Pro abortion and Nazism

Illumination of the eugenics element of abortion as POPULATION control:

"It is important to note the difference between birth control and population control. Birth control, although often used as another label for "contraception," actually includes any method to limit births for any reason. It can be used by individuals or couples, with no involvement by government or private agencies.
Population control, however, involves a public or private program to reduce births within a specific area or group (for example, within China or among African Americans) and/or to increase births elsewhere (for example, within France or among the highly-educated). In other words, those running the program have a specific demographic outcome in mind. While equal-opportunity population programs are theoretically possible, in practice one race or nationality uses population control against another.
Population control may involve any or all of the following: propaganda in favor of smaller families; pressure for legal change such as raising the legal age for marriage or repealing restrictions on contraception and abortion; widespread availability of contraception, sterilization and abortion (often including public subsidy of them); the use of specific target numbers for birth control "acceptors" and for reduction of birth rates; economic penalties for having more than one or two children; and physical coercion to use birth control."

Occasional internal disputes among U.S. population controllers have obscured broad areas of agreement. Key figures such as Garrett Hardin and Alan Guttmacher, for example, disagreed over whether it was best to use a radical or a gradualist approach to advance the cause of abortion within the United States.
In 1963 Prof. Hardin, an environmentalist who was also an ardent population controller and a member of the American Eugenics Society, made a radical argument for repealing anti-abortion laws. In an approach that would be copied by many others, he put his population and eugenics concerns in the background and based his argument mainly on the welfare and rights of women. To religious objections based on the commandment "Thou shalt not kill," Hardin responded that the Bible "does not forbid killing, only murder." And murder, he said, means "unlawful killing.... Murder is a matter of definition. We can define murder any way we want to." Later he said that "it would be unwise to define the fetus as human (hence tactically unwise to refer to the fetus as an 'unborn child')."(1) Hardin had learned well the Humpty Dumpty technique:
"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more nor less."​
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."​
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master--that's all."(2)
Dr. Alan Guttmacher, President of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, wrote Hardin that anti-abortion laws could be changed "inch by inch and foot by foot, but not a mile at a time." Later Guttmacher told another correspondent that "I am in favor of abortion on demand, but feel from the practical point of view that such a social revolution should evolve by stages." Publicly he presented access to abortion as a benefit for women; indeed, he had referred women to an illegal abortionist as early as 1941. Yet he also had other motives, ones indicated by his service as vice president and board member of the American Eugenics Society.(3)

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Another of your abortion leaders:

"Another figure in the abortion wars was Frederick Osborn, an immensely talented establishment figure who at various times was a businessman, scholar, army general, diplomat, and foundation executive. Osborn was also the strategist of the American Eugenics Society and the first administrator of a Rockefeller enterprise called the Population Council. Well before surgical abortion became a major issue, Osborn promoted Council research on chemical abortion and Council distribution of abortifacient intrauterine devices (IUDs). In 1974 he suggested that birth control and abortion were a great step forward for eugenics, but added: "If they had been advanced for eugenic reasons it would have retarded or stopped their acceptance."(5)"

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Ah, Margaret..the heroine of the pro-abortionists:

"In one of her early books, Sanger said that eugenicists were showing "that the feeble-minded, the syphilitic, the irresponsible and the defective breed unhindered" and that "society at large is breeding an ever-increasing army of under-sized, stunted and dehumanized slaves."

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
In Nazi Germany, from 1943, the provision of abortion to "Aryan" women was threatened with the death penalty.

On the other hand, abortion was at times forced upon members of parts of society that were considered undesirable. What "undesirables" might kshgrl eliminate?
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Wow, she sounds like a Nazi.
Oh wait, she's just pro-abortion:

"In 1933, for example, the Eugenics Publishing Company published a book advocating substantial loosening of anti-abortion laws. At a 1935 high-level meeting of eugenicists and population controllers, Dr. Eric Matsner suggested making abortion law more permissive, but the meeting notes did not mention any discussion of his proposal. Other participants were primarily interested in encouraging births among "good stock" or in spreading contraception. When Mrs. Robert Huse of the National Committee on Maternal Health "suggested getting rid first of the undesirables before trying to stimulate the birth rates of the top strata of society,"(11) she probably had contraception in mind."

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Just as the Nazis did, the first act is to LEGALIZE and encourage abortion, and tell women it's good for them.

The SECOND step is to encourage breeding among desirables.
First step, make abortion legal, second step make "desirables" breed. Which "desirables" would you increase, kshrgrl?

Here's how I see the issue, I'm against abortion, but pro-choice and pro-contraception.

Margaret Sanger was quoted to say in 1920, "While there are cases where even the law recognizes an abortion is justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization." Doesn't sound like Sanger is a big proponent of abortion on demand, nor the demon kshrgl makes her out to be.
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Just as the Nazis did, the first act is to LEGALIZE and encourage abortion, and tell women it's good for them.

