Pro Life Women

Here's how I see it: Good people like you see these filthy democrat vermin for what they are, they are too stupid to see what they are, so in the end we can let them spew their venom and they are winning over nobody.
I see signs EVERY DAY that fewer and fewer of them are taken seriously. They want us to believe that they are the vast majority but, at least here at USMB, they are simply the loud one-third of posters.

The usual suspects get more and more cookie-cutterish in their responses, which means they are losing resolve. Their invective is getting comically unoriginal!

47 days!
Hey men, are you like me, getting sick and tired of democrat women blaming the pro life movement on old men? Most of the pro life people I know are women. Every year at the March for Life I see a sea of women, and young women too.

A real woman understands the miracle of life that takes place within her and would never murder her baby.

Lets take a look at some pro life women, and young women, and see what they say:

Pro-life millennial women speak out

My Generation Will End Abortion

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I've said for years that the right is kind of being let down by pro-life women who don't get together and destroy democrats' false narrative. Democrats are always claiming that Republicans are fighting a war a against women, but Republican pro-life women don't call Democrats out on that. We need hundreds or even thousands of pro-life women to come together and state that they are pro-life women and that it is ridiculous for the left to claim that women are fighting a war against women and trying to take women's rights away.
I've said for years that the right is kind of being let down by pro-life women who don't get together and destroy democrats' false narrative. Democrats are always claiming that Republicans are fighting a war a against women, but Republican pro-life women don't call Democrats out on that. We need hundreds or even thousands of pro-life women to come together and state that they are pro-life women and that it is ridiculous for the left to claim that women are fighting a war against women and trying to take women's rights away.
Thank you for the inspiration. I'm going to go and find a local pro-life women's organization near me.

I live in a Constitutional Carry state so this kind of thing is less likely to happen at a pro-life event.

Edit: WOW! I looked around Sioux Falls and there's a DEMOCRAT pro-life group!
The Saudi's are the world's #1 backers of terrorism all over the world, and were responsible for 9/11, but you love them. Don't pretend to care about terrorism. You just want to kill Muslims.
Muslims don't even like Muslims. No one has to kill them. They kill themselves.
I don't want the government to play any role in deciding whether or not a particular procedure is permissible. If a woman's doctor says it's appropriate, and the woman is eligible to receive financial assistance from the government, the only input from the government should be to ask who to make the check out to...

Interesting. So you're good with the government paying doctors to perform mastectomies and hysterectomies on 10 year old girls, and castrations on 8 year old boys who are "trans". The doctors say it's appropriate, so...
I did not go off topic you retarded anus.
Apparently you cannot read English and see the two related issues.
Now go fuck yourself.
he tried to take you down a rat hole. don't follow him. Ignore that piece of trash, talk about the women of life.
God bless the 16 who care about babies. fk the 143 who prefer to be baby killers. What an honor huh?
One man said the earth goes around the sun when all the medieval scientists said it didn't. We celebrate the one man who was right when the mobs were wrong.
Interesting. So you're good with the government paying doctors to perform mastectomies and hysterectomies on 10 year old girls, and castrations on 8 year old boys who are "trans". The doctors say it's appropriate, so...

Am I "okay" with it?


Then again, I'm not "okay" with how they slaughter pigs, but I still like bacon.

In the scenarios you list, I think it would be safe to assume that the parents are involved. If they want to let their kid undergo some sex change, well, that's on them. I don't get a vote, nor should I. And nor should you. You and I don't have to live with the ramifications of that decision.

Can you cite actual examples of 8 year old boys who are trans being castrated?

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