Pro abortion and Nazism

Sure enough
just to be clear

My issue with abortion is mostly legal

It was really a State issue that should not have been "Federalized "
Late term abortions should be limited by the states

I view abortion like drugs, if states want to legalize it then more power to them

though I do view both as bad choices, morally.

I agree for the most part, I'm not so sure if I would be so quick to claim a moral standpoint on it though. Really depends on the situation as far as I'm concerned.


I should have clarified the moral part by saying an elective abortion for none of the reasons we spoke of before
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left

To think, Planned Parenthood gives out awards every year in her name
funny how that works

Magaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood
Speaking to Democrats



Okay, I got to call Shennanigans on you, guy. This photo is a FAKE.

OffBigt: Margaret Sanger and the phony KKK picture

The photo has been photoshopped, to put Sanger in the Wagon.

This is the original photo.

Sure enough
just to be clear

My issue with abortion is mostly legal

It was really a State issue that should not have been "Federalized "
Late term abortions should be limited by the states

I view abortion like drugs, if states want to legalize it then more power to them

though I do view both as bad choices, morally.

I agree for the most part, I'm not so sure if I would be so quick to claim a moral standpoint on it though. Really depends on the situation as far as I'm concerned.

I think that the government shouldn't be involved at ANY level. It's a decision between a woman and her doctor.
Truth is the worst enemy of the Left

To think, Planned Parenthood gives out awards every year in her name
funny how that works

Magaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood
Speaking to Democrats



Okay, I got to call Shennanigans on you, guy. This photo is a FAKE.

That is shame
Too bad she still had tmeetings
And quotes are real

Good thing you caught that
Of couse having access to old democrats 's photos must help
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I assumed it was a fake being used to make a point...kind of like the funny photos of Obama in the commie posters...

Since abortion kills more blacks than the democrats KKK ever did
And more than the 7 leading causes of death for blacks

I'm sure she would not be disappointed
That is shame
Too bad she still had tmeetings
And quotes are real

Good thing you caught that
Of couse having access to old democrats 's photos must help

Actually, it took me less than a minute to find that with Google. And really, if you look at the photo, you can tell it's a fake. The part with the Klan babes in it is more sepia than black and white and the resolution on Sanger is different than everything else in the picture.

I suspect if I started researching the quotes, I'll find those are fake, too.

It should also be pointed out that BOTH parties sucked up to the Klan when it was at the political height of its power in the 1920's.
I assumed it was a fake being used to make a point...kind of like the funny photos of Obama in the commie posters...

No, I suspect that like a lot of the other Christian schlubs, he really thought the photo was real...

And instead of just manning up and saying "Whoops", he tried to play it off.

(Neo, I usually like you, man, but I'm a little disappointed.)

But, honestly, every bit of this "Planned Parenthood is a Plot to Kill Black folks" is a lot of fakery. Even the civil rights movement at the time realized that family planning was the key to economic advancement.
That is shame
Too bad she still had tmeetings
And quotes are real

Good thing you caught that
Of couse having access to old democrats 's photos must help

Actually, it took me less than a minute to find that with Google. And really, if you look at the photo, you can tell it's a fake. The part with the Klan babes in it is more sepia than black and white and the resolution on Sanger is different than everything else in the picture.

I suspect if I started researching the quotes, I'll find those are fake, too.

It should also be pointed out that BOTH parties sucked up to the Klan when it was at the political height of its power in the 1920's.

Good luck with that
I assumed it was a fake being used to make a point...kind of like the funny photos of Obama in the commie posters...

No, I suspect that like a lot of the other Christian schlubs, he really thought the photo was real...

And instead of just manning up and saying "Whoops", he tried to play it off.

(Neo, I usually like you, man, but I'm a little disappointed.)

But, honestly, every bit of this "Planned Parenthood is a Plot to Kill Black folks" is a lot of fakery. Even the civil rights movement at the time realized that family planning was the key to economic advancement.

You're a fucking idiot. I'm a Christian and I knew it wasn't real.

