Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

So you have those numbers, boop?

Nope, because they don't exist.

Join the liar's club. Oh, wait, you're the prez, that was established ages ago.
Oh, and another thing. I'm pro-life, you know I'm pro-life, so you lie yet again.

Too bad you can only defend yourself with lies and name calling. You undermine the entire pro-life movement, which is exactly why I slam you into the dirt every time you make shit up.

No, I don't. You support abortion, you're pro-abortion.

If you don't like the language, change it. That's what you assholes do.

Hey, they're confused lost souls with moral vertigo.. AKA psychopaths... They're self-absorbed fools who think they're doing good by supporting a womans right to choose to murder her fetus.

They're unable to see past their nose.. They believe giving a woman the right to kill their unborn child makes them superior and more patriotic than us "conservatives" who can clearly see that abortion is murder...

The truth of the matter is half of these fucking idiots believe they're Gods gift to mankind because they pay their taxes and support ideas that on face value seem liberating or charitable - but that is all they can see. They cant see the end result of half the shit they believe...

Really? Do tell, Mr. Dick. What do you think will happen when women are forced to go to term with children they cannot afford. What do you think this will do to our country, and be specific. You know they'll keep them. Not many will be given up for adoption. Truth to tell, women will continue getting abortions by whatever means necessary. But you go on, think things through, and get back to me.
OMG I HAVE A GROUPIE!!!!! I feel so loved. Hugs and kisses all around. :thanks:

But in all honestly I never really made my position clear I guess. If a friend came to me pregnant, not sure if they wanted to keep the baby I would advocate carrying the baby to term. That if they decided they would not be a fit mother that adoption is always an option. If they told me they were thinking about abortion I would try to disuade them not to get one. But if in the end they made their mind up to get one, I would still love and support that friend.

With that being said, I would much rather a friend or loved one receive an abortion at a legal clinic rather than having to go to some "clinic" not legal, and getting their abortion done there.

The reason I say life begins when a clump of cells can distinguish between different part of the body, until then they are uncategorized cells, which, for me at least do not hold conscious life. It's a tricky area, I agree, and my views on the matter are still changing. (PS. I took bio in high school, my sophomore year and got an A+, class was too easy, and I remained a virgin until college.)

If there are any insults you would like to throw my way, go ahead. :banana:

Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

Oh, fuck off you rancid old gash.
Thanks for re-posting it, it's one of the resoundingly accurate posts of the thread, Boop.

Which explains your irritation.
OMG I HAVE A GROUPIE!!!!! I feel so loved. Hugs and kisses all around. :thanks:

But in all honestly I never really made my position clear I guess. If a friend came to me pregnant, not sure if they wanted to keep the baby I would advocate carrying the baby to term. That if they decided they would not be a fit mother that adoption is always an option. If they told me they were thinking about abortion I would try to disuade them not to get one. But if in the end they made their mind up to get one, I would still love and support that friend.

With that being said, I would much rather a friend or loved one receive an abortion at a legal clinic rather than having to go to some "clinic" not legal, and getting their abortion done there.

The reason I say life begins when a clump of cells can distinguish between different part of the body, until then they are uncategorized cells, which, for me at least do not hold conscious life. It's a tricky area, I agree, and my views on the matter are still changing. (PS. I took bio in high school, my sophomore year and got an A+, class was too easy, and I remained a virgin until college.)

If there are any insults you would like to throw my way, go ahead. :banana:

Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

Oh, fuck off you rancid old gash.

I dunno, I think you sound sort of irritated here.

Maybe that's just the way you talk all the time.
Ah, the ubiquitous "I'm a good person, REALLY" song-and-dance. I always wonder if they ever convince themselves, because they sure aren't impressing anyone else.

You really know jack squat about the history of abortion, don't you? Somebody told you about the "bad old days" of women dropping like flies in back alleys with coat hangers up their coochies, and you bought it hook, line, and sinker like the gullible little tweenie that you are.

The reason I say life begins at conception is science. Only children and those who think like them believe that "in my view" and "beliefs" and "feelings" are any sort of substitution for facts.

If your next post is just going to be another mindless repetition of "I believe it's this way, and I'm really smart and a good person, I KNOW I am", don't even bother. I've heard you twice already, and it'll be just as worthless and meaningless a third time, not to mention all the other times I've heard the same thing, word-for-word, from other idiots who think they're saying something brilliant and original.

When you can think for yourself and debate like a grown-up, instead of just flattering yourself that you do, come see me. I don't waste time talking to children playing dress-up.

Oh, fuck off you rancid old gash.

I dunno, I think you sound sort of irritated here.

Maybe that's just the way you talk all the time.

Yes. At her, at that moment.

