obama voter
totally duped

as for the rest, you have presented little

Hey, if you want to be an apologist for a noted racist
because she fits some Leftist template of reality
I will not stop you

But it does speak well for you

No, guy, you've latched onto a premise that is basically false, and when proven it was false, you've clung to it.

Conservatives are not going to win over blacks by lying about noted liberals.
She wrote to Gamble

"we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

"Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project". Margaret Sanger Papers Project Newsletter (Margaret Sanger Papers Project) (28). 2002-11-14. Retrieved 2009-01-25

But hey
Eugenius everybody was doing it

Oh, the mother of all fake quotes...

Sanger was aware of African-American concerns,
passionately argued by Marcus Garvey in the 1920s,
that birth control was a threat to the survival of the
black race. This statement, which acknowledges
those fears, is taken from a letter to Clarence J.
Gamble, M.D., a champion of the birth control
movement. In that letter, Sanger describes herstrategy to allay such apprehensions. A larger
portion of the letter makes Sanger's meaning clear:

It seems to me from my experience . . . in
North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and
Texas, that while the colored Negroes have
great respect for white doctors, they can get
closer to their own members and more or
less lay their cards on the table. . . . They
do not do this with the white people, and if
we can train the Negro doctor at the clinic,
he can go among them with enthusiasm and
with knowledge, which, I believe, will have
far-reaching results. . . . His work, in my
opinion, should be entirely with the Negro
profession and the nurses, hospital, social
workers, as well as the County's white
doctors. His success will depend upon his
personality and his training by us.
The minister's work is also important, and
also he should be trained, perhaps by the
Federation, as to our ideals and the goal
that we hope to reach. We do not want
word to go out that we want to exterminate
the Negro population, and the minister is the
man who can straighten out that idea if it
ever occurs (Sanger, 1939, December).

So that makes four misrepresentations you've put out here.

You mean since they don't agree with your preferred interpretations
how Progressive of you

Sanger believed that lighter-skinned races were superior to darker-skinned races, but would not tolerate bigotry among her staff, nor any refusal to work within interracial projects.
McCann (1994), pp 150–4. Bigotry: p 153.
See also p 45, The selected papers of Margaret Sanger, Volume 1

She wrote to Gamble

"we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."

"Birth Control or Race Control? Sanger and the Negro Project". Margaret Sanger Papers Project Newsletter (Margaret Sanger Papers Project) (28). 2002-11-14. Retrieved 2009-01-25

she was so good
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Truth is the worst enemy of the Left To think, Planned Parenthood gives out awards every year in her name funny how that works :eusa_whistle:

Magaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood Speaking to Democrats
Some of her more famous lines .... On the right of married couples to bear children: Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932 On the purpose of birth control: The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2) On blacks, immigrants and indigents: "...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

How things change over almost a 100 years.

Today Margaret Sanger would be talking to the Hard Right and far righty Republicans.

Some Dems got it, like Richard Byrd, and repented and lived the rest of their lives doing the best they could to make up for it.

Some Dems never did, like Strom Thurmond, and became Pubs and ignored the black illegitimate children.
What surprise Jake the Fake making apologies for Democrats again Always so quick to defend them Funny how that works your moment in the sun awaits you click here
When you stop spamming, we will consider it.

I defend history, not ideology. JoeB just above kicked your quote's ass up between your shoulders so you can hear him hammering it. You are a pitiful example of an ideologue, Neo. :lol:
Not sure if I'm entirely comfortable being praised by Jake and arguing with Neo...

But the reality is the reality, Sanger was no more racist (and probably less so) that most white folks in 1920. If someone really had the goods on her, they wouldn't need to take quotes out of context or fake quotes, or use photoshopped photos from pro-life websites.
JoeB is right on this based on the facts and history, and Neo is an ideologue who perverts basic source quotes. Everybody can judge for themselves who is right here.
Not sure if I'm entirely comfortable being praised by Jake and arguing with Neo...

But the reality is the reality, Sanger was no more racist (and probably less so) that most white folks in 1920. If someone really had the goods on her, they wouldn't need to take quotes out of context or fake quotes, or use photoshopped photos from pro-life websites.

I hear you
Jake is just happy when someone beats me on a point or shows up a weakness
because he can't do it

I made my stance on abortion to you
and we were pretty much the same

Yes the photo was fake and I admit it
I was duped

But truthfully, I really don't care

But, there is plenty out there to show Sanger for what she really was
I do not buy into the template she was some innocent progressive
She had some sick ideas and it being the times could be an excuse for her
but not for people today

Let us just say
we agree to disagree on her

and we can agree that Jake is still a fake

(that get his knickers into a twist)
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I hear you Jake is just happy when someone beats on a point because he can't do it Look
I made my stance on abortion to you and we were pretty much the same Yes the photo was fake and I admit it I was duped but truthfully, I really don't care But, there is plenty out there to show Sanger for what she really was I do not buy into the template she was some innocent progressive Let us just say we agree to disagree

Let's just say you got your ass kicked and the bolded above says everything that needs to be said about you. You will lie, cheat, and do whatever else to carry your sick ideology. I demonstrated the silliness of your statements, then JoeB caught you out on the quote.

You are what you are: pathetic. :lol:
Sure Jake
it is your story and you can tell it anyway you want

I'm sure Sanger is the kind of Progressive you can identify with


your moment in the sun awaits you

click here
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I'll drink to most of that.

I disagree that Sanger was the monster you guys try to make her out to be. Or really trying to tie her into the abortion thing, because she didn't advocate abortion, she advocated contraception, which today, everyone accepts as a sensible practice.
I'll drink to most of that.

I disagree that Sanger was the monster you guys try to make her out to be. Or really trying to tie her into the abortion thing, because she didn't advocate abortion, she advocated contraception, which today, everyone accepts as a sensible practice.

Fair enough
we agree to disagree

But I do hold you responsible for getting Jake so excited about
your oneupmanship on me with the photo

Now he is going to be sending me email all day
and posting on my wall
(it is tough having such a "devoted" flunky)

I just hope he didn't ruin a good pair of pants
Last edited:
How things change over almost a 100 years.

Today Margaret Sanger would be talking to the Hard Right and far righty Republicans.

Some Dems got it, like Richard Byrd, and repented and lived the rest of their lives doing the best they could to make up for it.

Some Dems never did, like Strom Thurmond, and became Pubs and ignored the black illegitimate children.
What surprise Jake the Fake making apologies for Democrats again Always so quick to defend them Funny how that works your moment in the sun awaits you click here
When you stop spamming, we will consider it.

I defend history, not ideology. JoeB just above kicked your quote's ass up between your shoulders so you can hear him hammering it. You are a pitiful example of an ideologue, Neo. :lol:

Dear Jake:

Please give up on the spam angle. It's not working out for you too well.

I'll drink to most of that.

I disagree that Sanger was the monster you guys try to make her out to be. Or really trying to tie her into the abortion thing, because she didn't advocate abortion, she advocated contraception, which today, everyone accepts as a sensible practice.

Fair enough
we agree to disagree

But I do hold you responsible for getting Jake so excited about
your oneupmanship on me with the photo

Now he is going to be sending me email all day
and posting on my wall
(it is tough having such a "devoted" flunky)

I just hope he didn't ruin a good pair of pants

i feel kind of bad for him. I don't think the man has any friends. I'm close to putting him on ignore so I don't have to read his drivel.

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