Pro abortion and Nazism

Exactly how do you change the 'thinking' when the law is saying that it's not only legal but ethical? Why should anyone change how they 'think' about it when society says there's nothing wrong with it to the point of having a specific law saying that it's okay?

The law says you can piss on the flag. Most sensible people don't do it because they know it's disrespectful and serves no purpose.

The reality about abortion is that women are going to have them. Period. Can't get around it. Too easy to get one and the alternatives are usually too severe if you don't choose to have them.

Women were having abortions when they were "illegal". Everyone knew someone who could "take care of that".

We've been down this road already. People are going to drive drunk, period. That doesn't mean you give them the keys and fill up the tank. People are going to commit murder. That doesn't mean you line up victims for them to off.

There is no reason for legalized abortion. It's sole purpose is to eliminate an entire class of children seen as dispensible because they are substandard. That's it, that's the beginning and end of it.

It isn't a coincidence that blacks get 37 percent of abortions..but are only around 13 percent of the population. It's also not a coinicidence that PP sets up shop in poor, black countries. They don't want to save them..they want to eliminate them.
We've been down this road already. People are going to drive drunk, period. That doesn't mean you give them the keys and fill up the tank. People are going to commit murder. That doesn't mean you line up victims for them to off.

Well, you could end the drunk driving problem in five minutes. Require every car to have a blow-meter as standard equipment. Even for non-drinkers. But too many people are making money off the status quo, from owners of bars to jurisdictions that fine people for a "DUI" of .08 (which is barely a good buzz) to people who offer "consuling" programs that are part of the "state mandated" penalties. There's money to be made on the status quo, and they is going to make it!.

There is no reason for legalized abortion. It's sole purpose is to eliminate an entire class of children seen as dispensible because they are substandard. That's it, that's the beginning and end of it.

Bullshit. No one has an abortion who doesn't want one. If they were dragging people into the abortion clinics and forcing abortions on them, your argument might not be nearly as funditarded as it obviousy is.

It isn't a coincidence that blacks get 37 percent of abortions..but are only around 13 percent of the population. It's also not a coinicidence that PP sets up shop in poor, black countries. They don't want to save them..they want to eliminate them.

They set up in poor countries because poor countries haven't gotten their population growth under control, hense why they are still poor countries.

Now, for your silly notion of blacks getting "37% of abortions". You aren't looking at the bigger picture. Blacks also have a larger percentage of out of wedlock births. They also have less access to other forms of birth control, reproductive health, etc.

Yes, PP has more work to do in those communties because they are less likely to have an insurance plan that covers visits to the gynocologist.

So it is a bit condescending for you to imply that black folks are being tricked when they just have the bad luck of being poor.
PP has more work to do in those communities because there are more poor, black people in those communities. Otherwise, they'd set up shop in Bosnia, Russia or CHINA, where there truly are tragedies happening in the name of birth control...oh, wait, those tragedies are happening BECAUSE the government dictates how many children and has made abortion legal, not the other way around.
PS..."population control" is just another name for genocide. And incidentally, Europe is the most densely populated area on the earth.
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"Quantity and Density of Population. Over 600,000,000 people inhabit the territory of Europe. This amounts to one-fifth of the total population of the globe. Europe is second only to Asia in quantity of population.
The average density of population in Europe is 60 persons to the square kilometre . In this respect Europe is first among all other parts of the world.
The population of Europe is unevenly distributed. The northern and south-eastern regions are the most sparsely populated. The areas of highest population density (from 200 to 300 persons and more lo the sq. km.) are: the lower reaches of the Rhine, the centre of Great Britain, the chief coalfields (the Ruhr, Upper Silesian and Donets Basins) and the neighbourhoods of some capitals and large cities (Moscow, for example).
The Peoples of Europe. Most of the inhabitants of Europe are members of the white race."

