Pro Choice guy kicks pro life women

What a whack job. One notes with interest that he's wearing an upside-down pentagram in addition to his clown suit.
Democrats just show that they are the ones unhinged

First of all, that wasn't a roundhouse kick. Second, we can't tell what he kicked other than the camera and maybe the sign. Third, people are such pussies these days and want the police to handle every little thing for him, and then the police either usually don't do anything or just make things worse--- those girls should have just dragged his ass aside and beat the crap out of the little twerp.
Democrats just show that they are the ones unhinged

The girl thinks rape is a good way to make babies. Pretty despicable.

She never said that, you made it up, you're another Ford. A lying jackass

She said women should have their rapist’s baby. Should her movement get its way, it will jail women who don’t.

That's not what you claimed earlier, you can go away now
Democrats just show that they are the ones unhinged

The girl thinks rape is a good way to make babies. Pretty despicable.

She never said that, you made it up, you're another Ford. A lying jackass

She said women should have their rapist’s baby. Should her movement get its way, it will jail women who don’t.

That's not what you claimed earlier, you can go away now

They go hand in hand. She would grant rapists an easy way to make a baby.

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