Pro-choicers, explain this…

It's only after they're born when you stop caring? ... or 1] do you approve of "welfare for all"; or 2] heavy-handed child-support enforcement? ...
Nobody ”stops caring”…..NO child dies from starvation in this country.
What’s your beef when giving children a CHANCE at life?
Nobody ”stops caring”…..NO child dies from starvation in this country.
What’s your beef when giving children a CHANCE at life?
The beef they have at giving that child a chance at life means they cant go out partying every Wednesday through Sunday.
Its not rocket science.
The beef they have at giving that child a chance at life means they cant go out partying every Wednesday through Sunday.
Its not rocket science.
Or they could fuck responsibly like all civil people do.
Expecting a filthy Democrat to behave responsibly is like expecting a 9 year old to pass the BAR exam.
I wish they'd collide on the dead beat dads instead ... cowards I guess ...

You do know that the law goes after deadbeat dads if they can? Admittedly, they could be more vigorous about it. The biggest problem, though, is that the mother often doesn't ask for the law's help, and even if they do, they don't know enough information about the guy to track him down.

For example, if the mother applies for any sort of state assistance (welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc.), the state requires her to tell them anything she knows about the father so they can try to recoup the money they give her. Unfortunately, all too many women don't know much more than the guy's name. In many cases, they're not even sure who the father is.
Or they could fuck responsibly like all civil people do.
Expecting a filthy Democrat to behave responsibly is like expecting a 9 year old to pass the BAR exam.
How can a 9 year old pass a bar exam when he or she is being told they need to explore their sexuality?

Whats happening?
"Photos and video of the first baby boy reveal that he remained largely intact, raising questions about how his life ended."

...So, let's just make something up.

I've seen this little dog and pony show before.

"I don't like what was said, so I'll just snip out a tiny part of it and ignore the rest."

I've seen THIS little dog-and-pony show before.

Here's the part you wanted to pretend never happened.

Dr. Kathi Aultman, a former abortionist who later became pro-life, told Live Action News that he “appears to be in the 3rd trimester near term and looks like he should have been in the nursery.” Dr. Patti Giebink similarly said via email that this baby boy “looks close to term gestation … [a]nd pretty much intact,” adding that she couldn’t “believe they would abort a nearly full term baby unless there was something terminally wrong with the baby, but it doesn’t appear so.”

“He is totally intact, but his skin is somewhat macerated,” Aultman said. “In other words, it has begun to degenerate, which would indicate that he was probably dead when he was aborted, or he was not well preserved, and his tissues began to deteriorate after the abortion. He appears to be completely normal and was probably aborted using the induction method, which uses medication to induce labor. He looks about the same size as my granddaughter when she was born.”

Be sure to utterly miss the point. Your act won't be complete unless you go, "Duuuhhh. I'm too stupid to know why that's important."
She went into an abortion clinic and stole them, then reported it to the police. If it took a thief to flag a murderer, I’m all for it.

Apparently, she didn't steal them. She convinced the driver for the waste disposal company contracted to take them to the incinerator to give her the box.
Or they could fuck responsibly like all civil people do.
Freedom-loving Americans oppose rabid Statism that dictates the arbitrary imposition of such standards, preferring private, personal matters of reproduction be made by a woman in consultation with loved ones, and medical and spiritual advisers whom she trusts, rather than impersonal bureaucrats dictating to her.

The antithesis to such invasive 'Big Government' statism is Canada, where politicians do not interfere at all. Abortion in Canada is legal at all stages of pregnancy, regardless of the reason, and is publicly funded as a medical procedure under the combined effects of the federal Canada Health Act and provincial health-care systems. Canada has a low abortion rate compared to other countries.

59% of Canadians said that abortion should be permitted whenever a woman wants one, with 18% saying it should only be permitted under limited circumstances.
the question was clear....Poster asked " explain why is this OK"
If you dont have an answer, do what Psaki does.....answer a question with a question.

Well done.
What is "this"?

A photo of fetal remains and no context.

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