Pro-abortion? Why?

If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".
Nice try. The subject is abortion and abortion is the death of a human being. It's not about choice. You're either for abortion or against abortion.
Your clumsy back-pedaling belies a glimmer of conscience, and your stated desire to "piss the religious assholes off" leaves little doubt as to your character.

Keep preaching as you do, and you likely will succeed in killing both.

Oh, are you still talking? SOrry, man, I live in the real world...

So let's say you get your happy world where abortion is banned. Great. How do you enforce it?
The question of when someone becomes a human being with associated rights is one that the pro-abortion crowd simply cannot answer. When this is asked, they scurry back into the woodwork.

We've covered this. You become a person when a birth certificate is issued. That's when you become a person.

That's the standard the Census bureau uses.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.
Puritans Are Sickos Who Love People's Pain

Since condemning abortion is not in the Bible, we have to conclude that God doesn't want unwanted children to be born. Also, that He would not be so cruel as to give us an overwhelming sex drive and force us to be stuck with unwanted results from it.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.
My wife is in the process of aborting an un-fertilized egg innocent life. Something she does monthly.

I contributed to this by pulling out when we have sex.
The Ideological Duopoly Is Controlled by Guilotine-Fodder Spoiled Brats

So being Pro Choice requires being against industrialization? Tying such things together proves Preppy Progressives are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in.
Women have many reasons for choosing an abortion: rape, incest, survival, mental/physical/financial health.
This is the closest anyone has come to answering my question, but it seems to be a sweeping rather than personal answer.

I find it odd that anyone takes exception to the "pro" prefix. I have no issue at all with stating I am "anti-abortion", and obviously the "pro" designation doesn't mean "everyone should get an abortion" as some here insinuate.

I can tell you why I am anti-abortion, but as I stated in Post #1 that's not my interest.

I'm just curious why people think abortion should be available to everyone at all times. If you accidentally cut yourself with a chain saw, you want the damage fixed so you'll heal, not be disabled, not get an infection and die, any number of reasons. You get an inflamed appendix removed so it won't rupture and kill you.

So why do any here want abortion available to all? What are the reasons? Has no one ever thought of this?

Why is access to abortion such a popular and volatile issue, when no one on the "pro" side seems to have any reasons?

Don't block me in with your Low IQ logic. I'm definitely in favor of forced abortion for teenage sluts who just want to get an AFDC check for 18 years. The rest of us have no obligation to plant poisoned seeds from human weeds. If the White fetuses were really babies and could see the future the two wings of the illegitimate ruling-class vulture have laid out for them, they would commit suicide in the womb.
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Pro contraception....then again everybody with half a brain is. Not pro abortion. More pregnancies need to be prevented to stop abortion.
Clergy Bribed to Create a Wedge Issue for Republicans to Pretend They Care About

Did the Jews ever campaign for a prohibition against eating pork? Did the Catholics ever protest against restaurants that served meat dinners on Friday? Do Catholics now charge birth-control users with interfering with divine choice?

Preach to your choir only or STF.

Your cult is bossy and creepy, one of the reasons the Republicans lost the House, even though your real motivation is to trick people into voting for Rightist extremism.
Ok, since folks insist I'll go there:
It's not a child, and it's not alive. To refer to a zygote or a fetus as a "child". It is potentially a child, but it is a fallacy to define it as a "child" who is able to live and breathe on their own.
This viewpoint is common but illogical. Is a newborn child able to live on their own, unassisted? How about a 2 year old? 8? How about an adult that needs additional oxygen, dialysis, a respirator, a feeding tube, or any other form of life support?

The idea that "it's not a child until it's born" is absurd. It IS a child - it's a child on life support, provided by the mother. Uninterrupted, it will remain a child. Aborted, it will die. If it wasn't alive you wouldn't feel compelled to "remove" it, and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

It is not a child any more than an egg is a chicken. It is the potential for life but it is not a life and it’s not a “child in life support”, it is a parasite hosted by its mother to be technically correct.
You can mumble jumble all you want. Everyone knows it is a baby...that fact is not going away. Unless the health of the mother or baby is an issue, NO ABORTIONS....PUT THE MURDEROUS MOTHER IN PRISON!
Fetus Fetish

