Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

It's been legal for 5 decades.

STDs, abortion rates, teen pregnancy, illegitimate births and crime have all increased.

What has been *solved* so far?

Correlation fallacy. And once again, the abortion rate has not increased. You really must stop repeating your lie. The abortion rate has decreased by 30 percent from its peak in 1981.

There are much greater factors behind the increase in illegitimacy than Roe v Wade.

Since you are prone to making stuff up, I would have to see your stats for STDs and crime. I cannot take anything you say at face value.

Yes, the abortion rate HAS increased, liar. Don't confuse me with one of your retarded friends, I don't argue a topic unless I have the information.


Do you see the number in 1965....and do you see the rate in 2010? So now, please, again..say "the abortion rate has not increased" you piece of foul dog shit liar.

United States abortion rates, 1960-2008

Uh-oh. Melting.
Yes, the abortion rate HAS increased, liar. Don't confuse me with one of your retarded friends, I don't argue a topic unless I have the information.

Your graph only depicts legal abortions.

From your link:
abortions--known or estimated legal abortions occurring in the U.S.

The combined number of legal and illegal abortions in 1965 approached the number of abortions we have today. I proved that to you at least twice in past topics.

Damned straight you have the information, because I gave it you. Now you are cherry picking data.

Nice try.

And since 1981, the abortion rate has been declining significantly. Your own chart shows that. So please explain the declining rate of abortions and the fact illegitimacy has been climbing during the same period.

You clearly have a correlation fallacy.
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Yes, the abortion rate HAS increased, liar. Don't confuse me with one of your retarded friends, I don't argue a topic unless I have the information.

Your graph only depicts legal abortions.

From your link:
abortions--known or estimated legal abortions occurring in the U.S.

The combined number of legal and illegal abortions in 1965 approached the number of abortions we have today. I proved that to you at least twice in past topics.

Damned straight you have the information, because I gave it you. Now you are cherry picking data.

Nice try.

And since 1981, the abortion rate has been declining significantly. Your own chart shows that. So please explain the declining rate of abortions and the fact illegitimacy has been climbing during the same period.

You clearly have a correlation fallacy.

She's just gonna say that it's all Kinsey's fault...
Now...about abortion laws since our Founding:

It perhaps is not generally appreciated that the restrictive criminal abortion laws in effect in a majority of States today are of relatively recent vintage. Those laws, generally proscribing abortion or its attempt at any time during pregnancy except when necessary to preserve the pregnant woman's life, are not of ancient or even of common law origin. Instead, they derive from statutory changes effected, for the most part, in the latter half of the 19th century.

It is undisputed that, at common law, abortion performed before "quickening" -- the first recognizable movement of the fetus in utero, appearing usually from the 16th to the 18th week of pregnancy [n20] -- was not an indictable offense. [n21] The absence [p133] of a common law crime for pre-quickening abortion appears to have developed from a confluence of earlier philosophical, theological, and civil and canon law concepts of when life begins. These disciplines variously approached the question in terms of the point at which the embryo or fetus became "formed" or recognizably human, or in terms of when a "person" came into being, that is, infused with a "soul" or "animated."

The American law. In this country, the law in effect in all but a few States until mid-19th century was the preexisting English common law. Connecticut, the first State to enact abortion legislation, adopted in 1821 that part of Lord Ellenborough's Act that related to a woman "quick with child." [n29] The death penalty was not imposed. Abortion before quickening was made a crime in that State only in 1860. [n30] In 1828, New York enacted legislation [n31] that, in two respects, was to serve as a model for early anti-abortion statutes. First, while barring destruction of an unquickened fetus as well as a quick fetus, it made the former only a misdemeanor, but the latter second-degree manslaughter. Second, it incorporated a concept of therapeutic abortion by providing that an abortion was excused if it

shall have been necessary to preserve the life of such mother, or shall have been advised by two physicians to be necessary for such purpose.

By 1840, when Texas had received the common law, [n32] only eight American States [p139] had statutes dealing with abortion. [n33] It was not until after the War Between the States that legislation began generally to replace the common law. Most of these initial statutes dealt severely with abortion after quickening, but were lenient with it before quickening.

Roe v. Wade
Yes, the abortion rate HAS increased, liar. Don't confuse me with one of your retarded friends, I don't argue a topic unless I have the information.

Your graph only depicts legal abortions.

From your link:
abortions--known or estimated legal abortions occurring in the U.S.

The combined number of legal and illegal abortions in 1965 approached the number of abortions we have today. I proved that to you at least twice in past topics.

Damned straight you have the information, because I gave it you. Now you are cherry picking data.

Nice try.

And since 1981, the abortion rate has been declining significantly. Your own chart shows that. So please explain the declining rate of abortions and the fact illegitimacy has been climbing during the same period.

You clearly have a correlation fallacy.

Lol..there are no numbers for illegal abortions.

So you may can the rest.

