Pro-choice at record low...41 percent.

To my knowledge, changing the meaning of words is a tactic of the left.

If you have any examples of conservatives redefining words, I will be very interested to hear them.

Gay as an insult.

Good example BDBoop but you've got it exactly backwards. The traditional meaning of the word "gay" is festive, happy or cheerful. The liberal gay activists redefined the word gay to mean homosexual.

Actually, you should check out the true history of the word. Before it meant happy or festive, it meant "Promiscious" or "Of loose morals".

So the word has changed from meaning Promiscious before 1850. "Happy" between 1850 and about 1950. Homosexual from about 1960 onwards... until of course the kids now have learned to use the word "Gay" to mean something that is lame or stupid, as in "That's so gay!"

And finally, when the "Palin's daughter is a slut" tactic and the "There were more abortions when it was ILLEGAL" lies don't take, they trot out the fag-bashers..who are typically fags themselves, who flock to the thread to twitter "You're just a big homo!" "You faggot!" "You're queer!"

It's all they have.

yay! More fact pulling out of thin air!

Actually, tweenie, that's what we call "an observation", made by someone who's NOT in her very first grown-up political debate, and JUST SO THRILLED to be allowed at the adult table that she's practically shaking her pom-poms at us.

On the bright side, you've served as a wonderful Exhibit A to prove that liberals really do have the mentality of 12-year-old girls, just like we've been saying all along.

I'll leave you to figure out the irony of that statement.
yay! More fact pulling out of thin air!

Actually, tweenie, that's what we call "an observation", made by someone who's NOT in her very first grown-up political debate, and JUST SO THRILLED to be allowed at the adult table that she's practically shaking her pom-poms at us.

On the bright side, you've served as a wonderful Exhibit A to prove that liberals really do have the mentality of 12-year-old girls, just like we've been saying all along.

I'll leave you to figure out the irony of that statement.

Get your teachers to put "irony" on your vocabulary list, hon.
To my knowledge, changing the meaning of words is a tactic of the left.

If you have any examples of conservatives redefining words, I will be very interested to hear them.

Gay as an insult.

Good example BDBoop but you've got it exactly backwards. The traditional meaning of the word "gay" is festive, happy or cheerful. The liberal gay activists redefined the word gay to mean homosexual.

And the thugs redefined it to be an insult.
It was a bad law, and Americans reject it.




"Pro-Choice" Americans at Record-Low 41%
The whole abortion issue is becoming a non-issue with much of public. Abortion rates have gone down over the years and with modern birth control and the morning after pill, the need for clinical abortion is decreasing. In 2012, abortion doesn't even make the top 10 with most voters.
And finally, when the "Palin's daughter is a slut" tactic and the "There were more abortions when it was ILLEGAL" lies don't take, they trot out the fag-bashers..who are typically fags themselves, who flock to the thread to twitter "You're just a big homo!" "You faggot!" "You're queer!"

It's all they have.

yay! More fact pulling out of thin air!

Actually, tweenie, that's what we call "an observation", made by someone who's NOT in her very first grown-up political debate, and JUST SO THRILLED to be allowed at the adult table that she's practically shaking her pom-poms at us.

On the bright side, you've served as a wonderful Exhibit A to prove that liberals really do have the mentality of 12-year-old girls, just like we've been saying all along.

You know, this isn't your regular job. You're not getting paid to be sadistic.
And they use it as an insult towards anyone who isn't in with the homosexual agenda.

Just like they call women who don't support abortion "sluts", and that's supposed to convince us that they're all about sticking up for women, taking them seriously, giving them control over their own whatever...

Bullshit. BullhonkingSHIT! Kids use it as an insult. Fag. You're gay. Faggot. Straights use it against anybody that pisses them off.

I can't believe that you are as dumb as you act on this board, but apparently you really, really are.
I used the term as indication of your obvious conflict inside you, for only those who are seriously disturbed in their own personal sexuality and orientation, garyganu, are worried about these matters.

You used it as an insult because most all of your comments to me are insults.

There's a reason for that, ass fedora. You're a troll, just like KG and Cece LIES.
And finally, when the "Palin's daughter is a slut" tactic and the "There were more abortions when it was ILLEGAL" lies don't take, they trot out the fag-bashers..who are typically fags themselves, who flock to the thread to twitter "You're just a big homo!" "You faggot!" "You're queer!"

It's all they have.

yay! More fact pulling out of thin air!

Actually, tweenie, that's what we call "an observation", made by someone who's NOT in her very first grown-up political debate, and JUST SO THRILLED to be allowed at the adult table that she's practically shaking her pom-poms at us.

On the bright side, you've served as a wonderful Exhibit A to prove that liberals really do have the mentality of 12-year-old girls, just like we've been saying all along.

You're a bitch with a capital C, and rhymes with hunt.
And they use it as an insult towards anyone who isn't in with the homosexual agenda.

Just like they call women who don't support abortion "sluts", and that's supposed to convince us that they're all about sticking up for women, taking them seriously, giving them control over their own whatever...

Bullshit. BullhonkingSHIT! Kids use it as an insult. Fag. You're gay. Faggot. Straights use it against anybody that pisses them off.

I can't believe that you are as dumb as you act on this board, but apparently you really, really are.

