Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

The great majority of the poll believe in some form of abortion, which is a relief that the sillies to the far right are losing ground.
Wow....PP puts on their "website." Uh, it's called covering their ass.....good PR.

When a girl or woman strolls into PP to discuss abortion, PP makes more money killing the baby than promoting the thought of actually keeping the baby. PP hides behind "women's healthcare" procedures many of their clinics don't perform, but they do abortions.

Anyone that is pro-abortion.

You are pro-abortion, quit lying. Pro-choice is bullshit when PP and other agencies hardly mention the other options for women, abortion is the moneymaker and option #1.

You support a woman's right to go kill her unborn baby so she can cover up having sex with Bubba, keep going to school, etc.

When you die, you will have to answer to supporting killing unborn babies, but enjoy killing them here on Earth.

Most abortions are done by repeat offenders, not rape or incest victims like sold to the general public. Most Americans support limited abortions for the extreme cases but you scum want any girl/woman to be able to roll into a clinic to kill her baby out of convenience.

Oh, where is the choice for the baby?

I encourage you to go back and read my previous posts. I have stated that I would never get an abortion (due to personal reasons) and think that there need to be more resitrictions placed on when a woman can get an abortion. I never falsely stated that a majority of them happen because of rape and/or incest, or that it was a good thing there are "repeat offenders". I utterly hate shows like "Teen Mom" that make it OK for teens to get pregnant.

Also plannedparenthood does notify people of it's options. This was taken directly from their website:
If you are pregnant, you have options. If you are trying to decide if abortion is the right choice for you, you probably have many things to think about. Learning the facts about abortion may help you in making your decision. You may also want to learn more about parenting and adoption.

So don't tell me they don't let people know about other options.

So you are saying that you are a woman who has gone into PP asking for an abortion and received no info about your alternatives???? I have a seriously hard time believing that. Unless you have been through the process who are you to say what does or does not happen behind closed doors?
There's nothing wrong with those programs.

Just don't do sex education starting in 1st grade, etc too early in school.

The joke is the same people that promote a culture (music/movies) that pushes sex on kids are the ones turning around telling us we need to do sex education in 1st grade because those kids might be screwing each other on the playground.

You are pro-abortion, quit lying. Pro-choice is bullshit when PP and other agencies hardly mention the other options for women, abortion is the moneymaker and option #1.

You support a woman's right to go kill her unborn baby so she can cover up having sex with Bubba, keep going to school, etc.

When you die, you will have to answer to supporting killing unborn babies, but enjoy killing them here on Earth.

Most abortions are done by repeat offenders, not rape or incest victims like sold to the general public. Most Americans support limited abortions for the extreme cases but you scum want any girl/woman to be able to roll into a clinic to kill her baby out of convenience.

Oh, where is the choice for the baby?

I'm just taking an informal poll. Where do you stand on birth control and birth control education?
Wow....PP puts on their "website." Uh, it's called covering their ass.....good PR.

When a girl or woman strolls into PP to discuss abortion, PP makes more money killing the baby than promoting the thought of actually keeping the baby. PP hides behind "women's healthcare" procedures many of their clinics don't perform, but they do abortions.

Anyone that is pro-abortion.

You are pro-abortion, quit lying. Pro-choice is bullshit when PP and other agencies hardly mention the other options for women, abortion is the moneymaker and option #1.

You support a woman's right to go kill her unborn baby so she can cover up having sex with Bubba, keep going to school, etc.

When you die, you will have to answer to supporting killing unborn babies, but enjoy killing them here on Earth.

Most abortions are done by repeat offenders, not rape or incest victims like sold to the general public. Most Americans support limited abortions for the extreme cases but you scum want any girl/woman to be able to roll into a clinic to kill her baby out of convenience.

Oh, where is the choice for the baby?

I encourage you to go back and read my previous posts. I have stated that I would never get an abortion (due to personal reasons) and think that there need to be more resitrictions placed on when a woman can get an abortion. I never falsely stated that a majority of them happen because of rape and/or incest, or that it was a good thing there are "repeat offenders". I utterly hate shows like "Teen Mom" that make it OK for teens to get pregnant.

