Pro abortion and Nazism

Essentially what Joe is saying is that laws that laws that are often broken should be changed to make the illegal behavior legal?

Does this go for rape, too? After all, it's pretty common. Let's just make rape legal!

How about drunk driving? Lots of people drive drunk..let's make it legal!

Sex abuse of minors is rampant...let's make that legal, while we're at it.

And human trafficking! It's much too difficult to stop, let's have slaves again...particularly underage sex slaves. That's the ticket!

No, not saying that at all.

But I'm starting to conclude you are "Funditarded", and even if I did explain it to you, you still wouldn't understand.

Gotta go to work, maybe if I'm in a good mood, I'll school you one more time.

Most of my family are normal good christians, but I've got a couple of these Funditarded types in my family as well.

They pretend when they're spitting their holier than thou, self-righteous bullshit that they're doing it for other people's benefit, or to help others. When the obvious reality is the whole reason they're doing it is because their insecurities are so overwhelming that they have to tell as many people, as loud and as often as they can, that they're morally superior to rest of the world and how the rest of the world should be like them.

Purely selfish reasons, and it's obvious to everyone besides the person they're looking at in the mirror.
I think by the definition that if you are an "I've got Mine, Fuck you" wing of the Republican Party, you would need to have a lot more social programs to support these kids.

Sadly, it's the wing that is going to impose Romney on us, and he'll probably appoint pro-Choice justices. But they will get people like you and Koshergirl all upset about Abortion, while they quietly appoint justices (O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter) who've kept abortion very much legal.

Here's the ironic thing. The US has the highest rate of abortion in the industrialized world. Most of the rest of the world not only has legal abortion with no whinging about it, but the government actually pays for abortion. France, for instance, has half as many abortions per capita as we do.

Yet they also have socialized medicine, cradle to grave benefits, and huge taxes on the wealthy to pay for it all. All the thing Republicans are against. At least the "I've Got Mine" wing.

Brought to you by: DNC Talking Points, Far-Left Division.

As a practice, though. It's bullshit. Because Abortions laws were like the prostutition laws are now. 49 states make prostitution a crime, but the fact is, you can get a hooker in any one of them. You can find them on line, or on a street corner, or a strip joint or massage parlor. And every once in a while, law enforcement pretends it cares and hassles them. .

Failed liberal logic.
Unkotare on behalf of everyone, thanks for your well thought out and very rational and intellectual posts.

Keep them coming.
Look who's talking. You think that publicly denigrating your own family members for their religious beliefs (and claiming your own mind reading powers while doing so) is "intellectual"? Guess again, jackass.

In just 2011 24 states have enacted 52 new legal restrictions on abortion.
Look who's talking. You think that publicly denigrating your own family members for their religious beliefs (and claiming your own mind reading powers while doing so) is "intellectual"? Guess again, jackass.

So if you share genes with someone they're automatically great people? Okie dokie.

And no it's not because of their beliefs, I already said the vast majority of my family are also christian and are great people, they just don't use it as an excuse to morally talk down to people, the way you do.

Cheer up, the weekend is almost here :razz:.
Look who's talking. You think that publicly denigrating your own family members for their religious beliefs (and claiming your own mind reading powers while doing so) is "intellectual"? Guess again, jackass.

So if you share genes with someone they're automatically great people? Okie dokie.:.

Only a no-class, low life, son of a bitch goes out of his way to tear down his own family in public in the hopes of impressing a bunch of strangers who couldn't give less of a shit when all is said and done.
And no it's not because of their beliefs, I already said the vast majority of my family are also christian and are great people, they just don't use it as an excuse to morally talk down to people, the way you do.

What exactly have I used "to morally talk down to people" jackass? Be careful, you are close to making more of a fool of yourself.
Improvements in sonograms have resulted in more women choosing not to abort their babies.
Look who's talking. You think that publicly denigrating your own family members for their religious beliefs (and claiming your own mind reading powers while doing so) is "intellectual"? Guess again, jackass.

So if you share genes with someone they're automatically great people? Okie dokie.:.

Only a no-class, low life, son of a bitch goes out of his way to tear down his own family in public in the hopes of impressing a bunch of strangers who couldn't give less of a shit when all is said and done.

Only a high class, great human being goes out of his way to call ppl he doesn't know on the internet jackasses and sons of bitches. I concede that.

And boy we're talking about mind-reading, you say I can't make assessments about ppl I've known for decades because it's mind-reading, but you have the ability to read my mind about my motivations when we've only had a few anonymous convos on the internet. Are you God? You have to be, or you'd be a hypocrite. Since we've already addressed your moral and intellectual superiority, I'll go with you being God. Certainly not a hypocrite.
And no it's not because of their beliefs, I already said the vast majority of my family are also christian and are great people, they just don't use it as an excuse to morally talk down to people, the way you do.

What exactly have I used "to morally talk down to people" jackass? Be careful, you are close to making more of a fool of yourself.

Left-wing pro-abortionists like you are desperate to believe that so you can hide from the basic moral dilema of your inhuman position.

Here's one, I've never talked to one pro-choicer who thinks their position is inhumane, but you pretend we think that so that you can feel morally superior.

I don't have such insecurities, hopefully your 3rd grade insults toward me are making you feel better about yourself. Anything I can do to help.
You are talking about pre-1920. That is one of your issues. You don't understand historical progression (we won't use "evolution" :lol:).

Once again, "The modern American majority that believe in regulated restriction of abortion under certain standards is far more biblical than are those who say no abortion no time."

You fail.

Because heaven knows the parallels don't hold true after a certain amount of TIME has passed. Besides which, Sharia goes on today. As does the systematic slaughter of Chinese female babies...and the genocide in Darfur.

Thank you, JS...the tyrants and butchers of the world count on retards like you to carry the torch.

Oh, and once again...just because the majority swallows it and supports it doesn't make it any less a crime. Once again I direct you to the Holocaust (was that pre-1920? Not that it matters,, Darfur, the killing fields of Cambodia...
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And no it's not because of their beliefs, I already said the vast majority of my family are also christian and are great people, they just don't use it as an excuse to morally talk down to people, the way you do.

What exactly have I used "to morally talk down to people" jackass? Be careful, you are close to making more of a fool of yourself.

Here's the the thing with baby killers...they KNOW what they are promoting and supporting is wrong, so they assume that everybody who speaks out against it is necessarily attacking them, personally, and judging them, personally.

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