Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Yes, little is so easy to confuse the two. :cuckoo: Cow fetus?

So you think there's a 50% chance the woman is killing a cow fetus in the PP clinic???

Idiots like you remind me of a science trip our high school took to a science museum in Chicago where my classmates were shocked to see the various stages of dead babies in the glass cases......

In the first trimester, there is no baby involved.

Idiots like you remind me of those people who think that a cow fetus is a human fetus.
The great majority of the poll believe in some form of abortion, which is a relief that the sillies to the far right are losing ground.

The majority believe in restrictions on abortion, and the number has been growing. Those who believe in abortion on demand have been declining. They are in a very weak minority.

I don't see how that is good news for pro-choice.

If you are for abortion on demand, then your world hurts.


I am pro-life. Abortion on demand disturbs me greatly. But there are some subjects which are of such great import that we must suppress our passions and work rationally toward our goal.

Look at this topic. How many pages in just a couple days? It's burning up.

But amazingly, there is some middle ground upon which we can all meet. So why do we work so hard to polarize each other with statements intended to inflame the other side into responding in kind? I find that people often end up even further in the extreme than they really are, just out of spite.

This blind hatred is not saving lives. It is helping to perpetuate the problem.
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Yes, little is so easy to confuse the two. :cuckoo: Cow fetus?

So you think there's a 50% chance the woman is killing a cow fetus in the PP clinic???

Idiots like you remind me of a science trip our high school took to a science museum in Chicago where my classmates were shocked to see the various stages of dead babies in the glass cases......

Idiots like you remind me of those people who think that a cow fetus is a human fetus.

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).
Uh, Romney today is more pro-life than in his past.

I guess using your logic, people don't change their beliefs in life.

Romney might've played along with the abortion crowd to get into the Gov job in left-wing MA, who knows and who gives a shit.

He is not pro-abortion like the socialist Obamination, that is a FACT.

Oh yeah, Romney sometime in his past signed some bill in MA that was tied to abortion. :eusa_whistle:

Romney will put judges in the Federal Courts that are not gung-ho to kill babies like Obamination, that is what matters.....dumbfuck.

So it's fair to assume you wouldn't vote for someone who used taxpayer dollars to make abortions cheap, correct?

Romneycare provided cheap abortions and was able to do so thanks to taxpayer dollars.

Now if I thought abortion was baby-killing, I'd never stoop to electing someone who used his populations money to make baby-killing cheap and easy. But then again if I was willing to stoop to that, I would understandably be very insecure and go around telling people how much better I was than them on a message board to provide my ego a temporary relief.
The great majority of the poll believe in some form of abortion, which is a relief that the sillies to the far right are losing ground.

You misrepresent the pro-lifers.

There has always been some form of abortion, and it has always been legal. The idea that we have to have legalized abortion on demand to accomodate cases of rape, incest and medical necessity is, as everything else that is propagated by the progressive movement, a lie.
The majority believe in restrictions on abortion, and the number has been growing. Those who believe in abortion on demand have been declining. They are in a very weak minority.

I don't see how that is good news for pro-choice.

If you are for abortion on demand, then your world hurts.


I am pro-life. Abortion on demand disturbs me greatly. But there are some subjects which are of such great import that we must suppress our passions and work rationally toward our goal.

Look at this topic. How many pages in just a couple days? It's burning up.

But amazingly, there is some middle ground upon which we can all meet. So why do we work so hard to polarize each other with statements intended to inflame the other side into responding in kind? I find that people often end up even further in the extreme than they really are, just out of spite.

This blind hatred is not saving lives. It is helping to perpetuate the problem.

That's the way of the gov't right now. To see which side can shout the loudest. There is a huge area of middle ground everyone can agree on, but everyone at the same time just wants to see their side win.
Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

Yes, little is so easy to confuse the two. :cuckoo: Cow fetus?

So you think there's a 50% chance the woman is killing a cow fetus in the PP clinic???

Idiots like you remind me of those people who think that a cow fetus is a human fetus.

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).
Translation: "Y'know - I can't even go that far, Jake. I'm for a woman's right to KILL. That's all."
Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

Yes, little is so easy to confuse the two. :cuckoo: Cow fetus?

So you think there's a 50% chance the woman is killing a cow fetus in the PP clinic???

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).

Oh, would you look at that. You're attacking someone who used to be a fetus.

And men wonder why women abort.
Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

Yes, little is so easy to confuse the two. :cuckoo: Cow fetus?

So you think there's a 50% chance the woman is killing a cow fetus in the PP clinic???

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).

again, I don't think abortion is the right way to go about things, there are tons of other options, I am under the belief that life begins when cells are distinguishable. So when a fetus has a heartbeat, I would advocate for adoption or some other alternative.

Also, not fairytales. The internet if full of idiots who will believe anything.

And what's wrong with JuCo? It's a way to spend less money on the ever increasing tuition on schools which many people cannot afford.

But I doubt any of the info I just threw out sank in. So, agree to disagree?
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If you vote for pro-abortion are for killing babies.

It's kinda like voting in the Nazis in 1930s Germany then acting like you didn't have anything to do with their actions.

So you are either pro-abortion or anti-abortion, period. None of this bullshit "well I wouldn't do it and I oppose stopping the heartbeat of a fetus." Um, don't support abortion in the voting booth or here.

Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).

again, I don't think abortion is the right way to go about things, there are tons of other options, I am under the belief that life begins when cells are distinguishable. So when a fetus has a heartbeat, I would advocate for adoption or some other alternative.

Also, not fairytales. The internet if full of idiots who will believe anything.