Also plannedparenthood does notify people of it's options. This was taken directly from their website:
If you are pregnant, you have options. If you are trying to decide if abortion is the right choice for you, you probably have many things to think about. Learning the facts about abortion may help you in making your decision. You may also want to learn more about parenting and adoption.

So don't tell me they don't let people know about other options.

So it's fair to assume you wouldn't vote for someone who used taxpayer dollars to make abortions cheap, correct?
Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

I wonder if Bezerk has the same bleeding heart for all the dead babies and children as a result of the War in Iraq?
The great majority of the poll believe in some form of abortion, which is a relief that the sillies to the far right are losing ground.

The majority believe in restrictions on abortion, and the number has been growing. Those who believe in abortion on demand have been declining. They are in a very weak minority.

I don't see how that is good news for pro-choice.
There's nothing wrong with those programs.

Just don't do sex education starting in 1st grade, etc too early in school.

The joke is the same people that promote a culture (music/movies) that pushes sex on kids are the ones turning around telling us we need to do sex education in 1st grade because those kids might be screwing each other on the playground.

You are pro-abortion, quit lying. Pro-choice is bullshit when PP and other agencies hardly mention the other options for women, abortion is the moneymaker and option #1.

You support a woman's right to go kill her unborn baby so she can cover up having sex with Bubba, keep going to school, etc.

When you die, you will have to answer to supporting killing unborn babies, but enjoy killing them here on Earth.

Most abortions are done by repeat offenders, not rape or incest victims like sold to the general public. Most Americans support limited abortions for the extreme cases but you scum want any girl/woman to be able to roll into a clinic to kill her baby out of convenience.

Oh, where is the choice for the baby?

I'm just taking an informal poll. Where do you stand on birth control and birth control education?

You have never heard of age appropriate sex education?

At first grade it usually involves teaching kids about inappropriate touching and to tell someone if an adult is doing something that makes you uncomfortable
Wow....PP puts on their "website." Uh, it's called covering their ass.....good PR.

When a girl or woman strolls into PP to discuss abortion, PP makes more money killing the baby than promoting the thought of actually keeping the baby. PP hides behind "women's healthcare" procedures many of their clinics don't perform, but they do abortions.

Anyone that is pro-abortion.

I encourage you to go back and read my previous posts. I have stated that I would never get an abortion (due to personal reasons) and think that there need to be more resitrictions placed on when a woman can get an abortion. I never falsely stated that a majority of them happen because of rape and/or incest, or that it was a good thing there are "repeat offenders". I utterly hate shows like "Teen Mom" that make it OK for teens to get pregnant.

Also plannedparenthood does notify people of it's options. This was taken directly from their website:


So don't tell me they don't let people know about other options.

So you are saying that you are a woman who has gone into PP asking for an abortion and received no info about your alternatives???? I have a seriously hard time believing that. Unless you have been through the process who are you to say what does or does not happen behind closed doors?

I received info about my alternatives.
Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

I wonder if Bezerk has the same bleeding heart for all the dead babies and children as a result of the War in Iraq?

Babies and children dying are a 100% guarantee in a war, you agreed with and probably endorsed their killing.

But when brown babies who will probably become muslims die, it's no big deal. When a clump of cells that could eventually become a white christian is aborted, it's a tragedy and by speaking against it you can pretend to deserve the moral highground.
Oh yeah, Romney sometime in his past signed some bill in MA that was tied to abortion. :eusa_whistle:

Romney will put judges in the Federal Courts that are not gung-ho to kill babies like Obamination, that is what matters.....dumbfuck.

Wow....PP puts on their "website." Uh, it's called covering their ass.....good PR.

When a girl or woman strolls into PP to discuss abortion, PP makes more money killing the baby than promoting the thought of actually keeping the baby. PP hides behind "women's healthcare" procedures many of their clinics don't perform, but they do abortions.

Anyone that is pro-abortion.

