Pro abortion and Nazism

Population control marched on triumphantly during and beyond the Nixon Administration. After the Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, population controllers pressed hard, and often successfully, for public subsidy of abortions for poor women. Because they presented this as a humanitarian good, eugenicists were able to get credit for doing what they had always done: suppressing the birth rate of poor people and non-whites."

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion

Except that didn't happen.

Here's the birth rate for every year in the 1970s..

Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year —

1970 3,731,386 18.4
1971 3,555,970 17.2
1972 3,258,411 15.6
1973 3,136,965 14.9
1974 3,159,958 14.9
1975 3,144,198 14.8
1976 3,167,788 14.8
1977 3,326,632 15.4
1978 3,333,279 15.3
1979 3,494,398 15.9

There was no huge drop between 1972 and 1974 after Roe v. Wade. In fact, the birth rate levelled off (It had been dropping since the mid 1960s when the birth control pill was introduced) and then started creeping up again.

Because the reality was, abortion was already happening in the back alleys and "someone who can take care of that" houses for the poor, while the rich just flew to somewhere it was legal or had a medical professional quietly take care of it.

And quite the contrary, despite what you say about it being a plot to kill non-whites, since 1973, non-whites have increased as a percentage of the population, not decreased.

Read more: Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year — Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year —
In 1970 Burdick told a correspondent that some day it might be accepted "that bum pregnancies of whatever character should ipso facto be terminated. And so would come the next step, namely, that the lowest grade people (as determined by performance factors) are not to have children either." He asked, "Isn't an intelligent black or mulatto a lot better than the dippings from the bottom of the white barrel?" Earlier, though, he had told population-controller Hugh Moore, "All channels with which I come in contact speak of the fecklessness of the Indians and of the hopeless inabilities of the Africans." Burdick had also complained that Americans "seem to be deifying our scruffy and unfit by putting them in temples (welfare housing)" and "re-creating some ancient fertility cult where we provide breeding pads and free sustenance for the proliferation of a kind of people that hate us and would destroy us, if they could." This lover of humanity also remarked: "The 'maternal impulse' is partly bunk. De-bunking of this might get some females off their fat duffs and into useful endeavor."(31) "

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Population control marched on triumphantly during and beyond the Nixon Administration. After the Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, population controllers pressed hard, and often successfully, for public subsidy of abortions for poor women. Because they presented this as a humanitarian good, eugenicists were able to get credit for doing what they had always done: suppressing the birth rate of poor people and non-whites."

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion

Except that didn't happen.

Here's the birth rate for every year in the 1970s..

Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year —

1970 3,731,386 18.4
1971 3,555,970 17.2
1972 3,258,411 15.6
1973 3,136,965 14.9
1974 3,159,958 14.9
1975 3,144,198 14.8
1976 3,167,788 14.8
1977 3,326,632 15.4
1978 3,333,279 15.3
1979 3,494,398 15.9

There was no huge drop between 1972 and 1974 after Roe v. Wade. In fact, the birth rate levelled off (It had been dropping since the mid 1960s when the birth control pill was introduced) and then started creeping up again.

Because the reality was, abortion was already happening in the back alleys and "someone who can take care of that" houses for the poor, while the rich just flew to somewhere it was legal or had a medical professional quietly take care of it.

And quite the contrary, despite what you say about it being a plot to kill non-whites, since 1973, non-whites have increased as a percentage of the population, not decreased.

Read more: Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year — Live Births and Birth Rates, by Year —

Actually, the black population is only one percent higher than anticipated. And that's probably because the sterilization part of the plan never took off.

At any rate, "it didn't work" isn't exactly an argument. In fact,you sound disappointed.
No, you didn't you liar.

You provided a little information about how aryan women were forbidden to abort. Yes, they were, I never contested that.

It went hand in hand with increasing the population of the preferred people, while wiping out the substandards.

You did not, however, verify any sort of correlation between the verbage or the ideology of the pro-lifers and Nazis. Because see, pro-lifers don't promote killing. There is no correlation. The only correlation is between the pro-abortionists of today, and the pro-abortionists of yesterday (and still), the Nazis.

"Death to preserve life". That's the beginning and the end of it. A good Nazi tradition.

Yes, so everyone they deemed as citizens lived under strict pro-life standards. No pro choice laws were on the books in East Germany until 1972, and West Germany 1974. They were even hardcore anti-contraceptive.