The SECOND step is to encourage breeding among desirables.

Yeah because the 40 years since Roe vs Wade no babies have been born because everybody is having abortions...

And that darn 40 years of breeding amongst desirables is really getting up everybody's nose....:cuckoo:

You are a fricking fruit loop...
After the Second World War, eugenicists started two private organizations to promote population control in ex-colonial nations, where populations were increasing rapidly because of improved disease control. Margaret Sanger, C. P. Blacker of England's Eugenics Society, and others formed the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). John D. Rockefeller 3rd and Frederick Osborn launched the Population Council, a foundation that first convinced government leaders in poor nations that they had a serious population problem and then showed them how to solve it through population control."
How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Just as the Nazis did, the first act is to LEGALIZE and encourage abortion, and tell women it's good for them.

The SECOND step is to encourage breeding among desirables.

Yeah because the 40 years since Roe vs Wade no babies have been born because everybody is having abortions...

And that darn 40 years of breeding amongst desirables is really getting up everybody's nose....:cuckoo:

You are a fricking fruit loop...

You need to read the material before you spout off, you ignoramus.
Just as the Nazis did, the first act is to LEGALIZE and encourage abortion, and tell women it's good for them.

The SECOND step is to encourage breeding among desirables.

Yeah because the 40 years since Roe vs Wade no babies have been born because everybody is having abortions...

And that darn 40 years of breeding amongst desirables is really getting up everybody's nose....:cuckoo:

You are a fricking fruit loop...

You need to read the material before you spout off, you ignoramus.

This is off topic, and ad hominem.

I suggest that YOU have certain people whose birth you'd prevent if you could.
In a 1964 Population Council conference, eugenicist Dr. Christopher Tietze pointedly reminded his colleagues that theologians and jurists do listen to doctors and biologists. "If a medical consensus develops and is maintained that pregnancy, and therefore life, begins at implantation, eventually our brethren from the other faculties will listen," he said. A committee of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists soon obliged Tietze by defining conception as "the implantation of a fertilized ovum."(27) "

The dispute over when life begins, begins.

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Yeah because the 40 years since Roe vs Wade no babies have been born because everybody is having abortions...

And that darn 40 years of breeding amongst desirables is really getting up everybody's nose....:cuckoo:

You are a fricking fruit loop...

You need to read the material before you spout off, you ignoramus.

This is off topic, and ad hominem.

I suggest that YOU have certain people whose birth you'd prevent if you could.

You can suggest the moon is made of blue cheese, if you like. It doesn't make you any less insane or drunk.
In Nazi Germany, from 1943, the provision of abortion to "Aryan" women was threatened with the death penalty.

On the other hand, abortion was at times forced upon members of parts of society that were considered undesirable. What "undesirables" might kshgrl eliminate?

[sarcasm font] Gee, I cannot WAIT until 10% of all the 'desirable' babies turn out to be gay.[/sarcasm font]
Just as the Nazis did, the first act is to LEGALIZE and encourage abortion, and tell women it's good for them.

The SECOND step is to encourage breeding among desirables.

Yeah because the 40 years since Roe vs Wade no babies have been born because everybody is having abortions...

And that darn 40 years of breeding amongst desirables is really getting up everybody's nose....:cuckoo:

You are a fricking fruit loop...

You need to read the material before you spout off, you ignoramus.

I have read some of it Allie Baby. All you are trying to take the extreme position of one person and treat it as the norm. Talking of ignorant...prolly more like dumb....
The Nazi era had given compulsory sterilization a bad name, but eugenicists had never lost their interest in preventing births of the handicapped. Frederick Osborn and others in the American Eugenics Society had long promoted "heredity counseling," which they once described as "the opening wedge in the public acceptance of eugenic principles." Scientists were developing prenatal testing for fetal handicap in the 1950s,(29) but that would not have meant much had abortion continued to be illegal. A Rockefeller Foundation-supported project came to the rescue. The foundation was funding the American Law Institute's production of a "model penal code" (noted above) for states to use as a guide when amending their criminal laws.
Dr. Alan Guttmacher's twin brother Manfred, a psychiatrist, was a special consultant to the model code project, and Alan himself took part in one or two meetings about it when he was vice president of the American Eugenics Society. (Later he would lead the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.) Another special consultant was a British legal scholar and eugenicist, Glanville Williams. The model code, as adopted by the American Law Institute in 1962, allowed abortions for "substantial risk" of serious handicap in the unborn child, as well as in other hard cases. In the final debate, attorney Eugene Quay declared, eloquently but to no avail, that "the state cannot give the authority to perform an abortion because it does not have the authority itself. Those lives are human lives, and are not the property of the state."(30) "

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion

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