Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

OMG I HAVE A GROUPIE!!!!! I feel so loved. Hugs and kisses all around. :thanks:

But in all honestly I never really made my position clear I guess. If a friend came to me pregnant, not sure if they wanted to keep the baby I would advocate carrying the baby to term. That if they decided they would not be a fit mother that adoption is always an option. If they told me they were thinking about abortion I would try to disuade them not to get one. But if in the end they made their mind up to get one, I would still love and support that friend.

With that being said, I would much rather a friend or loved one receive an abortion at a legal clinic rather than having to go to some "clinic" not legal, and getting their abortion done there.

The reason I say life begins when a clump of cells can distinguish between different part of the body, until then they are uncategorized cells, which, for me at least do not hold conscious life. It's a tricky area, I agree, and my views on the matter are still changing. (PS. I took bio in high school, my sophomore year and got an A+, class was too easy, and I remained a virgin until college.)

If there are any insults you would like to throw my way, go ahead. :banana:

Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

I just find it really ironic that you tell me to have a grown up conversation yet you resort to insults and the holier than thou attitude.

Why on earth you decided to single me out. I have no idea. If you really think im am a teenager does it really make you feel better insulting a teen still learning their place in the world?

She singles you out because you force her to confront herself in her own mirror of conscience.

She falls short, and you are to blame for that
That's the way of the gov't right now. To see which side can shout the loudest. There is a huge area of middle ground everyone can agree on, but everyone at the same time just wants to see their side win.

I'd be curious to know what you think the "middle ground" is on this.

The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.

I love the myth that birth control isn't already available to all, and being pushed in the schools.
I'd be curious to know what you think the "middle ground" is on this.

The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.

Abortion aside; look for a massive increase in spending on Prisons over the next 10-20 years.

Cutting off the pennies spent for contraception today will result in a burgeoning prison population down the road. The facts are clear on this; unwanted pregnancies often lead to a life of crime for the child.

So if you're around my age range (late 30's), you may want to buy some stock in CCA (Corrections Corporation of America). This is where the jobs will come from thanks to the short-sighted policies of today.

Schools will get more over-crowded, there will be more people on entitlements, greater prison population, more crime of course, etc....

Great, more scare tactics. "IF YOU DON'T FUND PP THERE WILL BE MORE CRIME!"

But there is no correlation between the huge upswing in crime and sex education, no fault divorce, on-demand abortion, free access to birth control.

Explain to me how that works again?
I'd be curious to know what you think the "middle ground" is on this.

The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.

I love the myth that birth control isn't already available to all, and being pushed in the schools.

The advent of birth control has caused an INCREASE in unwanted pregnancies. The out of wedlock birth rate has skyrocketed since the birth control pill was invented.
The middle ground is birth control education. As was stated in the posts preceding the ones you quoted.

More than 46 percent of abortions are the result of unwanted pregnancies which in turn were the result of not using any kind of birth control.

Raising the use of birth control would lower the number of abortions.

This is the middle ground that can be found between the pro-life and pro-choice groups.

Overturning Roe v Wade would not have any effect on the number of abortions. All this rhetorical bomb throwing has no effect, either.

But raising birth control usage would lower the number of abortions. We could put a serious dent in that number. And when abortions become less frequent, they become less socially acceptable.

It's win/win for everyone.

I love the myth that birth control isn't already available to all, and being pushed in the schools.

The advent of birth control has caused an INCREASE in unwanted pregnancies. The out of wedlock birth rate has skyrocketed since the birth control pill was invented.

Yeah and fire extinguishers cause homes to burn up.

Just slowly shakes head....
I love the myth that birth control isn't already available to all, and being pushed in the schools.

The advent of birth control has caused an INCREASE in unwanted pregnancies. The out of wedlock birth rate has skyrocketed since the birth control pill was invented.

Yeah and fire extinguishers cause homes to burn up.

Just slowly shakes head....

Wrong, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, sprinkler systems and education has lead to a dramatic DECREASE in house fires. WHY DO YOU WRITE FALSE INFORMATION? The Chicago fire has never been repeated due to precautions.

Birth control is linked to an INCREASE of unwanted pregnancies. According to all statistics available, unwanted pregnancies have increased after the advent of the "pill".
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It's adorable watching the pretend abortion moralists act like they care so much about abortion in one thread, then in another thread pledge allegiance to a man who did everything in his power to make abortions as cheap and easy to get as he could. That person is Romney of course.
The advent of birth control has caused an INCREASE in unwanted pregnancies. The out of wedlock birth rate has skyrocketed since the birth control pill was invented.

Here is the classic confusion of coincidence and causation. I have sent it to my friend who teaches logic and analysis at the U.
It's adorable watching the pretend abortion moralists act like they care so much about abortion in one thread, then in another thread pledge allegiance to a man who did everything in his power to make abortions as cheap and easy to get as he could. That person is Romney of course.