Is this really the best you have? If so, just admit defeat now and save our eyes from your idiocy.
Joe continuing to illustrate the similarities between Nazis and abortionists.
What I am saying is that Africa is full of images like THIS!


which we get bombarded with all the time by the Christian Charities

So I'm guessing if they are producing a surplus of food, it ain't getting to the right people.

But thank God his mother didn't have an abortion. I mean, man, he looks like he's having a wonderful life.

You think hurrying the demise of their race will make things better for them? Going along with the plan of those who want them gone?

Of course you do.

Because ultimately, pro-abortionists are Nazis at heart. Some children have worth, some don't. And you have just admitted that child's life is worthless. Thanks for playing.

Gee, terminated as a kidney bean sized fetus or slowly starving to death. YOu think the child in that picture lived? I guess I'm not as cruel as you are, you'd condemn that child to a short, unhappy life of misery because a magic man in the sky said so....ummmm, somewhere.

I'm just not seeing what gain these kids are having living in filth and starving to death...

INcidently, I'm more worried about the demise of an entire world than a 'race' that probably isn't in danger to start with. We've already driven thousands of species out of existence.

No, Nazi.

I'd condemn him to life.

You'd condemn him to death.

See the difference.
I assumed it was a fake being used to make a point...kind of like the funny photos of Obama in the commie posters...

No, I suspect that like a lot of the other Christian schlubs, he really thought the photo was real...

And instead of just manning up and saying "Whoops", he tried to play it off.

(Neo, I usually like you, man, but I'm a little disappointed.)

But, honestly, every bit of this "Planned Parenthood is a Plot to Kill Black folks" is a lot of fakery. Even the civil rights movement at the time realized that family planning was the key to economic advancement.

Too bad for you I am not Christian
Play what off?
The picture is fake
Yes I feel bad
Now I know how people voted for papa Obama must feel

I supple like a lot of lliberal clods
You believe Sanger was just a harmless grandmother type

The picture is closer to reality than the left version of her
Last edited: don't save a species by killing it off. In case you didn't know. To preserve a species with a high mortality rate you need a HIGHER birth rate, not a lower one.

So the whole Nazi concept of "death to preserve life" is no more viable today than it was when the deathcamp docs were spouting it.
Time to walk the dog and rid myself of the vile filth that joe has splattered in here.
Some of her more famous lines ....

On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932

On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

I will deal with these quotes in a minute. It should also be pointed out that at the time she made some of the comments correctly attributed to her, Eugenics was considered to be cutting edge science. We now know it was mostly wrong.

But here's what she had to say about the Eugenics movement...

Eugenists imply or insist that a woman’s first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her first duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that is is her right, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother . . . Only upon a free, self-determining motherhood can rest any unshakable structure of racial betterment. (Source: The Birth Control Review, February 1919)

To take some of these on...

“To create a race of thoroughbreds . . .”
This remark, again attributed originally to Sanger,
was made by Dr. Edward A. Kempf and has been
cited out of context and with distorted meaning. Dr.
Kempf, a progressive physician, was actually
arguing for state endowment of maternal and infant
care clinics.
That's one down...

“As early as 1914 Margaret Sanger was
promoting abortion, not for white middle-class
women, but against 'inferior races' — black
people, poor people, Slavs, Latins, and Hebrews
were 'human weeds.'”
This allegation about Margaret Sanger appears in an
anonymous flyer, "Facts About Planned
Parenthood," that is circulated by anti-family
planning activists. Margaret Sanger, who
passionately believed in a woman's right to control
her body, never "promoted" abortion because it was
illegal and dangerous throughout her lifetime.
urged women to use contraceptives so that they
would not be at risk for the dangers of illegal, backalley
abortion. Sanger never described any ethnic
community as an 'inferior race' or as 'human weeds.'

Two down...

Now, the third one about licenses to have children. I can't really nail that one down. Frankly, though, every time I hear about an Andrea Yates (whacky chrisitan babe drowning her five babies because God told her to.) I kind of think whoever said it might have had a point.
You're a fucking idiot. I'm a Christian and I knew it wasn't real.