And yes, I know they have declined since 1981. They're still exponentially higher than 1965 and show no sign of ever dipping much lower.
I'll stand by for the imaginary "illegal" abortion numbers.

The ones that don't exist except in the heads of militant and orgasmic pro-abortionists.
How have we decriminalized rape? Do I think that the US laws regarding rapists and pedophiles are too relaxed? Yeah. I'll give you that culture has encouraged promiscuity, but that's no reason not to be responsible. If you want to have sex do it safely. If your idiotic school and/or parents didn't teach you that, then raise issue with them. And encouragement of no fault divorce? Encouraged by the exact same people who discourage abortion.... So...

The penal code was drastically changed, and Kinsey was the primary source cited when it was done. Kinsey is the reason rapists and child molesters get ridiculously light sentences, when they used to face the death penalty in many states, and life in prison in the rest.

Prove it

Show where and when the penal code was changed. Also show where rapists were given the death penalty

RW, she is an idiot. You know it, and I know it. Her life is one complete mess, so she blames everyone and everything else,

We know people in life like this, they are called losers,
Meanwhile, here are the numbers we have...

And everyone agrees...the CDC, Guttmacher, Johnston, that the abortion numbers are LOW because planned parenthood tweaks the stats.

% of births+abortions 1965: %0.01
% of births+abortions 2008: %22.2

I quote liewinger:

"And once again, the abortion rate has not increased. You really must stop repeating your lie."

So, liar, is 22.2 percent an increase or decrease from 0.01 percent?
Standby for fanatic baby killers to flock to defend the lie that the numbers are a lie, that *everybody knows* that there were MILLIONS of illegal abortions taking place in 1965 that nobody mentioned or recorded, and THAT explains why the rate now is so much higher than the rate in 1965.

The numbers are wrong! Only they know the truth!

We must kill babies! Kill! Kill!
Illegal abortions were taking place before 1973, yes: many, many abortions.

To deny it reveals the soul of one who loves and lives a lie,
Meanwhile, here on earth....

Murder is still murder.

and stupid is still you

Meanwhile stupid progressives like yourself cry about how every individual is entitled to equal protection - yet you kill little babies and attempt to make authoritarian laws...

A fetus or baby is NOT an organ you sick twisted bastard.. A fetus or baby is NOT a possession..... Using your progressive logic a "mother" should be able to kill her 3-year old..

Abortion is just downright EVIL - it's MURDER.... What makes it even worse is there are some couples in this world that would love to have a child but they cant - then you have promiscuous whores having abortions left and right....

Who the fuck do any of you progressive fucks think you are deciding if a child lives or dies???

I compare you bastards to slave owners because that's the way you view a fetus or baby - as a piece of property instead of an individual human being....
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Meanwhile, here are the numbers we have...

And everyone agrees...the CDC, Guttmacher, Johnston, that the abortion numbers are LOW because planned parenthood tweaks the stats.

% of births+abortions 1965: %0.01
% of births+abortions 2008: %22.2

I quote liewinger:

"And once again, the abortion rate has not increased. You really must stop repeating your lie."

So, liar, is 22.2 percent an increase or decrease from 0.01 percent?

Are you quoting me?

By the way, where is your link? Your numbers make no sense
Oh, shut your pie hole, you fool.

You do not know of what you talk.

Your brain is full of holes.,
Which level of proof do you wish?

And will you accept it?

You already have misquoted RW in another thread, which may get you another vacation.

Simply be honest.

Meanwhile, here are the numbers we have...

And everyone agrees...the CDC, Guttmacher, Johnston, that the abortion numbers are LOW because planned parenthood tweaks the stats.

% of births+abortions 1965: %0.01
% of births+abortions 2008: %22.2

I quote liewinger:

"And once again, the abortion rate has not increased. You really must stop repeating your lie."

So, liar, is 22.2 percent an increase or decrease from 0.01 percent?

Are you quoting me?

By the way, where is your link?

Yes, I am quoting you. You have almost reached siggy status. I'm sure I'll get a zinger out of you.

Same link as before. Ibid, dumbfuck.

United States abortion rates, 1960-2008
Which level of proof do you wish?

And will you accept it?

You already have misquoted RW in another thread, which may get you another vacation.

Simply be honest.



100 percent proof, liar. You said it's incontravertable. Go for it.

Do you bozos really think you have anything to do with the mainstream of humanity? That's just an don't have to answer it, because it doesn't matter. The majority of the world see you as weirdoes.
Honey, that is only reported abortions.

The millions that took place before 1973 were not reported, but the narratives tell the stories.

And you misquoted RW.
Illegal abortions were taking place before 1973, yes: many, many abortions.

To deny it reveals the soul of one who loves and lives a lie,

Prove it.

You can't?


Women have been aborting unwanted pregnancies since the beginning of time. You simply cannot be naïve enough to believe otherwise.

I don't believe otherwise.

I'm trying to get your buds to support the lies they are spouting.

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