Don't confuse me with yourself, who can apparently hold a grudge til the end of time.
koshergirl is a progressive plant for the anti-life movement. She has to be. No true prolifer could post as poorly as she does, thread after thread, day after day.
The advent of birth control has caused an INCREASE in unwanted pregnancies. The out of wedlock birth rate has skyrocketed since the birth control pill was invented.

Yeah and fire extinguishers cause homes to burn up.

Just slowly shakes head....

Wrong, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, sprinkler systems and education has lead to a dramatic DECREASE in house fires. WHY DO YOU WRITE FALSE INFORMATION? The Chicago fire has never been repeated due to precautions.

Birth control is linked to an INCREASE of unwanted pregnancies. According to all statistics available, unwanted pregnancies have increased after the advent of the "pill".

Obviously you did not understand what you posted :)
That is why I posted something equally stupit.

Unwanted pregnancies also increased after the Reagan presidency. Connection? I think not.
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As a matter of fact, increased pregnancies have actually been linked to pill usage.
Unwanted pregnancies also increased after the rights abstinance only programs.

Unwed births also increased.
And that is nto the same as unwanted pregnancies.

To blame this on the pill is overly simplistic as unwed pregnancies used to be hidden and a surce of shame now they are celebrated.
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No, I don't. You support abortion, you're pro-abortion.

If you don't like the language, change it. That's what you assholes do.

Hey, they're confused lost souls with moral vertigo.. AKA psychopaths... They're self-absorbed fools who think they're doing good by supporting a womans right to choose to murder her fetus.

They're unable to see past their nose.. They believe giving a woman the right to kill their unborn child makes them superior and more patriotic than us "conservatives" who can clearly see that abortion is murder...

The truth of the matter is half of these fucking idiots believe they're Gods gift to mankind because they pay their taxes and support ideas that on face value seem liberating or charitable - but that is all they can see. They cant see the end result of half the shit they believe...

Really? Do tell, Mr. Dick. What do you think will happen when women are forced to go to term with children they cannot afford. What do you think this will do to our country, and be specific. You know they'll keep them. Not many will be given up for adoption. Truth to tell, women will continue getting abortions by whatever means necessary. But you go on, think things through, and get back to me.

If you cant afford a child then use contraception, Oh and don't expect that contraception for free either.

If you cant afford that shit then don't have sex....

If you're a fucking moron who DID fuck stupidly then give the baby up for adoption (private adoption)....

Murdering a fetus is a selfish solution to an alleged problem and it is completely unnecessary.
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Hey, they're confused lost souls with moral vertigo.. AKA psychopaths... They're self-absorbed fools who think they're doing good by supporting a womans right to choose to murder her fetus.

They're unable to see past their nose.. They believe giving a woman the right to kill their unborn child makes them superior and more patriotic than us "conservatives" who can clearly see that abortion is murder...

The truth of the matter is half of these fucking idiots believe they're Gods gift to mankind because they pay their taxes and support ideas that on face value seem liberating or charitable - but that is all they can see. They cant see the end result of half the shit they believe...

Really? Do tell, Mr. Dick. What do you think will happen when women are forced to go to term with children they cannot afford. What do you think this will do to our country, and be specific. You know they'll keep them. Not many will be given up for adoption. Truth to tell, women will continue getting abortions by whatever means necessary. But you go on, think things through, and get back to me.

If you cant afford a child then use contraception, Oh and don't expect that contraception for free either.

If you cant afford that shit then don't have sex....

If you're a fucking moron who DID fuck stupidly then give the baby up for adoption (private adoption)....

Murdering a fetus is a selfish solution to an alleged problem and it is completely unnecessary.

Well, I'm so glad you don't have any hormones to fight. How are the man boobs coming along?
Really? Do tell, Mr. Dick. What do you think will happen when women are forced to go to term with children they cannot afford. What do you think this will do to our country, and be specific. You know they'll keep them. Not many will be given up for adoption. Truth to tell, women will continue getting abortions by whatever means necessary. But you go on, think things through, and get back to me.

If you cant afford a child then use contraception, Oh and don't expect that contraception for free either.

If you cant afford that shit then don't have sex....

If you're a fucking moron who DID fuck stupidly then give the baby up for adoption (private adoption)....

Murdering a fetus is a selfish solution to an alleged problem and it is completely unnecessary.

Well, I'm so glad you don't have any hormones to fight. How are the man boobs coming along?

Pulling out and busting a nut somewhere other than in the woman isn't that difficult to do...
How many cried over the needless deaths of shock and awe....

