Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

You are pro-abortion, quit lying. Pro-choice is bullshit when PP and other agencies hardly mention the other options for women, abortion is the moneymaker and option #1.

You support a woman's right to go kill her unborn baby so she can cover up having sex with Bubba, keep going to school, etc.

When you die, you will have to answer to supporting killing unborn babies, but enjoy killing them here on Earth.

Most abortions are done by repeat offenders, not rape or incest victims like sold to the general public. Most Americans support limited abortions for the extreme cases but you scum want any girl/woman to be able to roll into a clinic to kill her baby out of convenience.

Oh, where is the choice for the baby?

Don't patronize me.

Pro choice as in the choice between have and not having an abortion. Conservative pigs just decided to say hey, we aren't being big enough jerks about this, let's twist this term into something to better fit our agenda. I have never heard of someone going out and telling people they need to get an abortion just because they are pregnant. Which is what pro-abortion would really mean if used correctly.

That woman you are denigrating was once a fetus. So essentially, you're saying she only has rights until she gets out of the uterus.

The RIGHT to LIFE (not getting murdered before taking her first breath), Liberty. and the PURSUIT of happiness. Pursuing happiness shouldn't include murdering children.
It's adorable watching the pretend abortion moralists act like they care so much about abortion in one thread, then in another thread pledge allegiance to a man who did everything in his power to make abortions as cheap and easy to get as he could. That person is Romney of course.

Meh...drop in the bucket. These same "pro-life" folks support the death penalty, endless wars and don't give a shit about the fetus once it is out of the womb.

Straw man - invent a person and then argue with that invented construct rather than with the real person.

I am pro-life, anti-death penalty, have no problem with gay marriage, and I believe there are some instances when war is unavoidable, but I much preffer exahausting every other option first.

I think most Americans don't fit into those neat little categories the hyper-zealots like to rant about. It's more work to actually find out what people think rather than make silly assumptions. But it's worth the effort.
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Dumbfuck....there is a huge difference between them dying on accident in a war zone and killing them on purpose in a clinic. You see a girl or woman walks into a room and a doctor comes in to kill her baby......

I wonder if Bezerk has the same bleeding heart for all the dead babies and children as a result of the War in Iraq?

In the first trimester, there is no baby involved.

You may have no heart, but that 1st trimester baby does. Where did you misplace yours?
You are a neo-con, a filthy excuse for a human being.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation. +

The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You should be in jail.

Why do you believe that I should be in jail?

Not for your ideology. Your ideology, however, reveals that somewhere you have committed a crime in furthering it. Just a matter of finding it.

You have failed to answer the following, the which you must agree with.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.
The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You think that I should be in jail for some crime that you "imagine" that I committed?
No, Kinsey didn't. He staged fake research, sexually abused children and mis-reported the findings as "sexuality".

Kinsey conducted groundbreaking research. He opened up discussion of human sexuality and formerly taboo subjects

Can you imagine that people could actually discuss sex?

Kinsey hired a panel of 9 *experts* to rape infants strapped to boards, and reported the *findings* as evidence that children are sexual.

He also polled convicts, pimps, prostitutes, and child molesters and presented the findings as evidence of *normal* sexuality. Then he worked with Nazi propagandists to insert that garbage into our schools, while busily working at changing the law to de-criminalize sex crimes (including rape and sex abuse of children). That's your hero.

No surprise.

You suuuuure like to talk about this stuff again and again and again and again. Do you have a Kinsey book by your bedside?
Why do you believe that I should be in jail?

Not for your ideology. Your ideology, however, reveals that somewhere you have committed a crime in furthering it. Just a matter of finding it.

You have failed to answer the following, the which you must agree with.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.
The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You think that I should be in jail for some crime that you "imagine" that I committed?
Or MIGHT commit. It's a Minority Report! We should just let ruthless dictators and insane religions like Islam run wild....and not deal with them. They'll leave us alone I'm sure....
Kinsey conducted groundbreaking research. He opened up discussion of human sexuality and formerly taboo subjects

Can you imagine that people could actually discuss sex?

Kinsey hired a panel of 9 *experts* to rape infants strapped to boards, and reported the *findings* as evidence that children are sexual.

He also polled convicts, pimps, prostitutes, and child molesters and presented the findings as evidence of *normal* sexuality. Then he worked with Nazi propagandists to insert that garbage into our schools, while busily working at changing the law to de-criminalize sex crimes (including rape and sex abuse of children). That's your hero.

No surprise.

You suuuuure like to talk about this stuff again and again and again and again. Do you have a Kinsey book by your bedside?

I'll stop reminding you of the sick fuck and the fake studies that were used to establish sex ed in this country and modify the laws that punish sex offenders when you loons stop using his material to justify the mainstreaming of perversion.
Why do you believe that I should be in jail?

Not for your ideology. Your ideology, however, reveals that somewhere you have committed a crime in furthering it. Just a matter of finding it.

You have failed to answer the following, the which you must agree with.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.
The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You think that I should be in jail for some crime that you "imagine" that I committed?

Not at all. People like you and Squire should be investigated because you support criminal philosophies like marxism or neo-conservatism.
Not for your ideology. Your ideology, however, reveals that somewhere you have committed a crime in furthering it. Just a matter of finding it.

You have failed to answer the following, the which you must agree with.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.
The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You think that I should be in jail for some crime that you "imagine" that I committed?
Or MIGHT commit. It's a Minority Report! We should just let ruthless dictators and insane religions like Islam run wild....and not deal with them. They'll leave us alone I'm sure....