Meh...drop in the bucket. These same "pro-life" folks support the death penalty, endless wars and don't give a shit about the fetus once it is out of the womb.
It's adorable watching the pretend abortion moralists act like they care so much about abortion in one thread, then in another thread pledge allegiance to a man who did everything in his power to make abortions as cheap and easy to get as he could. That person is Romney of course.

Meh...drop in the bucket. These same "pro-life" folks support the death penalty, endless wars and don't give a shit about the fetus once it is out of the womb.

That's one stance I'll never understand, simultaneously being pro-life and pro-war. Aborting fetuses makes me outraged, dropping bombs that end up blowing the heads off of babies and kids is something I morally support.
It's adorable watching the pretend abortion moralists act like they care so much about abortion in one thread, then in another thread pledge allegiance to a man who did everything in his power to make abortions as cheap and easy to get as he could. That person is Romney of course.

Meh...drop in the bucket. These same "pro-life" folks support the death penalty, endless wars and don't give a shit about the fetus once it is out of the womb.

That's one stance I'll never understand, simultaneously being pro-life and pro-war. Aborting fetuses makes me outraged, dropping bombs that end up blowing the heads off of babies and kids is something I morally support.

If someone was trying to kill your child or wife, wouldn't you try to kill them first? Wars are fought to protect our families and our way of life.
The advent of birth control has caused an INCREASE in unwanted pregnancies. The out of wedlock birth rate has skyrocketed since the birth control pill was invented.

Here is the classic confusion of coincidence and causation. I have sent it to my friend who teaches logic and analysis at the U.

Jake. Please explain why unwanted births have increased at the same time as the advent of birth control.
Meh...drop in the bucket. These same "pro-life" folks support the death penalty, endless wars and don't give a shit about the fetus once it is out of the womb.

That's one stance I'll never understand, simultaneously being pro-life and pro-war. Aborting fetuses makes me outraged, dropping bombs that end up blowing the heads off of babies and kids is something I morally support.

If someone was trying to kill your child or wife, wouldn't you try to kill them first? Wars are fought to protect our families and our way of life.

We haven't fought a defensive war against a country or group of countries capable of over taking us in almost 70 years.

You know that, you're just trying to excuse your pro-war stance.
That's one stance I'll never understand, simultaneously being pro-life and pro-war. Aborting fetuses makes me outraged, dropping bombs that end up blowing the heads off of babies and kids is something I morally support.

If someone was trying to kill your child or wife, wouldn't you try to kill them first? Wars are fought to protect our families and our way of life.

We haven't fought a defensive war against a country or group of countries capable of over taking us in almost 70 years.

You know that, you're just trying to excuse your pro-war stance.

I don't want to live under Sharia law, but the Islamists are trying to impose Islam on the entire world. They need to be suppressed before it is too late.

Do you see what is happening in France and Denmark?
garyganu is a neo-con and believes all war is just.
All war is not just. There is always one side that is right and one side that is wrong. The American Civil War is an example. World War II is another example. WAR IS NECESSARY.

You are a neo-con, a filthy excuse for a human being.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.

The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You should be in jail.
garyganu is a neo-con and believes all war is just.
All war is not just. There is always one side that is right and one side that is wrong. The American Civil War is an example. World War II is another example. WAR IS NECESSARY.

You are a neo-con, a filthy excuse for a human being.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.

The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You should be in jail.

Why do you believe that I should be in jail? Only Islamists, Communists, Marxists and Fascists jail people because of their political or religious ideology.
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If someone was trying to kill your child or wife, wouldn't you try to kill them first? Wars are fought to protect our families and our way of life.

We haven't fought a defensive war against a country or group of countries capable of over taking us in almost 70 years.

You know that, you're just trying to excuse your pro-war stance.

I don't want to live under Sharia law, but the Islamists are trying to impose Islam on the entire world. They need to be suppressed before it is too late.

Do you see what is happening in France and Denmark?

So you believe in a holy war against billions of muslims which includes children and babies, and you're still pretending you can have a spot on the moral highground because of your stance on abortion?

Be honest, you'd love every muslim family to have gov't forced abortions, wouldn't you?
All war is not just. There is always one side that is right and one side that is wrong. The American Civil War is an example. World War II is another example. WAR IS NECESSARY.

You are a neo-con, a filthy excuse for a human being.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation. +

The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

You should be in jail.

Why do you believe that I should be in jail?

Not for your ideology. Your ideology, however, reveals that somewhere you have committed a crime in furthering it. Just a matter of finding it.

You have failed to answer the following, the which you must agree with.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.
The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

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