Pro Life Women

It is amazing when propagandists like CNN accidentally tell the truth and don't even realize the implication of what they just said:

Am I "okay" with it?


Then again, I'm not "okay" with how they slaughter pigs, but I still like bacon.

In the scenarios you list, I think it would be safe to assume that the parents are involved. If they want to let their kid undergo some sex change, well, that's on them. I don't get a vote, nor should I. And nor should you. You and I don't have to live with the ramifications of that decision.

Can you cite actual examples of 8 year old boys who are trans being castrated?

You can't equate maiming/killing innocent children to slaughtering pigs and expect me to take you seriously.
You didn't make any points. You repeated your lame pro-abort talking points, which are disgusting.

No I didn't, you stupid fuck.

I was replying to your question about performing hysterectomies and castrations on children.

I also asked for you to cite an example of a 8 year old "trans" boy being castrated, and you've proven that you can't do that. You're spewing your nonsensical lies for dramatic effect...
Almost war on
The left and the Democrats have been falsely saying that they 'empower' women by convincing them they can kill their offspring, discard motherhood for cooperate positions and now, they want to say being a woman is no different than being a man and that gender is fluid. The whole thing stinks, IMO and is probably driven by white, liberal men who want to have sex with reckless abandon and take on 0 responsibility.
You don't. Everyone knows you're a pro-abort who loves killing babies.

Fuck you, pillow-biter.

The difference between you and me is that you're so fucking goddamn pathetic that you need the government to tell you what's wrong and what's right. You're too fucking stupid to think for yourself. Your "pro abort" bullshit exposes you as the ignorant little ball-gargler we know you to be.

Your idiotic assertion that I'm pro abortion is proven wrong by the fact that I've got a beautiful daughter. When my wife became pregnant we were not yet married. I wasted about a New York minute before I proposed to her.

So fuck off and die you sorry fuck.

My opinions on abortion are well documented. You're just such a sorry piece of shit that you believe if someone doesn't want government dictating something to them that they're "pro abortion". Nothing could be further from the truth, asswipe.

The only way you think you can win this debate is if you lie and mischaracterize the positions of others. You've done that so often it's clear that it's your standard MO.

The only ones who want your brand of extremist zealotry is other extremist zealots who should be removed from society. I swear to fucking God, you're the goddamn poster child for abortion...
And in Iran, many women agree with police beating and murdering women who won't wear the hijab. People desperate to surrender their rights can be found everywhere.
No one ever has the right to attack and kill innocent human beings. You pro-abort filth are just as bad as those who murder others for not wearing clothing they want - you want others murdered for not being old enough.
It is amazing when propagandists like CNN accidentally tell the truth and don't even realize the implication of what they just said:

It was on all local news. Cute babies can taste!!! In the womb!! Oops
A birth decline is what is need d. Abortion goes away and the number of good jobs goes up. Nobody works for $10 per hour which should be illegal.

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