POPULATION OF EUROPE. Density of Population

Though thrice as large as Europe, its population is almost two and a half times smaller than that of Europe. The average density of population in Africa is 8 persons to the square kilometre, which is much less than in either Europe or Asia.
The population of Africa is unevenly distributed. Most densely populated are the watered lands of the Nile Valley, where agriculture has been in practice from ancient times. Here the number of persons to the square kilometre is over 500. Outside a few such densely peo­pled places, Africa consists mainly of areas that are either very thinly peopled or entirely uninhabited.
The Peoples of Africa. The population of Africa consists of vari­ous peoples and tribes.
The Arabs and Berbers, members of the White (Europeoid) Race, are found in North Africa and in the Sahara. They speak the Arabic language.
The rest of the continent is inhabited mainly by members of the Black (Negroid) Race, with dark skins."

PP has more work to do in those communities because there are more poor, black people in those communities. Otherwise, they'd set up shop in Bosnia, Russia or CHINA, where there truly are tragedies happening in the name of birth control...oh, wait, those tragedies are happening BECAUSE the government dictates how many children and has made abortion legal, not the other way around.

China followed an extreme policy because of an extreme situation. We are talking about a country which is the same size as the US and has four times as many people. Now, the "one child" policy is going to have severe consequences down the road, but the alternatives would have been worse.

Bosnia doesn't need birth control, they had so many people ethnically cleansed in the name of religion it wasn't funny. God wants me to murder my neighbor. Really. ahhh, Holy War. The ultimate oxymoron.

PS..."population control" is just another name for genocide. And incidentally, Europe is the most densely populated area on the earth.

It's also heavily developed in terms of infrastructure, agriculture etc to support that large of a population. Africa is not. Latin America is not. Asia is catching up.

But the point remains, the developed world is one that has gotten control on population growth. The undeveloped world hasn't. And not suprisingly, the world's poorest countries- Latin America, the Phillippines, Haiti, are places dominated by the Roman Catholic Church and it's ludicrous positions on birth contorl.

The real Christian realizes at times abortion is necessary and sanctified by God.

The real Christian never worries about what wacks to the far side of God's Truth think about it.
So real Christians aren't supposed to defend the innocent? You must be reading a different bible than I am.

So you hate all mothers who are going to die in child birth because you believe all abortion is immoral? Really?

You remind of the demons who knew Jesus, and trembled before His name.

The real Christian realizes at times abortion is necessary and sanctified by God.

The real Christian never worries about what wacks to the far side of God's Truth think about it.

So real Christians aren't supposed to defend the innocent?

You must be reading a different bible than I am.


Beware of any fool who say what "real Christians" believe or for any religion,
they tend to be extremists

Being so judgmental seems to be very "non-Christian"
funny how that works....

You find this a lot with Leftists who tend to think minorities should think a certain way as well
They just love to impose their beliefs on others

Next these extreme fools will be telling us what "real Americans" should think as well
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Pro-choicers are monsters, and they have the exact same mindset as those who supported the Nazis.

Or, by failure to act, supported the Nazis.

It's all the same. Look at the terminology they use.

This is why Christians who support restricted and regulated don't use those terms.

Any individual who opposes all abortion has far more in common with Nazis.

Actually, no.

Unless you can point to some verbage that supports killing in the name of protecting us from all the harm that will be done to us by the populations that need to be eradicated...

You can't, so that's an end to that, I guess.

Rape doesn't exist, medical complications don't exist.

Humans are perfect and flawless creatures.
PP has more work to do in those communities because there are more poor, black people in those communities. Otherwise, they'd set up shop in Bosnia, Russia or CHINA, where there truly are tragedies happening in the name of birth control...oh, wait, those tragedies are happening BECAUSE the government dictates how many children and has made abortion legal, not the other way around.

China followed an extreme policy because of an extreme situation. We are talking about a country which is the same size as the US and has four times as many people. Now, the "one child" policy is going to have severe consequences down the road, but the alternatives would have been worse.

Bosnia doesn't need birth control, they had so many people ethnically cleansed in the name of religion it wasn't funny. God wants me to murder my neighbor. Really. ahhh, Holy War. The ultimate oxymoron.

PS..."population control" is just another name for genocide. And incidentally, Europe is the most densely populated area on the earth.

