Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Ron Paul can win a ribbon for his pro-life stance. :cuckoo:

As for Romney compared to Obamination, yeah he's actually been a Gov of a state where abortion is a big issue....whereas Obamination has never led in office where he can get the abortion stink on him.

Obamination still chooses pro-abortion judges more than Romney will. The SCOTUS will be stacked with left-wing goons if scum like you help Obamination win.

Right now Romney is pro-life like Ron Paul, end of story.

Ron Paul is a kook on national defense and foreign policy issues, so I will forgive Romney for his past in MA. Also, Ron Paul would have a better chance escaping an abortion if a fetus again, than beating Obamination in an election.

Romney's actions aren't pro-life, Paul's are. But you take words over actions so I see why you're ignorantly proclaiming that.

Romney has an even more pro-choice record than Obama does.

And I appreciate you exposing how seriously you take the abortion issue. You pretend to take it seriously, but when it comes to your vote your actions dont' match your words.

In fact, you consistently stoop to nothing but name-calling and insults toward the most pro-life republican.
No, Ron Paul is a kook on the bigger issue of national defense and abortion.

I don't care if he is personally stopping abortions when he is more dangerous with his claims about what should be done on the world stage. He'd get more Americans killed from a world war than abortions.....

Ron Paul can win a ribbon for his pro-life stance. :cuckoo:

As for Romney compared to Obamination, yeah he's actually been a Gov of a state where abortion is a big issue....whereas Obamination has never led in office where he can get the abortion stink on him.

Obamination still chooses pro-abortion judges more than Romney will. The SCOTUS will be stacked with left-wing goons if scum like you help Obamination win.

Romney's actions aren't pro-life, Paul's are. But you take words over actions so I see why you're ignorantly proclaiming that.

Romney has an even more pro-choice record than Obama does.

And I appreciate you exposing how seriously you take the abortion issue. You pretend to take it seriously, but when it comes to your vote your actions dont' match your words.

In fact, you consistently stoop to nothing but name-calling and insults toward the most pro-life republican.
No, Ron Paul is a kook on the bigger issue of national defense and abortion.

I don't care if he is personally stopping abortions when he is more dangerous with his claims about what should be done on the world stage. He'd get more Americans killed from a world war than abortions.....

Ron Paul can win a ribbon for his pro-life stance. :cuckoo:

As for Romney compared to Obamination, yeah he's actually been a Gov of a state where abortion is a big issue....whereas Obamination has never led in office where he can get the abortion stink on him.

Obamination still chooses pro-abortion judges more than Romney will. The SCOTUS will be stacked with left-wing goons if scum like you help Obamination win.

And I appreciate you exposing how seriously you take the abortion issue. You pretend to take it seriously, but when it comes to your vote your actions dont' match your words.

In fact, you consistently stoop to nothing but name-calling and insults toward the most pro-life republican.

How could Ron Paul be more dangerous than a man who provides cheap and easy murders to babies (in your view)?
"Since the early 1700's laws have been on the books to limit a female's right to obtain an abortion legally."

No, I'm pointing out that your nonsense doesn't matter. It has no bearing on the topic at hand.

Besides which, you're lying.
I don't need to invoke Kinsey when I'm pointing out lack of substance.
The culture has changed because we are teaching children that they are expected to have sex, because we have de-criminalized rape and other sex offenses, and we have encouraged promiscuity and no-fault divorce...all based on Kinsey's fake research. Try again.

How have we decriminalized rape? Do I think that the US laws regarding rapists and pedophiles are too relaxed? Yeah. I'll give you that culture has encouraged promiscuity, but that's no reason not to be responsible. If you want to have sex do it safely. If your idiotic school and/or parents didn't teach you that, then raise issue with them. And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

The penal code was drastically changed, and Kinsey was the primary source cited when it was done. Kinsey is the reason rapists and child molesters get ridiculously light sentences, when they used to face the death penalty in many states, and life in prison in the rest.

