Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

We have brains.

Correction: I have a brain. You? I can see your point.

A brain isn't relative, dear. And it isn't required to be a human.

Your baby was developing a brain, and had all the material needed that determined what he would look like, sound like, how tall he'd be, how smart he'd be, when you scraped him.

He was just a person at a different stage of development than you. That doesn't make him any less a human, any more than an old person who is losing his faculties is less human than you, or a child suffering from Down's syndrome is less human than you.

But progressives don't see that way. Their humanity trumps all others.

No brain, no person. Sorry.

I don't believe anyone asked you to define yourself.

Not that you didn't do a good job of it . . .
A brain isn't relative, dear. And it isn't required to be a human.

Your baby was developing a brain, and had all the material needed that determined what he would look like, sound like, how tall he'd be, how smart he'd be, when you scraped him.

He was just a person at a different stage of development than you. That doesn't make him any less a human, any more than an old person who is losing his faculties is less human than you, or a child suffering from Down's syndrome is less human than you.

But progressives don't see that way. Their humanity trumps all others.

No brain, no person. Sorry.

I don't believe anyone asked you to define yourself.

Not that you didn't do a good job of it . . .

Oh, if you only had a brain.

Or could stay on track with the average thread.

Either would be greatly appreciated.

Or, I know. Just STFU.
Just throwin this out there. Pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion.....
There is that key word in there "choice"

Yes, and the only "choice" they're in favor of is having an abortion. Funny, that. To listen to those who are "pro-choice", you'd never know there WERE any other choices.

I've talked about this before. I had my last child two months after my 40th birthday. Because I know that pregnancy at that age carries quite a lot of risk of genetic defect, I wanted an amniocentesis. My doctor said, "You're not going to abort no matter what, right? So why bother getting an amnio?" I blinked at him and said, "So that if my baby has a problem, I can spend the rest of my pregnancy preparing to take care of him." At my insistence, he made the referral to a clinic.

At the clinic, they insisted that they would not give me the amniocentesis unless I agreed to "genetic counseling" first. Genetic counseling, as it turns out, is where a nurse asks you for the medical histories of your family and the father's, and then spends a half-hour outlining - in excruciating detail - all the genetic things that COULD be wrong with your baby, and how horrible they will make life, and so you should get an abortion if you discover that your child has any of them. Not exactly the stress reliever that a pregnant woman needs.

Never a word was mentioned of the possibility of caring for a special-needs child, no referral information for classes to learn to care for him, support groups, or even adoption information. Just the problem-solving wonders of abortion.

And that wasn't even Planned Parenthood or some similar organization. That was just a regular hospital clinic.

Don't tell me how "pro-choice" isn't pro-abortion. It's the only choice they recognize.
Wow....PP puts on their "website." Uh, it's called covering their ass.....good PR.

When a girl or woman strolls into PP to discuss abortion, PP makes more money killing the baby than promoting the thought of actually keeping the baby. PP hides behind "women's healthcare" procedures many of their clinics don't perform, but they do abortions.

Anyone that is pro-abortion.

I encourage you to go back and read my previous posts. I have stated that I would never get an abortion (due to personal reasons) and think that there need to be more resitrictions placed on when a woman can get an abortion. I never falsely stated that a majority of them happen because of rape and/or incest, or that it was a good thing there are "repeat offenders". I utterly hate shows like "Teen Mom" that make it OK for teens to get pregnant.

Also plannedparenthood does notify people of it's options. This was taken directly from their website:


So don't tell me they don't let people know about other options.

So you are saying that you are a woman who has gone into PP asking for an abortion and received no info about your alternatives???? I have a seriously hard time believing that. Unless you have been through the process who are you to say what does or does not happen behind closed doors?

Oh, you can get Planned Parenthood to give you a referral to someone else for adoption information . . . if you demand it, and absolutely refuse to talk about abortion.

On the other hand, most women who refuse to have abortions don't go to Planned Parenthood for their pregnancy tests.
Yes, little is so easy to confuse the two. :cuckoo: Cow fetus?

So you think there's a 50% chance the woman is killing a cow fetus in the PP clinic???

Idiots like you remind me of those people who think that a cow fetus is a human fetus.

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).

Sweetie, the left has been floating around a chart with fake drawings of animal fetuses and touting it as proof of evolution, so you can spare us the pretense.

And by the way, any side of the argument that's relying on, "I FEEL that developed brains are required to be human beings" to support themselves has no room to be talking about anyone else's ignorance.

If I get you a real picture of a human fetus, would you discuss it, or would you continue diverting to tangents?
If you are for abortion on demand, then your world hurts.


I am pro-life. Abortion on demand disturbs me greatly. But there are some subjects which are of such great import that we must suppress our passions and work rationally toward our goal.

Look at this topic. How many pages in just a couple days? It's burning up.

