Pro abortion and Nazism


How can we dare claim ourselves to be civilized when we support the murder of those who commit wrongdoings?.

You are misusing terms and assigning them values not inherent in their accepted definitions. You should really stop talking about logic because you don't seem to understand it at all.

A civilized and lawful society would never have a penalty that cannot be reversed.

A) Your subjective and arbitrary attempts at redefining terms is irrational and has no determinative impact on reality.

B) No penalty can ever be reversed.
Wow, finally an answer I can agree with you on. I'm glad for you that you at least answered 'yes'. But, your second comment begs the question as to how you can judge someone to be 'holier than thou' then as well? Aren't you being 'morally righteous' in return with your judgment? Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. In my opinion at least.

Who am I judging to be holier than thou? Even with our disagreements on here on basically everything kosher might be more moral than me, might not be, I dunno her well enough to know or not. If her posting on this message board is actually her, and not some message board schtick I think she has some serious insecurity issues but insecurity issues don't have a negative impact on someone's morality.

To be fair, you have claimed her to be acting "holier than thou" several times.

Granted that is not the same as saying she truly has the mentality as such, but the words have been said.

Yes, I have claimed her to be acting holier than thou.

But I dunno if she is holier than thou or not. I don't believe I've stated either way. If I have, I shouldn't have.

She's saying a stance on the abortion issue makes someone similar to a nazi, why can't Phototonic say a stance on the abortion issue makes someone a communist?.

You are misrepresenting her claim in order to apply an entirely different criteria to an entirely different circumstance.

You are both illogical and dishonest.

OR, maybe you're just stupid. Either way...
[A civilized and lawful society would never have a penalty that cannot be reversed..
A) Your subjective and arbitrary attempts at redefining terms is irrational and has no determinative impact on reality. B) No penalty can ever be reversed.

Speaks idiotyappy. :lol: If you are a believing Christian, you believe death was reversed. If you are not, then your comments about this really are only idiot yipping by you. :lol:

She's saying a stance on the abortion issue makes someone similar to a nazi, why can't Phototonic say a stance on the abortion issue makes someone a communist?.

You are misrepresenting her claim in order to apply an entirely different criteria to an entirely different circumstance.

You are both illogical and dishonest.

OR, maybe you're just stupid. Either way...

Not misrepresenting it in the slightest. She's been spending this entire thread equating pro-choicers to Nazis.

A better tactic if you absolutely have to be on her side, is defend her equating pro-choicers to Nazis.

Plus that's far more entertaining for me.
[A civilized and lawful society would never have a penalty that cannot be reversed..
A) Your subjective and arbitrary attempts at redefining terms is irrational and has no determinative impact on reality. B) No penalty can ever be reversed.

Speaks idiotyappy. :lol: If you are a believing Christian, you believe death was reversed. If you are not, then your comments about this really are only idiot yipping by you. :lol:

You are easily one of the top 5 most stupid sons of bitches on this board.

She's saying a stance on the abortion issue makes someone similar to a nazi, why can't Phototonic say a stance on the abortion issue makes someone a communist?.

You are misrepresenting her claim in order to apply an entirely different criteria to an entirely different circumstance.

You are both illogical and dishonest.

OR, maybe you're just stupid. Either way...

Not misrepresenting it in the slightest. She's been spending this entire thread equating pro-choicers to Nazis..

So, you want to go with 'just stupid,' is that your choice?

She can speak for herself, but it is obvious to anyone with a reasonable command of the English language that she was not saying pro-abortionists are Nazis. She did not say your ilk wear Nazi uniforms, plan to invade Poland, or even that you pro-abortionists are the same in degree or kind with the Nazis in human extermination. She pointed out that you fall back on similar excuses and justifications for immoral acts that result in the unnecessary taking of human life. Suggesting that she equates you pro-abortionists with Nazis in any fashion beyond the reliance on such excuses and justifications is in fact a misrepresentation. Attempting to then apply such misrepresentation to an entirely different set of circumstances and somehow conclude that opposition to abortion therefore equates to agreement with all of the policies of Stalin is grossly illogical in its basic premise and its reliance on a misrepresentation.

Do you understand now, idiot?
hitler liked dogs, so if you like dogs, you are like hitler........

hitler liked to paint, so if you like to paint you are liek hitler......

the nazis started the volkswagon company, so if you drive a vw, you are like a nazi.......

abortion was outlawed in nazi germany, so if you are anti abortion, you are like the nazis.......

nazis believed in a strong military, so if you suport military spending, you are llike a nazi.....

nazis believed in strong national pride, so if you love your country, you are like a nazi.......

the nazis used the assembly line that henry ford developed, so assembly lines are like the nazi.....


like the op, there is no rational to the argument, it is used only to illicit an emotional response of comparing an action to nazism........

it is a debate tactic used when you have no actual argument to put forward........ and a sure sign that you know your argument is on the wrong side and its a last ditch effort to turn people against the other side by comparing them to nazis........

if a persons argument was strong, then a nazi comparison would not be needed......
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You are misrepresenting her claim in order to apply an entirely different criteria to an entirely different circumstance.

You are both illogical and dishonest.

OR, maybe you're just stupid. Either way...

Not misrepresenting it in the slightest. She's been spending this entire thread equating pro-choicers to Nazis..

So, you want to go with 'just stupid,' is that your choice?

She can speak for herself, but it is obvious to anyone with a reasonable command of the English language that she was not saying pro-abortionists are Nazis. She did not say your ilk wear Nazi uniforms, plan to invade Poland, or even that you pro-abortionists are the same in degree or kind with the Nazis in human extermination. She pointed out that you fall back on similar excuses and justifications for immoral acts that result in the unnecessary taking of human life. Suggesting that she equates you pro-abortionists with Nazis in any fashion beyond the reliance on such excuses and justifications is in fact a misrepresentation. Attempting to then apply such misrepresentation to an entirely different set of circumstances and somehow conclude that opposition to abortion therefore equates to agreement with all of the policies of Stalin is grossly illogical in its basic premise and its reliance on a misrepresentation. Do you understand now, idiot?

You just misrepresented her misrepresentation of Americans today and Nazis then, UnkaYappy. You are either a ideologue or brain-damaged. Possibly both. You are a "bigrebnc1775" clone in some ways, but you are even more damaged than he. Well, tis what tis, UnkaYappy. :lol:
Not misrepresenting it in the slightest. She's been spending this entire thread equating pro-choicers to Nazis..

So, you want to go with 'just stupid,' is that your choice?

She can speak for herself, but it is obvious to anyone with a reasonable command of the English language that she was not saying pro-abortionists are Nazis. She did not say your ilk wear Nazi uniforms, plan to invade Poland, or even that you pro-abortionists are the same in degree or kind with the Nazis in human extermination. She pointed out that you fall back on similar excuses and justifications for immoral acts that result in the unnecessary taking of human life. Suggesting that she equates you pro-abortionists with Nazis in any fashion beyond the reliance on such excuses and justifications is in fact a misrepresentation. Attempting to then apply such misrepresentation to an entirely different set of circumstances and somehow conclude that opposition to abortion therefore equates to agreement with all of the policies of Stalin is grossly illogical in its basic premise and its reliance on a misrepresentation. Do you understand now, idiot?

You just misrepresented her misrepresentation of Americans today and Nazis then, UnkaYappy. You are either a ideologue or brain-damaged. Possibly both. You are a "bigrebnc1775" clone in some ways, but you are even more damaged than he. Well, tis what tis, UnkaYappy. :lol:

Go away little dog, you can't keep up.

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