Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Your religious bigotry is showing and your logic is slipping, JoeB.

Not at all, guy.

The problem is that when you have a book full of silly bronze age superstitions and taboos, and you claim that this is really the "Word of God", you can use it to justify all sorts of bad behavior.

Until that behavior becomes so completely unacceptable to modern people, then you have to try to pretend those things aren't in the bible and squirm uncomfortably when someone like me comes along and points out that they are.

Like the co-worker I had who was black and also a Jehovah's Witless who went around saying how bad and wrong slavery was, and I was happy to point out to her in the bible where God was totally good with slavery.

The nice thing about rejecting the bible is that you don't have to defend or try to explain away some real horsecrap.
It was a bad law, and Americans reject it.




"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%
The whole abortion issue is becoming a non-issue with much of public. Abortion rates have gone down over the years and with modern birth control and the morning after pill, the need for clinical abortion is decreasing. In 2012, abortion doesn't even make the top 10 with most voters.

The poll cited wasn't about the law, but about how people self identify, but you're absolutely right. Politicians like to use abortion to rile up their bases, but most Americans see it as a settled issue.
It was a bad law, and Americans reject it.




"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%
The whole abortion issue is becoming a non-issue with much of public. Abortion rates have gone down over the years and with modern birth control and the morning after pill, the need for clinical abortion is decreasing. In 2012, abortion doesn't even make the top 10 with most voters.

The poll cited wasn't about the law, but about how people self identify, but you're absolutely right. Politicians like to use abortion to rile up their bases, but most Americans see it as a settled issue.

Why don't you give us a link or study that backs that up.
Your religious bigotry is showing and your logic is slipping, JoeB.

Not at all, guy.

The problem is that when you have a book full of silly bronze age superstitions and taboos, and you claim that this is really the "Word of God", you can use it to justify all sorts of bad behavior.

Until that behavior becomes so completely unacceptable to modern people, then you have to try to pretend those things aren't in the bible and squirm uncomfortably when someone like me comes along and points out that they are.

Like the co-worker I had who was black and also a Jehovah's Witless who went around saying how bad and wrong slavery was, and I was happy to point out to her in the bible where God was totally good with slavery.

The nice thing about rejecting the bible is that you don't have to defend or try to explain away some real horsecrap.

Slavery in the bible was not the same as slavery today. It was more indentured servitude, as Jews were obligated to turn their slaves free every 7 years, and slaves were allowed to have property, had to be paid wages, and had rights just as everybody else did.
The whole abortion issue is becoming a non-issue with much of public. Abortion rates have gone down over the years and with modern birth control and the morning after pill, the need for clinical abortion is decreasing. In 2012, abortion doesn't even make the top 10 with most voters.

The poll cited wasn't about the law, but about how people self identify, but you're absolutely right. Politicians like to use abortion to rile up their bases, but most Americans see it as a settled issue.

Why don't you give us a link or study that backs that up.



"In general, do you agree or disagree with the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that established a woman's right to an abortion?"

2/14-20/12 - 64% Agree 31% Disagree 5% Unsure

Polling Report: Abortion
Slavery in the bible was not the same as slavery today. It was more indentured servitude, as Jews were obligated to turn their slaves free every 7 years, and slaves were allowed to have property, had to be paid wages, and had rights just as everybody else did.

OMG...You really need to pick up a history book every once in a while.

And actually READ the bible. It ain't peaches and cream in there, Princess. It advocates slavery, plain and simple (among other things). Stoning of women and children is popular.

Oh, and my favorite story, Sodom and Gomorrah. There's a story to tell the kiddies before bedtime.

Angels come to warn the one guy in town that god has decided is worth saving. The town, you see, has gotten away from the Christian ideal of "love they neighbor" and were very inhospitable to strangers...kind of a gated community you might say.

But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, 'Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near.' I tell you, it will be more bearable on that day for Sodom than for that town. (Luke 10:10-12)

So anyway, back to the story...The townspeople find out about the angels staying with this dude Lott and his family and they get a mob together and head over to Lott's house. You get the idea from the story that these townspeople want to gang rape the angels (not have consensual loving sex, but RAPE them). So this guy Lott, this loving Christian, family man, offers to send his two daughters out to gang rape them instead of the Angels. Real nice guy, that Lott. Father of the year.

God destroys Sodom anyway, including Lott's too curious wife so he runs off to the hills where he has sex with his two daughters.

And out of this whole story, who gets scapegoated? Consenting adult gays and lesbians, who had NOTHING to do with the whole story in the first place.
The poll cited wasn't about the law, but about how people self identify, but you're absolutely right. Politicians like to use abortion to rile up their bases, but most Americans see it as a settled issue.

Why don't you give us a link or study that backs that up.



"In general, do you agree or disagree with the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that established a woman's right to an abortion?"

2/14-20/12 - 64% Agree 31% Disagree 5% Unsure

Polling Report: Abortion

That doesn't address whether or not *most Americans see it as a settled issue*.
And those numbers in no way indicate the American people are gung ho for it, either.

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