Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

The 1700s?

You have the stats?

I suggest you start by reading Roe v. Wade. There you will find the historical basis for the judge's ruling,

which included the fact that at the time of the framing of constitution, abortion was generally allowed, legally, up until the time of quickening,

which roughly translates as being the first trimester.
The Constitution is the charter of the land. If it were amended to permit the enslavement of black people and the removal of hands for thievery, then, yes, that bad behavior would be legal.

Such laws would also lead to a massive rebellion,
The 1700s?

You have the stats?

I suggest you start by reading Roe v. Wade. There you will find the historical basis for the judge's ruling,

which included the fact that at the time of the framing of constitution, abortion was generally allowed, legally, up until the time of quickening,

which roughly translates as being the first trimester.

So you don't have any. Thank you.:lol:
Sad to see the number drop. While many people do abuse the system in place, it is there for a reason. Abortion shouldn't be the go to answer for an unwanted pregnancy, but it should be legal, if for nothing else safety.

Safety? Would you care to explain that?
Most people outgrow the simplistic, dogmatic world view that dominates a toddler's world. Those who do not simply hurt the causes they claim to support. They drive people away from their point of view with their tantrums and vitrol.

And a lot of people call rationalization of evil and going along to get along "maturing".

Some people, however, prefer truth over "feeling like a nice guy".

That's crap. Being able to see the other point of view and acknowledge the validity in both sides of the argument does not mean you aren't able to also stick to your convictions.

nodoginnafight's discussion of the subject has been mature and non-accusatory.

It's you and KG who need to learn a thing or two about "maturing".

Go ahead and join the movement to amend the Constitution to prohibit abortion. See how far that gets you. They tried to prohibit booze once. That didn't work out so well.

Would it surprise you to know that hearing YOU champion something as the path of maturity is not the slightest bit convincing? It's like listening to a nun tout the joys of sex.
The 1700s?

You have the stats?

I suggest you start by reading Roe v. Wade. There you will find the historical basis for the judge's ruling,

which included the fact that at the time of the framing of constitution, abortion was generally allowed, legally, up until the time of quickening,

which roughly translates as being the first trimester.

So you don't have any. Thank you.:lol:

Where did "lol. Sad." go?

Honestly, KG: Talking to you is like trying to get through to Helen Keller, pre-intervention.
The 1700s?

You have the stats?

I suggest you start by reading Roe v. Wade. There you will find the historical basis for the judge's ruling,

which included the fact that at the time of the framing of constitution, abortion was generally allowed, legally, up until the time of quickening,

which roughly translates as being the first trimester.

So you don't have any. Thank you.:lol:

I said abortion was legal then. It was.

It's amazing that you've never read Roe v. Wade.
You might want to learn the difference between "Constitutional" and "right". If the Constitution were to be amended to take the vote away from blacks, then yes, it would be Constitutional and legal. Wouldn't make it right, but apparently, the fine distinction between legality and morality will forever elude liberals.

I don't really wonder why that would be.

no it would still be illegal and would be struck down by scotus. You people who always advocate for the constitution sure don't understand how things work.

How can the Constitution be illegal, and how can the Supreme Court strike down the Constitution? Surely if that's "how things work", you can explain. Please tell me where the Supreme Court has EVER been granted the ability to strike down any part of the US Constitution itself.

Did he say the SCOTUS could declare the constitution unconstitutional?

Seriously, dude....
If BDBoop is all of that....I suppose you are a faux-zealot who wants to dictate your decision for everyone. Which I think goes against how a free society is supposed to work. However...I would actually be OK with abortion being gave a fuck about them after they were born. But when all I see is claims of leeches, tide on the ass of society...and the general "let them eat cake" philosophy of the right.....I think your claims of moral superiority falls on deaf ears....except for the rest of your "Marie Antoinette" brethren.

Directed to "not so" Koshergirl ....of course.

Brilliant. Pro-abortionists got what they wanted through judicial fiat, and you have the gall to accuse US of "dictating our decision for everyone"? How much of the majority of the voting population did it take you guys to get abortion on demand legalized? 7 people, wasn't it? They just happened to be wearing black robes, so fuck bothering to find out what the general population wanted. But let the pro-life side dare to change the law by changing people's minds and votes, and it's a goddamned dictatorship.

You have exactly the right avatar for the hypocritical vomit you're spewing, I'll give you that much.
And you have the perfect avatar for the hypocrite that you are. Talking morality for others while indulging in your dominatrix fantasies. But then that's the real agenda of conservatives....domination at the crack of a whip.