Is this really the best you have? If so, just admit defeat now and save our eyes from your idiocy.

Well, you didn't call him on it. In fact, you didn't say anything about it until I figured out it was a fake. Then you were all "well, I knew it was a fake!"

Really? :lol:
Some of her more famous lines ....

On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932

On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)

On blacks, immigrants and indigents:
"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people

I will deal with these quotes in a minute. It should also be pointed out that at the time she made some of the comments correctly attributed to her, Eugenics was considered to be cutting edge science. We now know it was mostly wrong.

But here's what she had to say about the Eugenics movement...

Eugenists imply or insist that a woman’s first duty is to the state; we contend that her duty to herself is her first duty to the state. We maintain that a woman possessing an adequate knowledge of her reproductive functions is the best judge of the time and conditions under which her child should be brought into the world. We further maintain that is is her right, to determine whether she shall bear children or not, and how many children she shall bear if she chooses to become a mother . . . Only upon a free, self-determining motherhood can rest any unshakable structure of racial betterment. (Source: The Birth Control Review, February 1919)

To take some of these on...

“To create a race of thoroughbreds . . .”
This remark, again attributed originally to Sanger,
was made by Dr. Edward A. Kempf and has been
cited out of context and with distorted meaning. Dr.
Kempf, a progressive physician, was actually
arguing for state endowment of maternal and infant
care clinics.
That's one down...

“As early as 1914 Margaret Sanger was
promoting abortion, not for white middle-class
women, but against 'inferior races' — black
people, poor people, Slavs, Latins, and Hebrews
were 'human weeds.'”
This allegation about Margaret Sanger appears in an
anonymous flyer, "Facts About Planned
Parenthood," that is circulated by anti-family
planning activists. Margaret Sanger, who
passionately believed in a woman's right to control
her body, never "promoted" abortion because it was
illegal and dangerous throughout her lifetime.
urged women to use contraceptives so that they
would not be at risk for the dangers of illegal, backalley
abortion. Sanger never described any ethnic
community as an 'inferior race' or as 'human weeds.'

Two down...

Now, the third one about licenses to have children. I can't really nail that one down. Frankly, though, every time I hear about an Andrea Yates (whacky chrisitan babe drowning her five babies because God told her to.) I kind of think whoever said it might have had a point.

So sad how to justify
Such egregious behavior
Really someone's opinion piece on why they think she is good

Sanger believed that lighter-skinned races were superior to darker-skinned races, but would not tolerate bigotry among her staff, nor any refusal to work within interracial projects.
McCann (1994), pp 150–4. Bigotry: p 153.
See also p 45, The selected papers of Margaret Sanger, Volume 1

I can hear it now

"hey eugenics., everybody was doing it"
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You think hurrying the demise of their race will make things better for them? Going along with the plan of those who want them gone?

Of course you do.

Because ultimately, pro-abortionists are Nazis at heart. Some children have worth, some don't. And you have just admitted that child's life is worthless. Thanks for playing.

Gee, terminated as a kidney bean sized fetus or slowly starving to death. YOu think the child in that picture lived? I guess I'm not as cruel as you are, you'd condemn that child to a short, unhappy life of misery because a magic man in the sky said so....ummmm, somewhere.

I'm just not seeing what gain these kids are having living in filth and starving to death...

INcidently, I'm more worried about the demise of an entire world than a 'race' that probably isn't in danger to start with. We've already driven thousands of species out of existence.

No, Nazi.

I'd condemn him to life.

You'd condemn him to death.

See the difference.

Well, if you define life as, "living just long enough to starve to death in extreme agony because I was born in a place where I couldn't be supported."

Kid was going to die either way.

But let's be honest, you "Pro-Life" fugnuts don't give a damn about kids after they are born. It's never about the kids, it's about imposing your views on others.
No doubt the left has names for people who do not tow the party line

[ame=]Abortion and Black Genocide (Barack Obama and the Negro Project) - YouTube[/ame]

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