Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Not for your ideology. Your ideology, however, reveals that somewhere you have committed a crime in furthering it. Just a matter of finding it.

You have failed to answer the following, the which you must agree with.

The Civil War was fought because sides sinned against God because of slavery, which had to be washed with the blood of the nation.
The invasion of Iraq was unnecessary, damaged our economy, wrecked the morale of the guard and the reserve, made the world more unstable, and joined an unholy alliance of armaments dealers and neo-cons, often the same individuals.

The US hasn't been attacked by Islamic terrorists since we joined the war against Islamo-Fascism.

And neither has a giant meteor struck the earth since I did my mystic anti meteor chant.

Or since bigrebnc has found truth in marxist polls.

garyganu is a screwball.
And they use it as an insult towards anyone who isn't in with the homosexual agenda.

Just like they call women who don't support abortion "sluts", and that's supposed to convince us that they're all about sticking up for women, taking them seriously, giving them control over their own whatever...

The gay activists really hate ex-gays with a vengeance. But they applaud teens who experiment with homosexuality.

Remember how they attacked Marcus Bachmann (Michelle's husband) because he offered therapy to restore homosexuals to a normal lifestyle.

The mere suggestion that some gays seek out professional help drives the gay activists insane.

Pray away the gay....

From their perspective, there is nothing wrong with their lifestyle

Only gays who want to change seek out help. From their perspective they prefer to be straight.
The gay activists really hate ex-gays with a vengeance. But they applaud teens who experiment with homosexuality.

Remember how they attacked Marcus Bachmann (Michelle's husband) because he offered therapy to restore homosexuals to a normal lifestyle.

The mere suggestion that some gays seek out professional help drives the gay activists insane.

Pray away the gay....

From their perspective, there is nothing wrong with their lifestyle

Only gays who want to change seek out help. From their perspective they prefer to be straight.

How long were you gay?
He still is gay,

koshergrl must have been talking about you when she wrote:

"And they use it [the word "gay"] as an insult towards anyone who isn't in with the homosexual agenda."

If being gay is so good, then why do you use it as an insult?
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I used the term as indication of your obvious conflict inside you, for only those who are seriously disturbed in their own personal sexuality and orientation, garyganu, are worried about these matters.
I used the term as indication of your obvious conflict inside you, for only those who are seriously disturbed in their own personal sexuality and orientation, garyganu, are worried about these matters.

You used it as an insult because most all of your comments to me are insults.
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And they use it as an insult towards anyone who isn't in with the homosexual agenda.

Just like they call women who don't support abortion "sluts", and that's supposed to convince us that they're all about sticking up for women, taking them seriously, giving them control over their own whatever...

The gay activists really hate ex-gays with a vengeance but they applaud teens who experiment with homosexuality.

Remember how they attacked Marcus Bachmann (Michelle's husband) because he offered therapy to restore homosexuals to a normal lifestyle.

The mere suggestion that some gays seek out professional help drives the gay activists insane.

Some seem to believe that exhibiting their ignorance and hate constitutes some sort of an ‘argument,’ it doesn’t.
I used the term as indication of your obvious conflict inside you, for only those who are seriously disturbed in their own personal sexuality and orientation, garyganu, are worried about these matters.

You used it as an insult because most all of your comments to me are insults.

Most of my comments were corrections of your disturbed posts.
He still is gay,

koshergrl must have been talking about you when she wrote:

"And they use it [the word "gay"] as an insult towards anyone who isn't in with the homosexual agenda."

If being gay is so good, then why do you use it as an insult?

The left has been using "homosexual" as an attack for ages. First thing they do when someone opposes them is accuse them of being a closet homosexual. Anyone remember this as one of the attacks on Senator McCarthy? Hell, they're STILL working on making it the conventional wisdom about J. Edgar Hoover, even though there was never a word about it when the man was actually in office.

Conservatives just don't want to be forced to call them "married"; liberals actually HATE homosexuals. They consider it the worst insult they can hurl at someone.
I used the term as indication of your obvious conflict inside you, for only those who are seriously disturbed in their own personal sexuality and orientation, garyganu, are worried about these matters.

You used it as an insult because most all of your comments to me are insults.

Most of my comments were corrections of your disturbed posts.

Many of the cons here use the term "faggot" and "gay" to attack those with whom they disagreed.

CeCelie1200 has turned this upside down by accusing liberals of doing this. That's inaccurate.

The real issue is simply that many sexually disturbed individuals concerning their orientation end up taking their unhappiness out on those whom they sexually abhor.
Right wingers certainly haven't cornered the market on that one. Every time anyone dares to voice an opinion that isn't balls to the wall 100 percent pro-homosexual everything, Bod, Rav and a few others jump in, calling them fags, queers, latent homosexuals, and it most definitely is done to insult.
I used the term as indication of your obvious conflict inside you, for only those who are seriously disturbed in their own personal sexuality and orientation, garyganu, are worried about these matters.

You used it as an insult because most all of your comments to me are insults.

Most of my comments were corrections of your disturbed posts.

You've never been correct about anything in your life.:cuckoo:
And finally, when the "Palin's daughter is a slut" tactic and the "There were more abortions when it was ILLEGAL" lies don't take, they trot out the fag-bashers..who are typically fags themselves, who flock to the thread to twitter "You're just a big homo!" "You faggot!" "You're queer!"

It's all they have.
And finally, when the "Palin's daughter is a slut" tactic and the "There were more abortions when it was ILLEGAL" lies don't take, they trot out the fag-bashers..who are typically fags themselves, who flock to the thread to twitter "You're just a big homo!" "You faggot!" "You're queer!"

It's all they have.

yay! More fact pulling out of thin air!
And finally, when the "Palin's daughter is a slut" tactic and the "There were more abortions when it was ILLEGAL" lies don't take, they trot out the fag-bashers..who are typically fags themselves, who flock to the thread to twitter "You're just a big homo!" "You faggot!" "You're queer!"

It's all they have.

yay! More fact pulling out of thin air!

Actually, tweenie, that's what we call "an observation", made by someone who's NOT in her very first grown-up political debate, and JUST SO THRILLED to be allowed at the adult table that she's practically shaking her pom-poms at us.

On the bright side, you've served as a wonderful Exhibit A to prove that liberals really do have the mentality of 12-year-old girls, just like we've been saying all along.
Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

Like The DICK; Cheney says......"So??"


May 25, 2012

"A Gallup poll released this week showed that the percentage of Americans who identify as “pro-choice” is at an all-time low of 47 percent, while 50 percent identify as “pro-life.” But does it really matter?

Most Americans still believe abortion should be legal, and the outrage over recent attempted rollbacks of women’s reproductive rights has sparked a new wave of activism among feminists online and off.

The anti-choice movement may be winning on labels, but they’re.....

Personally, I was enjoying how one of the people who likes to bitch about how conservatives "don't care about babies once they're born" was pissing and moaning about conservatives giving Bristol Palin money. Liberals can't even SPELL "consistency", let alone show any.

I think the complaint about Bristol was that she was being given money to talk about abstitence.

Which is like giving Jeffrey Dahmner money to talk about the Vegan lifestyle.

It's your business..why?

You do realize that the best role models are those who have experienced what they're talking about, right?

Um, no. The best role models are the ones who can testify to why something is a bad thing.

Bristol got a reality TV show, bags of money and she's famous for getting knocked up. Hardly the kind of person you put on display if you don't want kids to get knocked up.

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