Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Ok, I'll quit slamming on you since you are still developing and have a chance in life compared to the BDPoop.

If you vote for pro-abortion are for killing babies.

It's kinda like voting in the Nazis in 1930s Germany then acting like you didn't have anything to do with their actions.

So you are either pro-abortion or anti-abortion, period. None of this bullshit "well I wouldn't do it and I oppose stopping the heartbeat of a fetus." Um, don't support abortion in the voting booth or here.

Voting in my first general election this year so.... And i have no idea which way I am going to vote. Not to mention abortion isn't the only criteria when electing an official.

First logical response I have read. There is hope yet!!!
Dumbfuck, people grow up in life unlike you.

People have a change of heart. People are no longer in a position to need the swine like pro-abortion voters to win an election.

MA is a state full of scum and Romney for some reason played along with them to help them. He felt as a moderate he could mold them but it seems they are just too scummy since they kept electing the drunk Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc.

You need to give up your boner for Ron Paul or else science needs to study your dick.

Uh, Romney today is more pro-life than in his past.

I guess using your logic, people don't change their beliefs in life.

Romney might've played along with the abortion crowd to get into the Gov job in left-wing MA, who knows and who gives a shit.

He is not pro-abortion like the socialist Obamination, that is a FACT.

Romneycare provided cheap abortions and was able to do so thanks to taxpayer dollars.

Now if I thought abortion was baby-killing, I'd never stoop to electing someone who used his populations money to make baby-killing cheap and easy. But then again if I was willing to stoop to that, I would understandably be very insecure and go around telling people how much better I was than them on a message board to provide my ego a temporary relief.

Why is he more pro-life now? Cuz he says so?

In your opinion what's more important, words or actions?

In your view, he made baby killing cheap and easy by using Massachusetts taxpayer dollars and you're going to vote for him. You're going to vote for a baby killing monster AND you have the moral highground.

Your brain should be studied by science.
Yep, you didn't know the "fetus" had a heartbeat.....typical idiot liberal.

Oh, maybe it was a cow fetus implanted into the woman to fool us conservatives. :eusa_whistle: you realize the heart beats in the first trimester? Wasn't that your cut-off period?

So you libs are for protecting "live things" like trees, but ok with killing a developing human that has a heartbeat.....

Oh, would you look at that. You're attacking someone who used to be a fetus.

And men wonder why women abort.

Okay, I don't read past 'dumbfuck.'

Cya, cum stain.
Translation: "Y'know - I can't even go that far, Jake. I'm for a woman's right to KILL. That's all."

Women have the right to protect themselves in case of rape, incest, and their health. God has no problem with that. Only those who do not understand these matters go for 'on demand' or 'nothing'.
Dumbfuck, people grow up in life unlike you.

People have a change of heart. People are no longer in a position to need the swine like pro-abortion voters to win an election.

MA is a state full of scum and Romney for some reason played along with them to help them. He felt as a moderate he could mold them but it seems they are just too scummy since they kept electing the drunk Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc.

You need to give up your boner for Ron Paul or else science needs to study your dick.

Uh, Romney today is more pro-life than in his past.

I guess using your logic, people don't change their beliefs in life.

Romney might've played along with the abortion crowd to get into the Gov job in left-wing MA, who knows and who gives a shit.

He is not pro-abortion like the socialist Obamination, that is a FACT.

Why is he more pro-life now? Cuz he says so?

In your opinion what's more important, words or actions?

In your view, he made baby killing cheap and easy by using Massachusetts taxpayer dollars and you're going to vote for him. You're going to vote for a baby killing monster AND you have the moral highground.

Your brain should be studied by science.

I see, so words do mean more than actions to you.

Good deflection to Ron Paul, I can def tell you don't like being exposed as supporting someone who made it so easy to kill so many babies. Don't worry I don't think Romney was pro baby killing while he was governor, but you do, and you still support him.

How's that moral highground working out?
ok last post. But it's hard to stop reading because it's like a slow motion train wreck. It's horrible, but fascinating at the same time. :meow:
Right now Romney is pro-life like Ron Paul, end of story.

Ron Paul is a kook on national defense and foreign policy issues, so I will forgive Romney for his past in MA. Also, Ron Paul would have a better chance escaping an abortion if a fetus again, than beating Obamination in an election.