But amazingly, there is some middle ground upon which we can all meet. So why do we work so hard to polarize each other with statements intended to inflame the other side into responding in kind? I find that people often end up even further in the extreme than they really are, just out of spite.

This blind hatred is not saving lives. It is helping to perpetuate the problem.

That's the way of the gov't right now. To see which side can shout the loudest. There is a huge area of middle ground everyone can agree on, but everyone at the same time just wants to see their side win.

I'd be curious to know what you think the "middle ground" is on this.
Nice fairy tale, little girl.

Shouldn't you be in JUCO class right now instead of making up fairy tales on the internet.

Oh, most pro-abortion dolts don't understand the "fetus" has a heartbeat...but go on about the cow manure story.

There was a picture floating around for ages that conservatives claimed a fetus to be the victim of an abortion. Instead it was the fetus of a cow (might have been pig, but you get the idea).

again, I don't think abortion is the right way to go about things, there are tons of other options, I am under the belief that life begins when cells are distinguishable. So when a fetus has a heartbeat, I would advocate for adoption or some other alternative.

Also, not fairytales. The internet if full of idiots who will believe anything.

And what's wrong with JuCo? It's a way to spend less money on the ever increasing tuition on schools which many people cannot afford.

But I doubt any of the info I just threw out sank in. So, agree to disagree?

Belief? I thought we were talking about science, not religion. Science isn't about being "under a belief". It's about fact.

Please show me any scientific definition of life that includes "distinguishable cells".
Do you really fucking believe that your egg is more valuable than my sperm????

I know they are. Eggs, last I checked, were worth $5000. How much do guys get for a deposit, $75 tops? :lol:

Your sperm don't get fertilized and then grow something inside YOUR body.

Shit, I wouldn't give you mine for 1,000,000...

Well good golly Miss Molly, I'm glad I'm not in the market. I might be sooo disappointed that I can't get your splendid seed. (I hope the sarcasm translates)

Oh and last time I checked males make sperm for their entire lives.

Yes, and? Nobody's buying after a certain age...mid 30s for women and early 40s for men. They also cut you off so that you don't have too many siblings running around fucking each other without knowing it.

Oh and last time I checked there isn't much demand for eggs as far as reproduction is concerned, unless you're gay or Jewish.

Then you need to check again in this century...

  • Number of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity (impaired ability to have children): 7.3 million
  • Percent of women ages 15-44 with impaired fecundity: 11.8%
  • Number of married women ages 15-44 that are infertile (unable to get pregnant for at least 12 consecutive months): 2.1 million
  • Percent of married women ages 15-44 that are infertile: 7.4%
  • Number of women ages 15-44 who have ever used infertility services: 7.3 million


When I was a surrogate (not my eggs, just room in my womb) a few years ago, the lobby of the fertility clinic was always full.

Oh yeah and retrieving the eggs themselves is an entire medical procedure itself which costs money... Sperm comes out of males but you have to go into females to get the egg...

And still the women gets paid considerably more than the man. That makes you bitter doesn't it, that your goop isn't as valuable? Poor dear.

Oh and I forgot, I'm able to make and spew sperm 24-7-365, can you make eggs 247-365?

Nope, just once a month...guess that's why they are so much more valuable. Your "stuff" is literally common as dirt.

Oh yeah, and when you hit 45-50 it is usually over for the gals....

Yes indeed...good thing too. Having a baby is very hard on the woman's body. Childbirth is still considered one of the most dangerous things a woman will experience. That's probably also why the SCOTUS gave us control over our OWN bodies, ja think?

Besides all those facts, I'm sure my sperm is more valuable than your eggs......

Except you didn't provide any facts and I've already proven that eggs are more valuable than sperm.
OMG I HAVE A GROUPIE!!!!! I feel so loved. Hugs and kisses all around. :thanks:

But in all honestly I never really made my position clear I guess. If a friend came to me pregnant, not sure if they wanted to keep the baby I would advocate carrying the baby to term. That if they decided they would not be a fit mother that adoption is always an option. If they told me they were thinking about abortion I would try to disuade them not to get one. But if in the end they made their mind up to get one, I would still love and support that friend.

With that being said, I would much rather a friend or loved one receive an abortion at a legal clinic rather than having to go to some "clinic" not legal, and getting their abortion done there.

The reason I say life begins when a clump of cells can distinguish between different part of the body, until then they are uncategorized cells, which, for me at least do not hold conscious life. It's a tricky area, I agree, and my views on the matter are still changing. (PS. I took bio in high school, my sophomore year and got an A+, class was too easy, and I remained a virgin until college.)

If there are any insults you would like to throw my way, go ahead. :banana:
I am pro-life. Abortion on demand disturbs me greatly. But there are some subjects which are of such great import that we must suppress our passions and work rationally toward our goal.

Look at this topic. How many pages in just a couple days? It's burning up.