Abortion is a fascinating topic for the moralists of the right, it is an abstraction they cling to with great fervor, and yet if they were faced with living life as religious theology preached and had child after child they'd soon give up. My parents lived that life, today no one has fourteen or fifteen children as life is hard enough with a few. But there are other levels to the abortion debate, why is it always men, who cannot even experience the reality of birth, who have such strong feelings? Because it is only an abstraction, the actual child bearing is left to another as they pine over an abstract moral position. Ask them to support all the children born after they have their fifteen children? Put just a bit of reality in their words. And consider as many as 2 or 3 conceptions out of five end naturally and even if you are so called pro-life you have to recognize life is a complex process, it the living part that matters. And consider not one pro-life moralist protested the bombing and killing in Iraq, nor the living child who dies every fifteen seconds in the world of preventable causes and you realize abortion is like so many other things for the moralist - meaningless blather with no substance nor consequence.

"Another error is the moment-of-conception fallacy. The joining of a human egg and sperm defines a new and unique human genotype. It does not produce any human hopes and fears and memories or anything else of moral importance implied by the term human. The newly fertilized egg may have the potential for a fully human existence, but that potential was there even before fertilization. The same can be said of all the fertilizations that might have been. The penetration of that egg by one sperm meant an early death for millions of competing sperm. It destroyed all hope for those millions of other unique human genotypes.

The moment-of-conception fallacy implies that fertilization is a simple process with never a doubt as to whether it has or has not happened. In reality, the "moment" is a matter of some hours of complex activity. There are elaborate biochemical interactions between the sperm and various layers of the egg membrane. The sperm gradually breaks up, and only its nucleus is established in the egg. Then both egg and sperm nuclei initiate radical changes before the fusion of the two nuclei. Many of the developmental events following this fusion were predetermined during the production of the egg. Genes provided by the sperm do not have discernible effects until embryonic development is well under way. A strictly biological definition of humanity would have to specify some point in this elaborate program at which the egg and sperm have suddenly been endowed with a single human life." From The Pony Fish's Glow and Other Clues to Plan and Purpose in Nature, by George C. William.

Boston Review — Judith Jarvis Thomson
Top 10 Anti-Abortion Myths - Top 10 Myths About Abortion
Why Francis Beckwith

When so called pro life people support living people I'll take them serious, till then they remain hypocrites and two faced moralists.


"But voters seem to have rejected “personhood” for a different reason — legally redefining a “person” would not only criminalize all abortion but would probably outlaw hormonal forms of birth control as well. Hormonal contraceptives generally prevent an egg from being fertilized in the first place, but the at-least-theoretical possibility that they might also prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus was enough to raise the specter of birth control pills being viewed as an instrument of homicide." Rachel Maddow: The GOP war on birth control - The Washington Post

In 2010 republicans ran on jobs, the fools who voted believed them, the rest cynically stayed home or didn't even care. So the republicans win the house and did they work for jobs? Of course not, they legislated to remove the freedoms Americans have fought for.

The following wouldn't be so hypocritical if republicans cared for living breathing beings.

"Republican legislators have introduced a wide array of laws designed to either outlaw abortion outright or to discourage it by making ridiculous and sometimes humiliating requirements of women who might consider having a pregnancy terminated. These include so-called TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) regulations."

The Consequences of Evil - Republican Legislation Since 2010

"Having ensured that children will be born through their anti-abortion legislation, House Republicans have now ensured those children will be deprived of proper nutrition once they come into the world, ensuring that 300,000 millionaires will have more money in their pockets at the expense of nearly 500,000 women and children. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee approved the appropriations bill which reduces WIC funding from $6.73 billion this year to $5.90 billion in 2012. The bill will also cut $38 million from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSIP), as well as $63 million from the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAB). If the Republicans had been truly interested in slashing the federal budget they could have saved more money by ending tax cuts for the rich or slashing subsidies to the oil companies. Instead they starve the infants and elderly. Why do I say that? WIC could be fully funded at the cost of just one week of Bush’s tax cuts for millionaires. According to the Center for American Progress, “one day’s worth of millionaire tax cuts would feed needy families for a year.”"
Really? Do tell, Mr. Dick. What do you think will happen when women are forced to go to term with children they cannot afford. What do you think this will do to our country, and be specific. You know they'll keep them. Not many will be given up for adoption. Truth to tell, women will continue getting abortions by whatever means necessary. But you go on, think things through, and get back to me.

If you cant afford a child then use contraception, Oh and don't expect that contraception for free either.

If you cant afford that shit then don't have sex....

If you're a fucking moron who DID fuck stupidly then give the baby up for adoption (private adoption)....

Murdering a fetus is a selfish solution to an alleged problem and it is completely unnecessary.

Well, I'm so glad you don't have any hormones to fight. How are the man boobs coming along?

He will tell this to Bristol Palin?

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