We'd all be a lot better off if bossy, pushy, and sadistic Inquisitionist prohibitionists would have been aborted. Your attitude sickens people, who have the right to make their own decisions and push power-hungry religious sociopaths out of the way.
Did the Jews ever campaign for a prohibition against eating pork? Did the Catholics ever protest against restaurants that served meat dinners on Friday? Do Catholics now charge birth-control users with interfering with divine choice?
Utterly false analogy, born of the equally false analogy that all anti-abortion positions are based in religion. You propose limiting the voice of religious adherents to their own sect, which is segregation. Hitler would be proud of you.
We'd all be a lot better off if bossy, pushy, and sadistic Inquisitionist prohibitionists would have been aborted. Your attitude sickens people, who have the right to make their own decisions and push power-hungry religious sociopaths out of the way.
Come on, tell us how you really feel! But seriously, how do you justify being so utterly intolerant?
Any abortion endorsers care to tell me when you think life begins? That's the real elephant in the room...

I'm guessing you can't, at least in a manner that stands the slightest scrutiny.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times, I'd like to know why you think this is important.

I am NOT interested in whether you think abortion is "moral" or "immoral", only in why you feel access to abortion as a health service is necessary.

This is not a "trick question", I want honest answers.

Flamers will be reported and ignored.
My wife is in the process of aborting an un-fertilized egg innocent life. Something she does monthly.

I contributed to this by pulling out when we have sex.
The Ideological Duopoly Is Controlled by Guilotine-Fodder Spoiled Brats

So being Pro Choice requires being against industrialization? Tying such things together proves Preppy Progressives are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in.
Its just one example of acceptable regulation, "nanny state".
Typically these so called "pro life" are actually pro death.
Did the Jews ever campaign for a prohibition against eating pork? Did the Catholics ever protest against restaurants that served meat dinners on Friday? Do Catholics now charge birth-control users with interfering with divine choice?
anti-abortion positions are based in religion. You propose limiting the voice of religious adherents to their own sect Hitler would be proud of you.
When You Preach Godwins, God Loses

Hitler would be proud that you self-glorifying antisocial creeps wouldn't have allowed his mother to abort him, although his mother would have if abortion had been legal back then.
If you feel strongly that abortion should be available to all women at all times
Let's get the terms straight, to avoid further quackery by you:

That's not "pro-abortion". It's "pro-choice".

Just as wanting to ban abortion is not, "pro-life", it's 'anti-choice". Pro-life is your standard for making your own decisions. "anti-choice" is you opposing others being able to make their own choice.

So, someone can be "anti-abortion", yet still, "pro-choice".

Not if you consider abortion as taking a human life

If you do ... Then you are NOT pro choice unless you are also pro choice for mass murder

Modern science today says abortion is truly murdering of a human being most times for greed can't wait a couple of weeks

This greed murdef is the same as a greed murder to get money from a bank

Are you pro choice with killing for money ?
Inbred Lower Class in an Alliance With Inbred Upper Class

Populists will destroy both you touchy-feel fetusphiles and your mirror-image classmates, the elitist touchy-feely feralphiles.
The dirty little secret is that abortion isn't about the welfare of women, it's about men. A man's future responsibilities go away at the stroke of a scalpel while women are left to endure mental symptoms similar to PTSD sometimes for the rest of their lives. Liberal women in the media go along with and support abortion at any stage of pregnancy because they want to please the liberal men who are in charge. The Obama administration authorized PTSD pensions to members of the Military even if they never set foot in a combat zone but the liberal dominated society has never considered doing a study of PTSD among women who were forced or coerced to consent to hiring someone to kill the life inside her.
The dirty little secret is that abortion isn't about the welfare of women, it's about men. A man's future responsibilities go away at the stroke of a scalpel while women are left to endure mental symptoms similar to PTSD sometimes for the rest of their lives. Liberal women in the media go along with and support abortion at any stage of pregnancy because they want to please the liberal men who are in charge. The Obama administration authorized PTSD pensions to members of the Military even if they never set foot in a combat zone but the liberal dominated society has never considered doing a study of PTSD among women who were forced or coerced to consent to hiring someone to kill the life inside her.
I agree, this is something that the most vocal abortion advocates don't want acknowledged. They scream "It's not a baby" much too loud and too frequently to be believed, and I don't think very many have actually convinced themselves.

There are countless stories of women relating their experiences with abortion, and scarcely any are favorable. It's an extremely traumatic event that doesn't just go away.

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