The moment you find a single pro-choicer who wants forced abortions, and abortions done to "weed out undesireables" your purely emotion-based diatribe will have a leg to stand on.

Until then, you'll just continue to sound like the loon everyone on this board already thinks you are.

You don't speak for everybody on this board. Though Nazis and pro-abortionists often make the mistake of thinking they do.

You must have missed the reams of evidence posted about the "plan" the Nazis put in place that included legal, non-forcible abortion that was promoted and encouraged amongst the classes they deemed undesirable. Pretty much like you and your friends promote it amongst poor minorities, here and abroad.

Have you located the evidence that shows that pro-lifers have ever proposed that women be executed for obtaining abortions? No? Have you located the evidence that shows pro-lifers have an agenda that includes reducing the population or social engineering via breeding programs?


So I will accept your admission that you are lying now.

You know you haven't answered one question you've been asked, or provided one bit of evidence to disprove anything I've said.

But I always find it interesting how dogged some "men" can be when it comes to supporting the practice of eugenics and baby...while at the same time wailing that they're NOTHING LIKE NAZIS.

I've never said pro-lifers are like Nazis, I'm using facts to show pro-choicers aren't Nazis. Facts you don't like.

I would never stoop to saying something so anti-semitic.
You haven't posted a single fact yet. I don't even think you've cited anything that is relevant to the conversation.

And the anti-semitic retardism is just silly. "If you're anti-abortion, you're anti-semitic!"

What a loon.
"If you point out the use of abortion by the Nazis, you're anti-semiitic!"

What a joke.
You haven't posted a single fact yet. I don't even think you've cited anything that is relevant to the conversation.

And the anti-semitic retardism is just silly. "If you're anti-abortion, you're anti-semitic!"

What a loon.

An anti-semite downplays the actions of Nazis, which is what you've done this entire thread.

I've posted facts, with links, you just didn't like them. One of your psycho funditarded friends told you about a Bible blog that says pro-choicers are Nazis, you ran with it, because you're too stupid to do your homework and do a basic google search that shows all your Bible bloggers articles have been shredded to pieces by facts.

I hope in the real world you aren't this depressed of a person, someone with such low self-confidence that they have to stoop to pathetically trying to portray and judge ppl who disagree with you as less than human.

If you are, and this isn't just a message board schtick, my pity goes out to you. I hope you have a loving family to make you feel better during these upcoming holidays.
The lie is that the majority of America (which supports restricted regulated abortion for several major exceptions) want and support the concept of abortion on demand.

To support universal prevention of abortion remains unChristian, and non-Biblical.
The lie is that the majority of America (which supports restricted regulated abortion for several major exceptions) want and support the concept of abortion on demand.

To support universal prevention of abortion remains unChristian, and non-Biblical.


To support universal child murder is unChristian, unbiblical, and a tactic of those perpetrating genocide upon unwanted populations. Usually to facilitate the rape of resources those populations sit upon.
Deflection, for no one supports that.

The lie is that you suggest that most Americans want abortion on demand, when that is flatly wrong.

Most Americans are grounded morally and ethically with restricted regulation abortion for a few select categories.
Of course you support it. You've stated that you support it. You want to eliminate the poor, minority children of the world.

It's that simple. Really.

And it fits right in with every genocidal agenda that has ever been created, including that of the PP founders when they put the monstrosity that is "legal" abortion and Planned Parenthood, in place.
Show me where I said or wrote, "You've stated that you support it. You want to eliminate the poor, minority children of the world."

I say this truthfully and sadly that if you truly believe that, based on what we have written in this thread, that you are insane.
Why don't you just say why you think abortion should be legal, and save me the search. You and I have discussed this many times, and you always rely on the argument that abortion prevents child abuse/neglect and crime.

Which of course means you wish to eliminate the population from which those crimes spring...the poor minority population.
Unless you think the act of birth CAUSES crime and poverty. In which case you are the one who is insane, not me.
Show me where I said or wrote, "You've stated that you support it. You want to eliminate the poor, minority children of the world."

I say this truthfully and sadly that if you truly believe that, based on what we have written in this thread, that you are insane.

Oh! I'm sorry - I thought that was established WEEKS ago.

Are you familiar with the term of seeing through a glass, darkly?

Those who are the most committed to vileness have the most difficult time seeing things as they really are.

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