And what's wrong with JuCo? It's a way to spend less money on the ever increasing tuition on schools which many people cannot afford.

But I doubt any of the info I just threw out sank in. So, agree to disagree?
If you vote for pro-abortion are for killing babies.

It's kinda like voting in the Nazis in 1930s Germany then acting like you didn't have anything to do with their actions.

So you are either pro-abortion or anti-abortion, period. None of this bullshit "well I wouldn't do it and I oppose stopping the heartbeat of a fetus." Um, don't support abortion in the voting booth or here.

Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

again, I don't think abortion is the right way to go about things, there are tons of other options, I am under the belief that life begins when cells are distinguishable. So when a fetus has a heartbeat, I would advocate for adoption or some other alternative.

Also, not fairytales. The internet if full of idiots who will believe anything.

And what's wrong with JuCo? It's a way to spend less money on the ever increasing tuition on schools which many people cannot afford.

But I doubt any of the info I just threw out sank in. So, agree to disagree?

Yup, duly witnessed.

Man's an ass.
If you vote for pro-abortion are for killing babies.

It's kinda like voting in the Nazis in 1930s Germany then acting like you didn't have anything to do with their actions.

So you are either pro-abortion or anti-abortion, period. None of this bullshit "well I wouldn't do it and I oppose stopping the heartbeat of a fetus." Um, don't support abortion in the voting booth or here.

Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

again, I don't think abortion is the right way to go about things, there are tons of other options, I am under the belief that life begins when cells are distinguishable. So when a fetus has a heartbeat, I would advocate for adoption or some other alternative.

Also, not fairytales. The internet if full of idiots who will believe anything.

And what's wrong with JuCo? It's a way to spend less money on the ever increasing tuition on schools which many people cannot afford.

But I doubt any of the info I just threw out sank in. So, agree to disagree?

Voting in my first general election this year so.... And i have no idea which way I am going to vote. Not to mention abortion isn't the only criteria when electing an official. you realize the heart beats in the first trimester? Wasn't that your cut-off period?

So you libs are for protecting "live things" like trees, but ok with killing a developing human that has a heartbeat.....

Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).

Oh, would you look at that. You're attacking someone who used to be a fetus.

And men wonder why women abort.
Uh, Romney today is more pro-life than in his past.

I guess using your logic, people don't change their beliefs in life.

Romney might've played along with the abortion crowd to get into the Gov job in left-wing MA, who knows and who gives a shit.

He is not pro-abortion like the socialist Obamination, that is a FACT.

Oh yeah, Romney sometime in his past signed some bill in MA that was tied to abortion. :eusa_whistle:

Romney will put judges in the Federal Courts that are not gung-ho to kill babies like Obamination, that is what matters.....dumbfuck.

Romneycare provided cheap abortions and was able to do so thanks to taxpayer dollars.

Now if I thought abortion was baby-killing, I'd never stoop to electing someone who used his populations money to make baby-killing cheap and easy. But then again if I was willing to stoop to that, I would understandably be very insecure and go around telling people how much better I was than them on a message board to provide my ego a temporary relief.

Why is he more pro-life now? Cuz he says so?

In your opinion what's more important, words or actions?

In your view, he made baby killing cheap and easy by using Massachusetts taxpayer dollars and you're going to vote for him. You're going to vote for a baby killing monster AND you have the moral highground.

Your brain should be studied by science. you realize the heart beats in the first trimester? Wasn't that your cut-off period?

So you libs are for protecting "live things" like trees, but ok with killing a developing human that has a heartbeat.....

Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

Oh, would you look at that. You're attacking someone who used to be a fetus.

And men wonder why women abort.

Okay, I don't read past 'dumbfuck.'

Cya, cum stain.
If you vote for pro-abortion are for killing babies.

It's kinda like voting in the Nazis in 1930s Germany then acting like you didn't have anything to do with their actions.

So you are either pro-abortion or anti-abortion, period. None of this bullshit "well I wouldn't do it and I oppose stopping the heartbeat of a fetus." Um, don't support abortion in the voting booth or here.

again, I don't think abortion is the right way to go about things, there are tons of other options, I am under the belief that life begins when cells are distinguishable. So when a fetus has a heartbeat, I would advocate for adoption or some other alternative.

Also, not fairytales. The internet if full of idiots who will believe anything.

And what's wrong with JuCo? It's a way to spend less money on the ever increasing tuition on schools which many people cannot afford.

But I doubt any of the info I just threw out sank in. So, agree to disagree?

Yup, duly witnessed.

Man's an ass.

sadly I must leave you to fend for yourself. I have finals to study for!!! :doubt:
Ok, I'll quit slamming on you since you are still developing and have a chance in life compared to the BDPoop.

If you vote for pro-abortion are for killing babies.

It's kinda like voting in the Nazis in 1930s Germany then acting like you didn't have anything to do with their actions.

So you are either pro-abortion or anti-abortion, period. None of this bullshit "well I wouldn't do it and I oppose stopping the heartbeat of a fetus." Um, don't support abortion in the voting booth or here.

again, I don't think abortion is the right way to go about things, there are tons of other options, I am under the belief that life begins when cells are distinguishable. So when a fetus has a heartbeat, I would advocate for adoption or some other alternative.

Also, not fairytales. The internet if full of idiots who will believe anything.

And what's wrong with JuCo? It's a way to spend less money on the ever increasing tuition on schools which many people cannot afford.

But I doubt any of the info I just threw out sank in. So, agree to disagree?

Voting in my first general election this year so.... And i have no idea which way I am going to vote. Not to mention abortion isn't the only criteria when electing an official.

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