I encourage you to go back and read my previous posts. I have stated that I would never get an abortion (due to personal reasons) and think that there need to be more resitrictions placed on when a woman can get an abortion. I never falsely stated that a majority of them happen because of rape and/or incest, or that it was a good thing there are "repeat offenders". I utterly hate shows like "Teen Mom" that make it OK for teens to get pregnant.

Also plannedparenthood does notify people of it's options. This was taken directly from their website:


So don't tell me they don't let people know about other options.

So it's fair to assume you wouldn't vote for someone who used taxpayer dollars to make abortions cheap, correct?
The great majority of the poll believe in some form of abortion, which is a relief that the sillies to the far right are losing ground.

The majority believe in restrictions on abortion, and the number has been growing. Those who believe in abortion on demand have been declining. They are in a very weak minority.

I don't see how that is good news for pro-choice.

If you are for abortion on demand, then your world hurts.

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Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

I wonder if Bezerk has the same bleeding heart for all the dead babies and children as a result of the War in Iraq?

In the first trimester, there is no baby involved.
Yeah, I guess we have to account for people like you....

There's nothing wrong with those programs.

Just don't do sex education starting in 1st grade, etc too early in school.

The joke is the same people that promote a culture (music/movies) that pushes sex on kids are the ones turning around telling us we need to do sex education in 1st grade because those kids might be screwing each other on the playground.

I'm just taking an informal poll. Where do you stand on birth control and birth control education?

You have never heard of age appropriate sex education?

At first grade it usually involves teaching kids about inappropriate touching and to tell someone if an adult is doing something that makes you uncomfortable
Idiots like you remind me of a science trip our high school took to a science museum in Chicago where my classmates were shocked to see the various stages of dead babies in the glass cases......

Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

I wonder if Bezerk has the same bleeding heart for all the dead babies and children as a result of the War in Iraq?

In the first trimester, there is no baby involved.
Idiots like you remind me of a science trip our high school took to a science museum in Chicago where my classmates were shocked to see the various stages of dead babies in the glass cases......

Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

In the first trimester, there is no baby involved.

Idiots like you remind me of those people who think that a cow fetus is a human fetus.
Idiots like you remind me of a science trip our high school took to a science museum in Chicago where my classmates were shocked to see the various stages of dead babies in the glass cases......

Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

In the first trimester, there is no baby involved.

There'd be nothing to see in the first trimester.
Oh yeah, Romney sometime in his past signed some bill in MA that was tied to abortion. :eusa_whistle:

Romney will put judges in the Federal Courts that are not gung-ho to kill babies like Obamination, that is what matters.....dumbfuck.

Wow....PP puts on their "website." Uh, it's called covering their ass.....good PR.

When a girl or woman strolls into PP to discuss abortion, PP makes more money killing the baby than promoting the thought of actually keeping the baby. PP hides behind "women's healthcare" procedures many of their clinics don't perform, but they do abortions.

Anyone that is pro-abortion.

So it's fair to assume you wouldn't vote for someone who used taxpayer dollars to make abortions cheap, correct?

Romneycare provided cheap abortions and was able to do so thanks to taxpayer dollars.

Now if I thought abortion was baby-killing, I'd never stoop to electing someone who used his populations money to make baby-killing cheap and easy. But then again if I was willing to stoop to that, I would understandably be very insecure and go around telling people how much better I was than them on a message board to provide my ego a temporary relief.
It worked ! over 50% of murkins chose to be told what they can and can not do with their own money !!!.
On the other side, your masters do whatever the hell they want with YOUR money and, if you oppose,they have a domesticated force of meatheads(on your nickel) to "alter your perception" of what Amurkan means. ( Sorry for the A.)
You just can't beat the free-est nation on Urthe.:cuckoo:
I'm just taking an informal poll. Where do you stand on birth control and birth control education?

There's nothing wrong with those programs.

Excellent. Thank you. I agree.

Perhaps instead of talking past those you call pro-abortion, we should work to find common ground which would work toward reducing abortions.

Shouting at each other gets us nowhere toward that goal.

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