Pro abortion and Nazism

And no it's not because of their beliefs, I already said the vast majority of my family are also christian and are great people, they just don't use it as an excuse to morally talk down to people, the way you do.

What exactly have I used "to morally talk down to people" jackass? Be careful, you are close to making more of a fool of yourself.

Here's the the thing with baby killers...they KNOW what they are promoting and supporting is wrong, so they assume that everybody who speaks out against it is necessarily attacking them, personally, and judging them, personally.

I've never seen anyone who sucks more at assumption making than you.

If you can introduce me to one pro-choicer who thinks their pro-choice stance is morally wrong, I'll listen.
Only a high class, great human being goes out of his way to call ppl he doesn't know on the internet jackasses and sons of bitches. I concede that.

You are known here by your words here, and yours are those of a jackass and a son of a bitch.
What does what they think about it have to do with anything? Are you saying a person who thinks they are right can't commit a crime?

Yes, that is what you're saying. And of course it's complete hogwash, and stupid besides. It isn't even worthy of responding to, except to point out that that is indeed what you are saying...
PS...I got the highest score one can get on the comprehension portion of my SATS, and an A in critical thinking.

I can't do math for shit, but I'm fairly comfortable with my ability to get at the kernel of understanding. I've built a career on extracting information from brain-addled idiots, this is a walk in the park.
And no it's not because of their beliefs, I already said the vast majority of my family are also christian and are great people, they just don't use it as an excuse to morally talk down to people, the way you do.

What exactly have I used "to morally talk down to people" jackass? Be careful, you are close to making more of a fool of yourself.

Left-wing pro-abortionists like you are desperate to believe that so you can hide from the basic moral dilema of your inhuman position.


Was there some 'Christian' aspect to my pointing out the obvious there, jackass? Pretending there is no moral component (the central one) to the issue of abortion is exactly the kind of avoidance and denial that I was referring to.
Here's one, I've never talked to one pro-choicer who thinks their position is inhumane, but you pretend we think that so that you can feel morally superior.

Ok, I see the problem here. You are too shit-all stupid to even understand the words to which you are attempting to respond. Come back when you've learned a little more of the English language, champ.
And no it's not because of their beliefs, I already said the vast majority of my family are also christian and are great people, they just don't use it as an excuse to morally talk down to people, the way you do.

What exactly have I used "to morally talk down to people" jackass? Be careful, you are close to making more of a fool of yourself.

Left-wing pro-abortionists like you are desperate to believe that so you can hide from the basic moral dilema of your inhuman position.

Here's one, I've never talked to one pro-choicer who thinks their position is inhumane, but you pretend we think that so that you can feel morally superior.

I don't have such insecurities, hopefully your 3rd grade insults toward me are making you feel better about yourself. Anything I can do to help.

Is there ever a case where one person actually is morally superior to another? Are you morally superior to those who only think they're morally superior because of their supposed 'insecurities'. How do you tell the difference?? Do you use your moral superiorness to determine who actually is versus those who only think they are? :lol:
Here's one, I've never talked to one pro-choicer who thinks their position is inhumane, but you pretend we think that so that you can feel morally superior.

Ok, I see the problem here. You are too shit-all stupid to even understand the words to which you are attempting to respond. Come back when you've learned a little more of the English language, champ.

Drock is one of those we lovingly label "relativist" or "apologist". In other words, there is nothing bad or wrong on the earth...everything is relative. Including murder, torture, slavery, rape, and a variety of other crimes against humanity.

So long as it's LEGAL it's A-OK in Drock's book. So long as the people who are committing the crime think that what they're doing is the RIGHT thing, then move along folks, there's nothing to see here....everything's peachy.
Here's one, I've never talked to one pro-choicer who thinks their position is inhumane, but you pretend we think that so that you can feel morally superior.

Ok, I see the problem here. You are too shit-all stupid to even understand the words to which you are attempting to respond. Come back when you've learned a little more of the English language, champ.

Drock is one of those we lovingly label "relativist" or "apologist". In other words, there is nothing bad or wrong on the earth...everything is relative. Including murder, torture, slavery, rape, and a variety of other crimes against humanity.

So long as it's LEGAL it's A-OK in Drock's book. So long as the people who are committing the crime think that what they're doing is the RIGHT thing, then move along folks, there's nothing to see here....everything's peachy.