But amazingly, there is some middle ground upon which we can all meet. So why do we work so hard to polarize each other with statements intended to inflame the other side into responding in kind? I find that people often end up even further in the extreme than they really are, just out of spite.

This blind hatred is not saving lives. It is helping to perpetuate the problem.

That's the way of the gov't right now. To see which side can shout the loudest. There is a huge area of middle ground everyone can agree on, but everyone at the same time just wants to see their side win.

I'd be curious to know what you think the "middle ground" is on this.

The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.
I'll stand by for the imaginary "illegal" abortion numbers.

The ones that don't exist except in the heads of militant and orgasmic pro-abortionists.

I have shown you the numbers repeatedly. Like on this page of this topic (Post #69). You have even cited some of the same statistics yourself! (Post 43)

And yet you lie and lie and lie again.

Do you actually clamp your hands over your eyes? How, exactly, is it that you are able to continue to lie when you know I am going to embarass you yet again with the facts?

I don't know. Maybe the math confused you?

ETA: I just re-read your post I have linked in this post. It is obvious math and science are not your strong suits. You are mystified as to why there were more deaths from legal abortions than from illegal abortions AFTER abortion was legalized by Roe v Wade! So that explains why you cannot grasp how the number of illegal abortions before Roe v Wade is calculated.
Last edited:
I'll stand by for the imaginary "illegal" abortion numbers.

The ones that don't exist except in the heads of militant and orgasmic pro-abortionists.

Oh, and another thing. I'm pro-life, you know I'm pro-life, so you lie yet again.

Too bad you can only defend yourself with lies and name calling. You undermine the entire pro-life movement, which is exactly why I slam you into the dirt every time you make shit up.
Dear Ceci LIE;


Dear BDPoop:

You are to Jesus Christ what Steelplate is to moral leadership.
OMG I HAVE A GROUPIE!!!!! I feel so loved. Hugs and kisses all around. :thanks:

But in all honestly I never really made my position clear I guess. If a friend came to me pregnant, not sure if they wanted to keep the baby I would advocate carrying the baby to term. That if they decided they would not be a fit mother that adoption is always an option. If they told me they were thinking about abortion I would try to disuade them not to get one. But if in the end they made their mind up to get one, I would still love and support that friend.

With that being said, I would much rather a friend or loved one receive an abortion at a legal clinic rather than having to go to some "clinic" not legal, and getting their abortion done there.

The reason I say life begins when a clump of cells can distinguish between different part of the body, until then they are uncategorized cells, which, for me at least do not hold conscious life. It's a tricky area, I agree, and my views on the matter are still changing. (PS. I took bio in high school, my sophomore year and got an A+, class was too easy, and I remained a virgin until college.)

If there are any insults you would like to throw my way, go ahead. :banana:

Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.
OMG I HAVE A GROUPIE!!!!! I feel so loved. Hugs and kisses all around. :thanks:

But in all honestly I never really made my position clear I guess. If a friend came to me pregnant, not sure if they wanted to keep the baby I would advocate carrying the baby to term. That if they decided they would not be a fit mother that adoption is always an option. If they told me they were thinking about abortion I would try to disuade them not to get one. But if in the end they made their mind up to get one, I would still love and support that friend.

With that being said, I would much rather a friend or loved one receive an abortion at a legal clinic rather than having to go to some "clinic" not legal, and getting their abortion done there.

The reason I say life begins when a clump of cells can distinguish between different part of the body, until then they are uncategorized cells, which, for me at least do not hold conscious life. It's a tricky area, I agree, and my views on the matter are still changing. (PS. I took bio in high school, my sophomore year and got an A+, class was too easy, and I remained a virgin until college.)

If there are any insults you would like to throw my way, go ahead. :banana:

Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

I just find it really ironic that you tell me to have a grown up conversation yet you resort to insults and the holier than thou attitude.

Why on earth you decided to single me out. I have no idea. If you really think im am a teenager does it really make you feel better insulting a teen still learning their place in the world?
This thread shows you who the real party of divisiveness is. Apparently if you're for a woman's right to choose, according to the GOP; you're for murdering babies.
That's the way of the gov't right now. To see which side can shout the loudest. There is a huge area of middle ground everyone can agree on, but everyone at the same time just wants to see their side win.

I'd be curious to know what you think the "middle ground" is on this.

The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.

Abortion aside; look for a massive increase in spending on Prisons over the next 10-20 years.

Cutting off the pennies spent for contraception today will result in a burgeoning prison population down the road. The facts are clear on this; unwanted pregnancies often lead to a life of crime for the child.

So if you're around my age range (late 30's), you may want to buy some stock in CCA (Corrections Corporation of America). This is where the jobs will come from thanks to the short-sighted policies of today.

Schools will get more over-crowded, there will be more people on entitlements, greater prison population, more crime of course, etc....

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