Actually gays like to call straights breeders, they are so witty!!!! And what's meaner than a straight bullying a homosexual, yeah the homosexual movement, they have some VERY VERY mean people, I say let the Phelps church and the homo groups wipe each other out, it's a win win. And if you dont think homosexuals are mean, ask christians or bisexuals, the gay movement HATES bisexuals almost as much as they do christians, and THAT is alot of HATE
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And they use it as an insult towards anyone who isn't in with the homosexual agenda.

Just like they call women who don't support abortion "sluts", and that's supposed to convince us that they're all about sticking up for women, taking them seriously, giving them control over their own whatever...

Bullshit. BullhonkingSHIT! Kids use it as an insult. Fag. You're gay. Faggot. Straights use it against anybody that pisses them off.

I can't believe that you are as dumb as you act on this board, but apparently you really, really are.

Actually gays like to call straights breeders, they are so witty!!!! And what's meaner than a straight bullying a homosexual, yeah the homosexual movement, they have some VERY VERY mean people, I say let the Phelps church and the homo groups wipe each other out, it's a win win. And if you dont think homosexuals are mean, ask christians or bisexuals, the gay movement HATES bisexuals almost as much as they do christians, and THAT is alot of HATE

I have enough gays in my life, and really? They just want to live their lives.

But you just keep throwing that H word around, Chuckles.
Bullshit. BullhonkingSHIT! Kids use it as an insult. Fag. You're gay. Faggot. Straights use it against anybody that pisses them off.

I can't believe that you are as dumb as you act on this board, but apparently you really, really are.

Actually gays like to call straights breeders, they are so witty!!!! And what's meaner than a straight bullying a homosexual, yeah the homosexual movement, they have some VERY VERY mean people, I say let the Phelps church and the homo groups wipe each other out, it's a win win. And if you dont think homosexuals are mean, ask christians or bisexuals, the gay movement HATES bisexuals almost as much as they do christians, and THAT is alot of HATE

I have enough gays in my life, and really? They just want to live their lives.

But you just keep throwing that H word around, Chuckles.
Are you saying I'm incorrect? Heck there is a show on MTV called Savage U, where a gay guy helps people with sexual questions and there was a lesbian that gasp......had sex with a man and the LBGT (whatever the f it's called) community HATES her for it.
And I happen to have a about that... SheWired - Savage U at UCF: There's a 'B' in LGBT for a Reason

Also there is this little jewel

'Not gay enough' ballplayers get the shaft — RT

Care to talk out your ass anymore boop?

I'm not arrogant, EXCEPT when I argue with liberals, Sometimes I feel bad, then I think they're even more arrogant, it feels so good to be right
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Actually gays like to call straights breeders, they are so witty!!!! And what's meaner than a straight bullying a homosexual, yeah the homosexual movement, they have some VERY VERY mean people, I say let the Phelps church and the homo groups wipe each other out, it's a win win. And if you dont think homosexuals are mean, ask christians or bisexuals, the gay movement HATES bisexuals almost as much as they do christians, and THAT is alot of HATE

I have enough gays in my life, and really? They just want to live their lives.

But you just keep throwing that H word around, Chuckles.
Are you saying I'm incorrect? Heck there is a show on MTV called Savage U, where a gay guy helps people with sexual questions and there was a lesbian that gasp......had sex with a man and the LBGT (whatever the f it's called) community HATES her for it.
And I happen to have a about that... SheWired - Savage U at UCF: There's a 'B' in LGBT for a Reason

Also there is this little jewel

'Not gay enough' ballplayers get the shaft — RT

Care to talk out your ass anymore boop?

I'm not arrogant, EXCEPT when I argue with liberals, Sometimes I feel bad, then I think they're even more arrogant, it feels so good to be right

Yes, I'm also saying you watch too much TV AND you're a troll.


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I have enough gays in my life, and really? They just want to live their lives.

But you just keep throwing that H word around, Chuckles.
Are you saying I'm incorrect? Heck there is a show on MTV called Savage U, where a gay guy helps people with sexual questions and there was a lesbian that gasp......had sex with a man and the LBGT (whatever the f it's called) community HATES her for it.
And I happen to have a about that... SheWired - Savage U at UCF: There's a 'B' in LGBT for a Reason

Also there is this little jewel

'Not gay enough' ballplayers get the shaft — RT

Care to talk out your ass anymore boop?

I'm not arrogant, EXCEPT when I argue with liberals, Sometimes I feel bad, then I think they're even more arrogant, it feels so good to be right

Yes, I'm also saying you watch too much TV AND you're a troll.

So in otherwords I owned you with facts and you have no response. Nice comeback! im a troll for truth telling. Liberals really live in a bubble dont you? I'm suprised you have the courage to go to a board where people might think differently than you, so that's one thing you do that most ivory tower liberal types dont. Good for you!!!!
Those supposed straights who are so confused with their sexuality take it out on gays, lesbians, etc, then hide behind religion or their weird confusion of pop psychology ideas.

Sorry lot of individuals.
I have seen libs do it too, JoeB. And some atheists I know.

But they don't have the hypocrisy of claiming their magic sky friend justifies their bad behavior.

Which is the point.

You know, I'll admit, there are some gay dudes who kind of creep me out, depending on how "flaming" they are. I also recongize that this is probably more about residual bits of Catholicism I'm stuck with rather than anything they did wrong.

Which is quite different than the guy who feels totally comfortable with his homophobia because it's in the bible and God says so...

Which I guess is why Mitt wants to be seen with these folks, even if their ancestors were the ones who chased his ancestors across the country for the Polygamy thing and still teach he's in a "cult".

Politics makes strange bedfellows, indeed.

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