Pro abortion and Nazism

And you're racists as well:

In 1966 Dr. Alan Guttmacher, apparently trying to be witty, wrote from Africa to a U.S. colleague: "My trip has been great. I believe I converted the Jews in Israel and now I am working on the pigmented savages." This private comment from Guttmacher (who was Jewish, but not observant) came soon after his Planned Parenthood group gave an award to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.(32) "

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Population control was so carefully wrapped in humanitarian language that most Americans probably thought it simply involved opening birth-control clinics and serving everyone who showed up at the door. But internal government documents from the Johnson administration show: 1) a carefully-orchestrated campaign to pressure governments of poor nations to adopt population control, and 2) enormous interest in manipulating cultural attitudes and motivating women to use birth control.
This required a careful approach, since it involved much meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. Thus in 1968 the Agency for International Development (A.I.D.) asked U.S. missions abroad "to discreetly investigate" the possibility of having "indigenous social scientists" do research on motivation for fertility reduction. A.I.D. also arranged for the Pathfinder Fund (established years earlier by eugenicist Clarence Gamble) to help "in the establishment of national voluntary associations which would later become members of the International Planned Parenthood Federation." But this, too, had to be done discreetly, and A.I.D. gave its troops information to "deflect any charges" that the Planned Parenthood group was "a creature of A.I.D. and the U.S. Government."(37) "

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
Amy Hall, argues here that Christianity entertains eugenics in that they use "shame" to ensure careful calibration of procreation by stigmatizing unwed mothers so as to deter young women from following suit. Apparently, children from homes where both parents are present tend to live better than children from single parent homes.

In other words, Christianity somewhat fosters the idea of breeding the fittest without spelling it out making the concept of eugenics not limited to Hitler and Darwinists.

New Oxford Review
Population control marched on triumphantly during and beyond the Nixon Administration. After the Supreme Court legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, population controllers pressed hard, and often successfully, for public subsidy of abortions for poor women. Because they presented this as a humanitarian good, eugenicists were able to get credit for doing what they had always done: suppressing the birth rate of poor people and non-whites."

How Eugenics and Population Control Led to Abortion
By the 1920s, eugenic legislative measures of compulsory sterilization were appearing in various states for people considered to be "genetically inferior". Such laws were upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1927, with Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes writing the majority opinion that included the famous phrase, "Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

By 1935 more than 30 states had compulsory sterilization laws. More than 21,000 sterilizations had occurred -- more than 60,000 sterilizations by the 1960s. The state of Virginia continued sterilizations until 1972, with more than 7,000 women sterilized for drunkenness, feeble-mindedness, and various forms of mental illness and "immorality" -- for "hereditary inferiority".

In 1936, when the Germans had already sterilized hundreds of thousands of "genetically inferior" people, mostly women and girls, Harvard University eugenicists invited a group of German eugenicists to Harvard's 300th anniversary celebration. Harvard, of course, was not alone in its apparent affection for the ideas of eugenics. The American eugenics movement had strong financial support from important sources: the Carnegie Institution of Washington, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Kellogg family (Kellogg cereals) of Battlecreek, Michigan, and the Harriman family (Union Pacific Railroad) of New York.

Dan Agin: Black and White in America III: From Eugenics to Madness
Of course it does. You're the liar. Evidenced by your continued refusal to provide any support of your lies.
Barely 40 years ago, it wasn't uncommon for a single mother on welfare, or a patient in a mental hospital in North Carolina, to be sterilized against her will.

But North Carolina wasn't alone: More than half of states in the U.S. had eugenics laws, some of which persisted into the 1970s.

North Carolina is now considering compensating its sterilization victims. A state panel heard from some of them Wednesday. They were mostly poor and uneducated — both black and white — and often just girls when it happened.

Nearly 7,600 men, women and children as young as 10 were sterilized under North Carolina's eugenics laws. While other state sterilization laws focused mainly on criminals and people in mental institutions, North Carolina was one of the few to expand its reach to women who were poor. Sterilization was seen as a way to limit the public cost of welfare. Social workers would coerce women to have the operation under threat of losing their public assistance.

North Carolina Considers Compensating Forced Sterilization Victims : NPR

The Nixon administration dramatically increases Medicaid-funded sterilization of low-income Americans, primarily Americans of color. While these sterilizations are voluntary as a matter of policy, anecdotal evidence later suggests that they are often involuntary as a matter of practice as patients are often misinformed, or left uninformed, regarding the nature of the procedures that they have agreed to undergo.

