Pro Life Women

You said you hope "the government won't have a say in the matter". The government funds a lot of women's and their children's healthcare. So they do have a say based on where they spend our money. Why do you want that to stop?

Where did I say I wanted it to stop? Why do you insist in lying and putting words in my mouth?

If a woman's doctor says a woman should have a certain procedure, I don't want the government to be able to come in and pull the rug out from under them.


What's so fucking hard to understand about that?
Where did I say I wanted it to stop? Why do you insist in lying and putting words in my mouth?

If a woman's doctor says a woman should have a certain procedure, I don't want the government to be able to come in and pull the rug out from under them.


What's so fucking hard to understand about that?

Then you want all public money out of healthcare.
Then you want all public money out of healthcare.

Again, putting words in my mouth.

I can only conclude that you lack the intellectual acuity to formulate an actual argument and, therefore, must inject complete bullshit into a conversation...
And in Iran, many women agree with police beating and murdering women who won't wear the hijab. People desperate to surrender their rights can be found everywhere.
I can see the comparison is almost identical.
That's brilliant!

One of the reasons I quit medical school was the realization that the medical industrial complex had worked so hard, for so long, on creating the perception of pregnancy as a DISEASE. One lunatic here actually referred to pregnancy as a medical condition or some such ridiculous thing. Once you have gone to the home of a friend and watched as she delivers her child all by herself, with no doctors, midwives or other so-called "practitioners", you realize the awesome power of the instinct that drives a woman to be that kind of mother.

Dogs don't wait for the vet to get there to have their puppies. Why does the human animal believe they can't be as successful at birthing their children as any other animal?

Having gone from flushing human remains down the sink drain at the clinic I worked in to sharing the totally natural process of a powerful woman birthing her young really changed me a lot.

You're a good man Charlie Brown. I appreciate your posts.
It never fails, ignorant baby-killing Leftists just cannot comprehend the topic of a thread.

The topic is that men, old men, are often blamed by leftwing women as being behind the pro life movements, and that this allegation is false.

I went on to say: "Hey men, are you like me, getting sick and tired of democrat women blaming the pro life movement on old men? Most of the pro life people I know are women. Every year at the March for Life I see a sea of women, and young women too.

A real woman understands the miracle of life that takes place within her and would never murder her baby.

Lets take a look at some pro life women, and young women, and see what they say:

Pro-life millennial women speak out

My Generation Will End Abortion
This thread ties in nicely with my other thread:

You hear a lot of talk about "rights", and often it is ignorant talk and plain propaganda.

What are real rights? What are fake rights? Where do rights come from?

According to the United States Declaration of Independence, our rights come from God:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

Whether or not you believe our rights come from God, as American citizens, our rights are presented in the Bill of Rights. Your gender or color do not matter. The rights in the Bill of Rights apply to all Americans.

Human Rights: While some people also use this term for propaganda purposes, it is agreed that there are actually some fundamental human rights that all human beings have, again, regardless of sex or race. Of course, the most fundamental of those rights is the right to actually Live.

FAKE RIGHTS: What are fake rights? Any right applied to a certain group: Women's rights, gay rights, minority rights, even animal rights . . . these are nothing but propaganda slogans and they are usually used to advance some nefarious agenda. As I stated, your gender or race do not matter, we all have the same human rights, and as Americans we all have the same Constitutional Rights.

Abortion: The abortion battle is a classic example of how fake propaganda rights were pitted against actual real human rights.
  • The pro choice side appealed to women's rights. But there are no such things as women's rights. That is a propaganda slogan.
  • The pro life side appealed to human rights and our Constitutional rights, specifically the Right to Life, the right to be alive and not be killed by somebody. These are real rights and we all expect them to be respected for ourselves every day.
Abortion violates that most sacred fundamental right, the right to Life. Every human being has the right to live: Their age, color, sex or stage of development does not matter.

This seems very simple when explained correctly, right? So then one must wonder why so many people are so fixated on being able to violate that right and kill human beings.

The following article is by a lady who is a liberal, and an atheist, but she understands human rights:

The atheist’s case against abortion: respect for human rights

I highly recommend reading it.

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This thread ties in nicely with my other thread:

We can't go off topic, but you can? You Bitch.
Explain, then, what part of healthcare you want the government to remain in, and what part you want them out of...

I don't want the government to play any role in deciding whether or not a particular procedure is permissible. If a woman's doctor says it's appropriate, and the woman is eligible to receive financial assistance from the government, the only input from the government should be to ask who to make the check out to...

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