Dumbfuck, people grow up in life unlike you.

People have a change of heart. People are no longer in a position to need the swine like pro-abortion voters to win an election.

MA is a state full of scum and Romney for some reason played along with them to help them. He felt as a moderate he could mold them but it seems they are just too scummy since they kept electing the drunk Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc.

You need to give up your boner for Ron Paul or else science needs to study your dick.

Why is he more pro-life now? Cuz he says so?

In your opinion what's more important, words or actions?

In your view, he made baby killing cheap and easy by using Massachusetts taxpayer dollars and you're going to vote for him. You're going to vote for a baby killing monster AND you have the moral highground.

Your brain should be studied by science.

I see, so words do mean more than actions to you.

Good deflection to Ron Paul, I can def tell you don't like being exposed as supporting someone who made it so easy to kill so many babies. Don't worry I don't think Romney was pro baby killing while he was governor, but you do, and you still support him.

How's that moral highground working out?
Right now Romney is pro-life like Ron Paul, end of story.

Ron Paul is a kook on national defense and foreign policy issues, so I will forgive Romney for his past in MA. Also, Ron Paul would have a better chance escaping an abortion if a fetus again, than beating Obamination in an election.

Dumbfuck, people grow up in life unlike you.

People have a change of heart. People are no longer in a position to need the swine like pro-abortion voters to win an election.

MA is a state full of scum and Romney for some reason played along with them to help them. He felt as a moderate he could mold them but it seems they are just too scummy since they kept electing the drunk Kennedy, Barney Frank, etc.

You need to give up your boner for Ron Paul or else science needs to study your dick.

I see, so words do mean more than actions to you.

Good deflection to Ron Paul, I can def tell you don't like being exposed as supporting someone who made it so easy to kill so many babies. Don't worry I don't think Romney was pro baby killing while he was governor, but you do, and you still support him.

How's that moral highground working out?

Romney's actions aren't pro-life, Paul's are. But you take words over actions so I see why you're ignorantly proclaiming that.

Romney has an even more pro-choice record than Obama does. you realize the heart beats in the first trimester? Wasn't that your cut-off period?

So you libs are for protecting "live things" like trees, but ok with killing a developing human that has a heartbeat.....

Oh, would you look at that. You're attacking someone who used to be a fetus.

And men wonder why women abort.

Okay, I don't read past 'dumbfuck.'

Cya, cum stain.

boop's hitting the bottle again.

Standby for descent into madness.
If Romney hammers the issue of abortion hard, he will lose millions of votes from the demographic he can't afford to lose any vote in,
I guess she has a scam using her food stamps to get booze. you realize the heart beats in the first trimester? Wasn't that your cut-off period?

So you libs are for protecting "live things" like trees, but ok with killing a developing human that has a heartbeat.....

Okay, I don't read past 'dumbfuck.'

Cya, cum stain.

boop's hitting the bottle again.

Standby for descent into madness.
Ron Paul can win a ribbon for his pro-life stance. :cuckoo:

As for Romney compared to Obamination, yeah he's actually been a Gov of a state where abortion is a big issue....whereas Obamination has never led in office where he can get the abortion stink on him.

Obamination still chooses pro-abortion judges more than Romney will. The SCOTUS will be stacked with left-wing goons if scum like you help Obamination win.

Right now Romney is pro-life like Ron Paul, end of story.

Ron Paul is a kook on national defense and foreign policy issues, so I will forgive Romney for his past in MA. Also, Ron Paul would have a better chance escaping an abortion if a fetus again, than beating Obamination in an election.

I see, so words do mean more than actions to you.

Good deflection to Ron Paul, I can def tell you don't like being exposed as supporting someone who made it so easy to kill so many babies. Don't worry I don't think Romney was pro baby killing while he was governor, but you do, and you still support him.

How's that moral highground working out?

Romney's actions aren't pro-life, Paul's are. But you take words over actions so I see why you're ignorantly proclaiming that.

Romney has an even more pro-choice record than Obama does.
I guess she has a scam using her food stamps to get booze.

Okay, I don't read past 'dumbfuck.'

Cya, cum stain.

boop's hitting the bottle again.

Standby for descent into madness.


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