You are trying really hard to relate your position to one of moral superiority, aren't you?

Do you enjoy looking down on people, oh moral one?
That's right, nobody should state "it's wrong to kill babies" because in doing so, they are saying that people who kill babies are doing the wrong thing.

So...let's review:

1. Murder isn't murder if the majority is okay with it.
2. Murder isn't murder if the law allows it.
3. Murder isn't murder if the murderer doesn't think he's done anything wrong.
4. When we see familiar patterns developing, we must never reference history.
5. Defending the innocent against wholesale slaughter in the face of overwhelming opposition means you are a judgmental ass. You should stop.
6. People who show the similarities between the language justifying crimes against humanity and the language justifying crimes against humanity TODAY are just dumb.

Does that cover it?

Brilliant argument! I am duly chagrined.
That's right, nobody should state "it's wrong to kill babies" because in doing so, they are saying that people who kill babies are doing the wrong thing.

So...let's review:

1. Murder isn't murder if the majority is okay with it.
2. Murder isn't murder if the law allows it.
3. Murder isn't murder if the murderer doesn't think he's done anything wrong.
4. When we see familiar patterns developing, we must never reference history.
5. Defending the innocent against wholesale slaughter in the face of overwhelming opposition means you are a judgmental ass. You should stop.
6. People who show the similarities between the language justifying crimes against humanity and the language justifying crimes against humanity TODAY are just dumb.

Does that cover it?

Brilliant argument! I am duly chagrined.


Now prove that a clump of cells is a baby.

You probably think that ejaculating is committing murder, or being on your period is murder.

Or when the male body breaks down excess semen for protein is murder.

You should stop killing animals, they are pretty genetically close to humans, that's murder too.

(Why do you go up against so much medical knowledge?)
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You probably think that ejaculating is committing murder, or being on your period is murder.

Or when the male body breaks down excess semen for protein is murder.

You should stop killing animals, they are pretty genetically close to humans, that's murder too.

(Why do you go up against so much medical knowledge?)

If you can't see how none of your comments there make any sense then you are even more idiotic than Dr. Dopey.
That's right, nobody should state "it's wrong to kill babies" because in doing so, they are saying that people who kill babies are doing the wrong thing.

So...let's review:

1. Murder isn't murder if the majority is okay with it.
2. Murder isn't murder if the law allows it.
3. Murder isn't murder if the murderer doesn't think he's done anything wrong.
4. When we see familiar patterns developing, we must never reference history.
5. Defending the innocent against wholesale slaughter in the face of overwhelming opposition means you are a judgmental ass. You should stop.
6. People who show the similarities between the language justifying crimes against humanity and the language justifying crimes against humanity TODAY are just dumb.

Does that cover it?

Brilliant argument! I am duly chagrined.


Now prove that a clump of cells is a baby.

You probably think that ejaculating is committing murder, or being on your period is murder.

Or when the male body breaks down excess semen for protein is murder.

You should stop killing animals, they are pretty genetically close to humans, that's murder too.

(Why do you go up against so much medical knowledge?)

I don't have to prove anything except that those who support abortion and Nazi propagandists use the exact same arguments.

Chief among them...that the victims aren't "human". Thank you. I like it when drive-by idiots stop in to further prove what has already been proven. It revitalizes the argument. Well maybe not for you, but for me. It reminds me, and everybody else, of how correct my argument is.
PS...I got the highest score one can get on the comprehension portion of my SATS, and an A in critical thinking.

I can't do math for shit, but I'm fairly comfortable with my ability to get at the kernel of understanding. I've built a career on extracting information from brain-addled idiots, this is a walk in the park.

And anytime someone says something on the internet, everyone should believe it.

I don't believe your BS about your SAT.
What exactly have I used "to morally talk down to people" jackass? Be careful, you are close to making more of a fool of yourself.

Left-wing pro-abortionists like you are desperate to believe that so you can hide from the basic moral dilema of your inhuman position.

Here's one, I've never talked to one pro-choicer who thinks their position is inhumane, but you pretend we think that so that you can feel morally superior.

I don't have such insecurities, hopefully your 3rd grade insults toward me are making you feel better about yourself. Anything I can do to help.