Oregon performs the last legal forced sterilization in U.S. history.

Forced Sterilization in the United States - History of Forced Sterilization in the United States
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Telling you Koshergirl accurately that you are wrong is not a lie.

I have to post nothing other than in response to what you post,and what you post is inaccurate, biased, and has no relation to the American pro-choice movement today. Some of the stuff you post links directly with Nazi supremacy in no-abortion policies with some of the far right's no-abortion dicta today.

Listen carefully. The majority of Americans believe in regulated, restricted abortion in the cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother.

Jesus would support that, based on Biblical teachings, before He would ever consider your position.
And it's not just that...the coercion part of it will break the surface, then go back under, off and always has. The fact is the people who WANT that are the people who put legalized abortion in place. WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Eugenecists, nazis...THE PEOPLE WHO ON THIS SITE POST LIE AFTER LIE AFTER LIE, and who come right out and say "there are too many people" "those babies would be better off dead" then pretend that they are somehow different from the Nazis who believed the very same thing, and expressed it in the very same way.

That's the lie. They agree with Nazi policies...and they lie about it, while still promoting those policies.
Telling you Koshergirl accurately that you are wrong is not a lie.

I have to post nothing other than in response to what you post,and what you post is inaccurate, biased, and has no relation to the American pro-choice movement today. Some of the stuff you post links directly with Nazi supremacy in no-abortion policies with some of the far right's no-abortion dicta today.

Listen carefully. The majority of Americans believe in regulated, restricted abortion in the cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother.

Jesus would support that, based on Biblical teachings, before He would ever consider your position.

No, the lie is posting funky links and saying "this is an example of her source material" when it isn't.

And the lie is when you claim that there is any validity to any of your claims.

Now you listen carefully...when was it ever illegal to obtain an abortion for the health of the mother, or in cases of rape and incest?

That's a lie right there...when you pretend we must have assembly-line abortion on demand to accomodate women who need therapeutic abortion and who have been victims of violence. LIE.
Telling you Koshergirl accurately that you are wrong is not a lie.

I have to post nothing other than in response to what you post,and what you post is inaccurate, biased, and has no relation to the American pro-choice movement today. Some of the stuff you post links directly with Nazi supremacy in no-abortion policies with some of the far right's no-abortion dicta today.

Listen carefully. The majority of Americans believe in regulated, restricted abortion in the cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother.

Jesus would support that, based on Biblical teachings, before He would ever consider your position.

No, the lie is posting funky links and saying "this is an example of her source material" when it isn't.

And the lie is when you claim that there is any validity to any of your claims.

Now you listen carefully...when was it ever illegal to obtain an abortion for the health of the mother, or in cases of rape and incest?

That's a lie right there...when you pretend we must have assembly-line abortion on demand to accommodate women who need therapeutic abortion and who have been victims of violence. LIE.

Most of America disagrees with you that abortion should never be performed.

However, before Roe v Wade, state laws existed in the U.S. that made abortion illegal in 30 states, legal in at least one state in case of rape, in two for danger to a women's health, in thirteen in any of those cases, and only four states was it legal as a requested medical procedure.

Why can't you admit that is what you believe?
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Telling you Koshergirl accurately that you are wrong is not a lie.

I have to post nothing other than in response to what you post,and what you post is inaccurate, biased, and has no relation to the American pro-choice movement today. Some of the stuff you post links directly with Nazi supremacy in no-abortion policies with some of the far right's no-abortion dicta today.

Listen carefully. The majority of Americans believe in regulated, restricted abortion in the cases of rape, incest, and the health of the mother.

Jesus would support that, based on Biblical teachings, before He would ever consider your position.

No, the lie is posting funky links and saying "this is an example of her source material" when it isn't.

And the lie is when you claim that there is any validity to any of your claims.

Now you listen carefully...when was it ever illegal to obtain an abortion for the health of the mother, or in cases of rape and incest?

That's a lie right there...when you pretend we must have assembly-line abortion on demand to accommodate women who need therapeutic abortion and who have been victims of violence. LIE.

Most of America disagrees with you that abortion should never be performed.

However, before Roe v Wade, state laws existed in the U.S. that made abortion illegal in 30 states, legal in at least one state in case of rape, in two for danger to a women's health, in thirteen in any of those cases, and only four states was it legal as a requested medical procedure.

Why can't you admit that is what you believe?

Look, another lie..and again arguing a point that was never made.
Which is just a more cowardly way of lying...

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