You ran away, Squire. Why do you support criminal philosophies like neo-conservatism?

Squire, answer the question or stay away,
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Meh...drop in the bucket. These same "pro-life" folks support the death penalty, endless wars and don't give a shit about the fetus once it is out of the womb.

That's one stance I'll never understand, simultaneously being pro-life and pro-war. Aborting fetuses makes me outraged, dropping bombs that end up blowing the heads off of babies and kids is something I morally support.

If someone was trying to kill your child or wife, wouldn't you try to kill them first? Wars are fought to protect our families and our way of life.

To protect our families not so much. Now our way of life...our oil fueled economy that is...yeah I can by that one.
I'll stand by for the imaginary "illegal" abortion numbers.

The ones that don't exist except in the heads of militant and orgasmic pro-abortionists.

Oh, and another thing. I'm pro-life, you know I'm pro-life, so you lie yet again.

Too bad you can only defend yourself with lies and name calling. You undermine the entire pro-life movement, which is exactly why I slam you into the dirt every time you make shit up.

No, I don't. You support abortion, you're pro-abortion.

If you don't like the language, change it. That's what you assholes do.
I'll stand by for the imaginary "illegal" abortion numbers.

The ones that don't exist except in the heads of militant and orgasmic pro-abortionists.

I have shown you the numbers repeatedly. Like on this page of this topic (Post #69). You have even cited some of the same statistics yourself! (Post 43)

And yet you lie and lie and lie again.

Do you actually clamp your hands over your eyes? How, exactly, is it that you are able to continue to lie when you know I am going to embarass you yet again with the facts?

I don't know. Maybe the math confused you?

ETA: I just re-read your post I have linked in this post. It is obvious math and science are not your strong suits. You are mystified as to why there were more deaths from legal abortions than from illegal abortions AFTER abortion was legalized by Roe v Wade! So that explains why you cannot grasp how the number of illegal abortions before Roe v Wade is calculated.

You're a lying sack of shit. The first link takes me to a thread, the second link is my own.

Cite the numbers, you fucking liar.

I know you aren't citing them, because you don't have them, because you're a liar. So you pretend they've been cited, it's all been established, and lie about it.

What are the numbers that prove that abortion has declined since the advent of legalized abortion? That's what you claim. Or are you going to lie about that now, too?
And PS, you lying piece of shit, it this were a college classroom and you pulled that shit, you'd get booted from the school. This is why all progressive studies are crap, incidentally. You're doing it on a small scale here, but their "studies" do it on a large scale, and publish their bullshit as *research*....which eventually is uncovered, decades later, after all the idiots like you have latched onto it and can't be un-brainwashed.
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koshergirl is a progressive plant for the anti-life movement. She has to be. No true prolifer could post as poorly as she does, thread after thread, day after day.
Dear Ceci LIE;


Dear BDPoop:

You are to Jesus Christ what Steelplate is to moral leadership.

Dear Cece LIE;

Backatcha, sweet cheeks.
I'll stand by for the imaginary "illegal" abortion numbers.

The ones that don't exist except in the heads of militant and orgasmic pro-abortionists.

Oh, and another thing. I'm pro-life, you know I'm pro-life, so you lie yet again.

Too bad you can only defend yourself with lies and name calling. You undermine the entire pro-life movement, which is exactly why I slam you into the dirt every time you make shit up.

No, I don't. You support abortion, you're pro-abortion.

If you don't like the language, change it. That's what you assholes do.

Hey, they're confused lost souls with moral vertigo.. AKA psychopaths... They're self-absorbed fools who think they're doing good by supporting a womans right to choose to murder her fetus.

They're unable to see past their nose.. They believe giving a woman the right to kill their unborn child makes them superior and more patriotic than us "conservatives" who can clearly see that abortion is murder...

The truth of the matter is half of these fucking idiots believe they're Gods gift to mankind because they pay their taxes and support ideas that on face value seem liberating or charitable - but that is all they can see. They cant see the end result of half the shit they believe...
And PS, you lying piece of shit, it this were a college classroom and you pulled that shit, you'd get booted from the school. This is why all progressive studies are crap, incidentally. You're doing it on a small scale here, but their "studies" do it on a large scale, and publish their bullshit as *research*....which eventually is uncovered, decades later, after all the idiots like you have latched onto it and can't be un-brainwashed.

Oh, you know. For posterity.

I'll stand by for the imaginary "illegal" abortion numbers.

The ones that don't exist except in the heads of militant and orgasmic pro-abortionists.

I have shown you the numbers repeatedly. Like on this page of this topic (Post #69). You have even cited some of the same statistics yourself! (Post 43)

And yet you lie and lie and lie again.

Do you actually clamp your hands over your eyes? How, exactly, is it that you are able to continue to lie when you know I am going to embarass you yet again with the facts?

I don't know. Maybe the math confused you?

ETA: I just re-read your post I have linked in this post. It is obvious math and science are not your strong suits. You are mystified as to why there were more deaths from legal abortions than from illegal abortions AFTER abortion was legalized by Roe v Wade! So that explains why you cannot grasp how the number of illegal abortions before Roe v Wade is calculated.

You're a lying sack of shit. The first link takes me to a thread, the second link is my own.

Cite the numbers, you fucking liar.

I know you aren't citing them, because you don't have them, because you're a liar. So you pretend they've been cited, it's all been established, and lie about it.

What are the numbers that prove that abortion has declined since the advent of legalized abortion? That's what you claim. Or are you going to lie about that now, too?

/checks full moon schedule

//checks Allie

///double-checks full moon

Wut up, home skillet?

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