Shockingly, your Puritan-in-liberal-clothing view of morality matters to no one but you. I don't recall ever saying, "Steelplate is my moral leader; I take all my views of right and wrong from him."

You're advocating the value to society of killing babies, and then having the gall to condemn someone else as immoral for having non-missionary sex? Really? And you really have the stones to call someone ELSE a hypocrite, much less think it's going to be meaningful? Oh, boo hoo, let me go get my crying towel because an ignorant, baby-killing prick disapproves of my sexual preferences.

"Domination at the crack of a whip"? Seven votes out of 300+ million to make abortion-on-demand a law, and YOU have the unutteral, dishonest GALL to accuse anyone else of trying to dominate people, you puswad?! At least MY domination is consensual.
What a lovely set of loons pro-abortionists are. Happily spouting Kinsey nonsense about the undeniable sexuality of children, while blatantly lying about the necessity of assembly-line baby-killing to keep people "safe" and "healthy"...despite the fact that it is demonstrably and hideously apparent that abortion has brought nothing but an increase in death and disease for the very people they claim must have it.

Hideously apparent??? When do you think life begins? When a clump of cells form that have not yet distinguished between brain matter and skin?

Well, hideously apparent to everyone who passed high school biology without having to give the teacher head, anyway.

Apparently, that leaves you out.
You made the claim, nyc. You provide the evidence.
Not that it matters for this argument. It's just a red herring.
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Try to confine yourself to the topic at hand. Which isn't "when does life begin" but "how dishonest do you have to be to pretend that abortion solves any of the problems abortionists say it solves?"

It doesn't solve problems. But legalizing it does.

Oh, OKAY. So since abortion has been legal since 1973, that means all these problems no longer exist, right? You DID just tell us that legalizing abortion solves these problems, didn't you?

Did you not know that abortion already IS legal, Einstein?
I get so annoyed with dishonest losers who make specious claims, and when you ask them for a cite and reference say things like "you dummy, look it up!"
Dear Ceci LIE;

See, that's what I was talking about.

The ones who try to bastardize the bible and intimidate people with it aren't necessarily fundamentalists.
The primary justifications for assembly line baby killing are the health of women and children, to reduce child abuse/neglect inflicted upon "unwanted" children, to reduce the number of teen pregnancies, and to decrease illegitimate births (recognized as a major contributing factor in poverty & criminality).

Unfortunately, in the 50 years since RvW, none of those things have come to pass. In fact, just the opposite.

I also appreciate the pretense that an increase in education and access to contraception and abortion on demand will result in reduced teen pregnancy, disease, and abortion. Sex ed has been taught in the schools since 1968 (thank you Kinsey!) and contraceptives have been increasingly available to women and girls since the they are available in schools, at welfare offices, and of course at all health departments and family planning clinics, for free. So why has the teen birth rate, abortion rate, and unplanned pregnancy rate all continued to climb (with occasional, small blips every now and then)?

I attribute the increase to the changing culture. I mean there is a TV show called Teen Mom's out there, completely legitimizing teen pregnancy.

I would continue but my brain function is decreasing, it's about 1 am here, and I have classes to study for. But from what I am getting form this "discussion" is that we think the factors people seem to have for legalization of abortion are different.

But yeah, I think you can sttributed a lot of the problems with media and culture, not just abortion. I doubt a significant decrease in these things would occur if abortion were made illegal.

Oh, my frigging God. "Teen Moms"? Really?! It's been on since 2009, and THAT'S why teenage pregnancy has been running rampant for decades? Are you really so pig-stupid that you can't see that legalization of abortion is PART of the "changing culture" that you so mindlessly want to blame under some pretense that it's separate from that which you want to champion?

"Teen Moms" is a very recent symptom of a problem that we've had for a very long time: the idea that sex is and should be and CAN be pure recreation with no possible negative consequences, that children are mere accessories and useful man anchors which can be totally disposable if one wishes, that femaleness and its accompanying biology imposed by nature are loathsome burdens which can somehow be legislated out of existence, and that personal responsibility is always something for everyone ELSE.
It's funny and pathetic watching the pro-abortion dolts twist themselves into a knot trying to explain they are repulsed by abortion, but don't have a problem supporting abortion. It's kinda like they're opposed to rape, but have no problem supporting it.....or opposed to murder, but have no problem supporting it.....opposed to robbing people, but have no problem supporting it....if someone else likes it.

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