Is there ever a case where one person actually is morally superior to another? Are you morally superior to those who only think they're morally superior because of their supposed 'insecurities'. How do you tell the difference?? Do you use your moral superiorness to determine who actually is versus those who only think they are? :lol:

No I didn't say I was morally superior. But those throwing around constant 3rd grade name-calling on the internet are certainly showing insecurities in my opinion.

I don't know any of you, maybe you're morally superior to me maybe you're not.
PS...I got the highest score one can get on the comprehension portion of my SATS, and an A in critical thinking.

I can't do math for shit, but I'm fairly comfortable with my ability to get at the kernel of understanding. I've built a career on extracting information from brain-addled idiots, this is a walk in the park.

And anytime someone says something on the internet, everyone should believe it.

I don't believe your BS about your SAT.

I don't care if you believe it or not. But my ability to comprehend stands alone, and far supercedes your own.
"they're just a clump of cells":

" In many cases, in many instances of genocide, victims are dehumanized. First, the humanity of the victim group has to be withdrawn from it before perpetrators can proceed to destroy the group without remorse. We stop seeing them as other human beings that are embodiment of flesh and blood.
For instance, in Nazi Germany, the Jews were presented to the German public as vermin or lice. In Cambodia, from 1975 to 1979, Pol Pot used to describe western-educated intellectuals as microbes. In Rwanda, in 1994, the Hutus were constructed as cockroaches and snakes.
So very often the victim group is portrayed in animal metaphors that reduce their humanity to a level that allows perpetrators to proceed to destroy them. They are often presented as a threat to the dominant group of perpetrators in the society. They are also presented as a degenerate species of humankind whose elimination is necessary for that society to develop and progress. "

Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State . Understanding Auschwitz Today . Origins | PBS
Here's one, I've never talked to one pro-choicer who thinks their position is inhumane, but you pretend we think that so that you can feel morally superior.

Ok, I see the problem here. You are too shit-all stupid to even understand the words to which you are attempting to respond. Come back when you've learned a little more of the English language, champ.

Drock is one of those we lovingly label "relativist" or "apologist". In other words, there is nothing bad or wrong on the earth...everything is relative. Including murder, torture, slavery, rape, and a variety of other crimes against humanity.

So long as it's LEGAL it's A-OK in Drock's book. So long as the people who are committing the crime think that what they're doing is the RIGHT thing, then move along folks, there's nothing to see here....everything's peachy.

Yeah I'm the one who says everything is relative.

You're the one who says eating shellfish is as bad of a sin as murder.

You're the one who says what an anonymous person posts on the internet makes him/her equal to a Nazi.

This is the best example of Freud's projecting I've ever seen.
PS...I got the highest score one can get on the comprehension portion of my SATS, and an A in critical thinking.

I can't do math for shit, but I'm fairly comfortable with my ability to get at the kernel of understanding. I've built a career on extracting information from brain-addled idiots, this is a walk in the park.

And anytime someone says something on the internet, everyone should believe it.

I don't believe your BS about your SAT.

I don't care if you believe it or not. But my ability to comprehend stands alone, and far supercedes your own.

I agree, the best evidence of that is your ability to comprehend biology.

I got an A in college biology as well.

"I am tempted to give you three important examples of things that should exist in a society for genocide to be prevented. Religious morality is one. But Rwanda was a religious society. It was 90% Catholic and then 10% Muslim and yet, this is a society that within hundred days eliminated between 800,000 and one million people.
I could say democracy should probably be another element. But Rwanda was a democratic society to the extent that there was free press, and people had the opportunity to express themselves without hindrance. It was that democratic value that existed in Rwandan society that allowed newspapers and radio stations the freedom to spread hate speech.
So the only thing that I am left with in answer to your question, is that democracy does not cut it. Religious morality does not cut it. Free press does not cut it. All three even facilitate genocide.
Perhaps the only element that could to be in a society for genocide to be prevented is a collective sense of awareness that our individual security is also important for the betterment of the entire society. And, therefore, eliminating one individual because that individual has an ethnic affinity or religious belief that is different from you is, indeed, dangerous to the survival of the society. "

Auschwitz: Inside the Nazi State . Understanding Auschwitz Today . Origins | PBS

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