Pro-choicers, explain this…

Are they from abortions where the mother's health was in danger? Miscarriages? Fetal abnormalities? Legal? Illegal?
Pure aplogist bs.

Strange how it's always the leftists who want the right to sell the body parts.

She illegally entered an medical facility and robbed the place and you can justify that?

So much for law and order.
Yup thd midwives who snuggled infants out of the concentration camps were breaking the law, too.
So, it's a Holocaust thing?
It’s a human rights thing. You wouldn’t understand.
“Sendler was forced to live in hiding for the remainder of the war, although she continued her work for Żegota under a false name. After the war was over, Sendler and her colleagues gathered the records with the details about all of the children that had been placed in hiding...”
Freedom-loving Americans oppose rabid Statism that dictates the arbitrary imposition of such standards, preferring private, personal matters of reproduction be made by a woman in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers whom she trusts, rather than impersonal bureaucrats dictating to her.

The antithesis to such invasive 'Big Government' statism is Canada, where politicians do not interfere at all. Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy, regardless of the reason, and is publicly funded as a medical procedure under the combined effects of the federal Canada Health Act and provincial health-care systems. Canada has a low abortion rate compared to other countries.

59% of Canadians said that abortion should be permitted whenever a woman wants one, with 18% saying it should only be permitted under limited circumstances.
Hold on…I thought you Father Government loving Nazis beg for and embrace government imposition….Just not when you want to murder the unborn?

Don't worry coyote, you will always be able to fulfil your blood lust while your party monetizes their slice and dice shops.
Gotta love the government forced birth crowd.

Are womens swimsuits going full length in black again?
Are womens swimsuits going full length in black again?

Nah. Just the baby murderers who slice and dice babies for DNC profit. They simply love to wear black.
I'd not put anything past dems, they are evil in mind and spirit.

Here they are trying to talk little kids into becoming transgender freaks so I could easy see them nodding with approval while infanticide is being conducted and telling the mother the whole time how strong she is.

Hell our former governor is a advocate of the practice....Make the infant comfortable till a decision is made to terminate or not he said.....What kind of person even hints at shit like that? Evil dems, that's who.

You are truly an idiot if you think Democrats are evil in any way. But this is the level of intelligence in the Republican Party today.

Your entire second and third paragraphs are based on Q-Anon Conspiracy theories, and the hate cult of FOX News.

When the only thing you have to support your firmly held beliefs are lies, and your party of choice has no agenda, no plan, and no ethics, they keep you in outrage mode with their lies as an excuse not to vote for the party of freedom and opportunity for all.
Slice and dice?
Indeed, Planned Parenthood’s slice and dice shops.

You hate to see life when you can further death… just like the DNC’s murder for profit factories.
You are truly an idiot if you think Democrats are evil in any way. But this is the level of intelligence in the Republican Party today.

Your entire second and third paragraphs are based on Q-Anon Conspiracy theories, and the hate cult of FOX News.

When the only thing you have to support your firmly held beliefs are lies, and your party of choice has no agenda, no plan, and no ethics, they keep you in outrage mode with their lies as an excuse not to vote for the party of freedom and opportunity for all.
Sorry to ruin your Cruella party but the only Q guy I'm aware of is this guy.

Indeed, Planned Parenthood’s slice and dice shops.

You hate to see life when you can further death… just like the DNC’s murder for profit factories.
Pretty far up that ass aren’t you.

Not a great way to influence anyone….all brown and shitty.

But hey, you be you.
You're right behind me. Breathe deep, the gathering bloom.
That’s my point, nobody with an education and critical thinking skills is behind you or even listening to you.

You’re a shrill and boring one at that.
You’re a shrill and boring one at that.
Yet you still post to me.

I must be doing something right to get you involved with something you dislike so much.


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