It's also heavily developed in terms of infrastructure, agriculture etc to support that large of a population. Africa is not. Latin America is not. Asia is catching up.

But the point remains, the developed world is one that has gotten control on population growth. The undeveloped world hasn't. And not suprisingly, the world's poorest countries- Latin America, the Phillippines, Haiti, are places dominated by the Roman Catholic Church and it's ludicrous positions on birth contorl.

Again. Population control IS genocide, when it's promoted by the state.

Incidentally, Africa produces much of the world's food. You need to bone up, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and you have very, very little knowledge.
PP has more work to do in those communities because there are more poor, black people in those communities. Otherwise, they'd set up shop in Bosnia, Russia or CHINA, where there truly are tragedies happening in the name of birth control...oh, wait, those tragedies are happening BECAUSE the government dictates how many children and has made abortion legal, not the other way around.

China followed an extreme policy because of an extreme situation. We are talking about a country which is the same size as the US and has four times as many people. Now, the "one child" policy is going to have severe consequences down the road, but the alternatives would have been worse.

Bosnia doesn't need birth control, they had so many people ethnically cleansed in the name of religion it wasn't funny. God wants me to murder my neighbor. Really. ahhh, Holy War. The ultimate oxymoron.

PS..."population control" is just another name for genocide. And incidentally, Europe is the most densely populated area on the earth.

It's also heavily developed in terms of infrastructure, agriculture etc to support that large of a population. Africa is not. Latin America is not. Asia is catching up.

But the point remains, the developed world is one that has gotten control on population growth. The undeveloped world hasn't. And not suprisingly, the world's poorest countries- Latin America, the Phillippines, Haiti, are places dominated by the Roman Catholic Church and it's ludicrous positions on birth contorl.

Again. Population control IS genocide, when it's promoted by the state.

Incidentally, Africa produces much of the world's food. You need to bone up, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and you have very, very little knowledge.

5 Logical Fallacies That Make You Wrong More Than You Think |

This is why Christians who support restricted and regulated don't use those terms.

Any individual who opposes all abortion has far more in common with Nazis.

Actually, no.

Unless you can point to some verbage that supports killing in the name of protecting us from all the harm that will be done to us by the populations that need to be eradicated...

You can't, so that's an end to that, I guess.

Rape doesn't exist, medical complications don't exist.

Humans are perfect and flawless creatures.

The old straw man. It has never been illegal to obtain an abortion in the case of medical necessity, and I've never heard of anyone who was raped, pre-RvW, being "forced" to carry the loathesome child to term.

And let's look a little closer..which side is claiming that it's not murder to slaughter babies? Is it murder to kill old people? What if they sign a release first?
And..btw, those arguments were also used by the Nazis. "Abortion is necessary to protect life". That was the Nazi doctor mantra.
Actually, no.

Unless you can point to some verbage that supports killing in the name of protecting us from all the harm that will be done to us by the populations that need to be eradicated...

You can't, so that's an end to that, I guess.

Rape doesn't exist, medical complications don't exist.

Humans are perfect and flawless creatures.

The old straw man. It has never been illegal to obtain an abortion in the case of medical necessity, and I've never heard of anyone who was raped, pre-RvW, being "forced" to carry the loathesome child to term.

And let's look a little closer..which side is claiming that it's not murder to slaughter babies? Is it murder to kill old people? What if they sign a release first?

You are making the absolutist claim that people who get abortions in any situation are comparable to Nazi's.

I'm telling you that you have absolutely no idea how big of a non sequitur your position on this is.

Funny that every known medical definition of the word baby begins at birth, and not prior. Not sure why you continue to use it.
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Again. Population control IS genocide, when it's promoted by the state.

Incidentally, Africa produces much of the world's food. You need to bone up, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and you have very, very little knowledge.

Oh, really? Well, gee, we keep seeing those african kids with the distended bellies, why again?

Nothing wrong with population control when it's practiced before birth.

Practicing it after birth through war, ethnic cleansing, famine, plague... that's a bit harsh.

Fact is, the world has too many people on it right now. We need to get that number down, not up.

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