Prove it

Show where and when the penal code was changed. Also show where rapists were given the death penalty
K..I have posted all this in other threads, you know. Give me a little bit, I'll sink it.
Here's something to get you started:

The evidence presented in this State Factor reveals compelling evidence of illegal and criminal acts masquerading as science taken from Kinsey’s confessions in his own “Reports” (1948-1953). Dr. Alfred Kinsey was a “sexual revolutionary” and his “Kinsey Reports” are junk science. Professor of Constitutional law Dr. Charles Rice of Notre Dame concluded that Alfred Kinsey’s research was:
“…contrived, ideologically driven and misleading. Any judge, legislator or other public official who gives credence to that research is guilty of malpractice and dereliction of duty.”
Since World War II Kinsey’s fraudulent data informed and directed the American Law Institute’s “Model Penal Code” in eliminating and weakening 52 sex laws that once protected marriage. If indeed, as Justice Brandeis once said, “law points the way,” the changes to public policies and law naturally followed the Kinsey junk science sexuality model. The ALI’s penal law reforms recommended to legislators and lawyers were largely adopted between 1960 - 1980 and permitted Kinsey’s abnormal sexual conduct to be taught to American children via sex education. Since then public health costs from sexual disease and dysfunction have skyrocketed indeed all measures of socio sexual disorder have soared from the 1960s, when protective laws began to be weakened and/or eliminated. "

The ALEC Report on Kinsey
Here's something to get you started:

The evidence presented in this State Factor reveals compelling evidence of illegal and criminal acts masquerading as science taken from Kinsey’s confessions in his own “Reports” (1948-1953). Dr. Alfred Kinsey was a “sexual revolutionary” and his “Kinsey Reports” are junk science. Professor of Constitutional law Dr. Charles Rice of Notre Dame concluded that Alfred Kinsey’s research was:
“…contrived, ideologically driven and misleading. Any judge, legislator or other public official who gives credence to that research is guilty of malpractice and dereliction of duty.”
Since World War II Kinsey’s fraudulent data informed and directed the American Law Institute’s “Model Penal Code” in eliminating and weakening 52 sex laws that once protected marriage. If indeed, as Justice Brandeis once said, “law points the way,” the changes to public policies and law naturally followed the Kinsey junk science sexuality model. The ALI’s penal law reforms recommended to legislators and lawyers were largely adopted between 1960 - 1980 and permitted Kinsey’s abnormal sexual conduct to be taught to American children via sex education. Since then public health costs from sexual disease and dysfunction have skyrocketed indeed all measures of socio sexual disorder have soared from the 1960s, when protective laws began to be weakened and/or eliminated. "

The ALEC Report on Kinsey

Says nothing about rape or child abuse

The laws that were weakened pertained to sexual acts between consenting adults. No longer was it illegal to get a blow job

Long overdue
It's been legal for 5 decades.

STDs, abortion rates, teen pregnancy, illegitimate births and crime have all increased.

What has been *solved* so far?

Correlation fallacy. And once again, the abortion rate has not increased. You really must stop repeating your lie. The abortion rate has decreased by 30 percent from its peak in 1981.

There are much greater factors behind the increase in illegitimacy than Roe v Wade.

Since you are prone to making stuff up, I would have to see your stats for STDs and crime. I cannot take anything you say at face value.
No, they didn't pertain to sexual acts between consenting adults. They also pertained to violent and sexual acts with/against children.

Kinsey's research included observation of child sexuality, the manual and oral stimulation of childrens' genitals, and the timing of child orgasms with stopwatches. Part of Kinsey's collection of sex films included films of children in sex acts and adult-with-child sex.
According to Reisman, "The Kinsey Report claims at least '317´ pre-adolescents' were sexually experimented upon by 'older adults,' and confirmation of at least 2,035 child experimental subjects were later admitted in 1980 by [assistants] Gebhard and Pomeroy as reported in Ethical Issues in Sex Therapy."
He said 95% violate sex laws"

It's been legal for 5 decades.

STDs, abortion rates, teen pregnancy, illegitimate births and crime have all increased.

What has been *solved* so far?

Correlation fallacy. And once again, the abortion rate has not increased. You really must stop repeating your lie. The abortion rate has decreased by 30 percent from its peak in 1981.

There are much greater factors behind the increase in illegitimacy than Roe v Wade.

Since you are prone to making stuff up, I would have to see your stats for STDs and crime. I cannot take anything you say at face value.

Yes, the abortion rate HAS increased, liar. Don't confuse me with one of your retarded friends, I don't argue a topic unless I have the information.


Do you see the number in 1965....and do you see the rate in 2010? So now, please, again..say "the abortion rate has not increased" you piece of foul dog shit liar.

United States abortion rates, 1960-2008

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