Pro-lifers cannot have it both ways

Then don't live on the streets. We are being told there is record low unemployment post-COVID. Go out and get a job and you can choose to buy as many handbags as you like.

I have to say, however, $1,500 is pretty cheap for a handbag...

Now, an Hermes Birkin is a much better investment.

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The people in California HAVE jobs. White collar jobs. But they aren’t paid enough money to afford to rent even a small apartment.

You live in your bubble being fed lies by Republicans about poverty in the USA.

When 40% of the population doesn’t earn enough money working 40 hours a week to keep a roof over their heads or food on the table, that’s a systemic economic problem for the country.

Poor people HAVE jobs. Frequently, they have more than one job. 80% of the working age people receiving government assistance, are working at least 40 hours a week.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, are now at the same level as the Robber Baron era. Republicans have undone all of the economic gains made by working people since the Great Depression.

You have the highest rate of poverty in the G7. Life expectancy is declining. The wealth and wage gap is the largest in the First World. These are all indications of a nation which has abandoned its people to poverty and despair.

Opioid and drug abuse, high crime rates, and mental health problems - all are symptoms of a national despair and a sick society.

The Constitution said the all men are created equal, but Republicans keep tipping the scales in favour of those who were born rich and you keep believing their lies.
The people in California HAVE jobs. White collar jobs. But they aren’t paid enough money to afford to rent even a small apartment.

You live in your bubble being fed lies by Republicans about poverty in the USA.

When 40% of the population doesn’t earn enough money working 40 hours a week to keep a roof over their heads or food on the table, that’s a systemic economic problem for the country.

Poor people HAVE jobs. Frequently, they have more than one job. 80% of the working age people receiving government assistance, are working at least 40 hours a week.

Wages, as a percentage of costs, are now at the same level as the Robber Baron era. Republicans have undone all of the economic gains made by working people since the Great Depression.

You have the highest rate of poverty in the G7. Life expectancy is declining. The wealth and wage gap is the largest in the First World. These are all indications of a nation which has abandoned its people to poverty and despair.

Opioid and drug abuse, high crime rates, and mental health problems - all are symptoms of a national despair and a sick society.

The Constitution said the all men are created equal, but Republicans keep tipping the scales in favour of those who were born rich and you keep believing their lies.

Under Obama, the rich got richer and the poor fell further behind.
Under Obama, the rich got richer and the poor fell further behind.

Yes they did, because the Republican Congress refused to pass any bill which gave working people raises or benefits. They didn’t want to give Obama anything to run on

And under Trump, 8 million people fell into poverty. Joe Biden has pulled millions back out of poverty, but Republican tax codes and policies, which have the the middle class subsidizing the wages for the most profitable corporations in America, are destroying and impoverishing the American middle class.

A healthy and thriving middle class is necessary for a successful capitalist economy. Republicans have all but destroyed the American economy for working and middle class voters.

Only by dividing the working and the middle class, can the GOP retain power.
I’m not even talking about taxation. Republicans Christians in general, do very little to help the poor.

It's a long-established fact that in general, conservatives donate much more to support charitable causes, out of what is rightfully theirs to give, than LIbErals do.

LIbErals claim “charity”, not on the basis of giving what is rightfully theirs to give, but in the basis of getting government to rob others, to support their preferred causes.
Not only are you boring but you are a waste also. Go away. Stupid shit from a stupid shit.

What a fricken loser

It would sure be nice if the English language had one single word to describe a combination of mental illness, extreme stupidity and utter dishonesty.

In situations like these, it would save me a lot of typing.

I propose that we coin a new word, for exactly this meaning.

I propose that the word we use shall be jbander.
Yes they did, because the Republican Congress refused to pass any bill which gave working people raises or benefits. They didn’t want to give Obama anything to run on

And under Trump, 8 million people fell into poverty. Joe Biden has pulled millions back out of poverty, but Republican tax codes and policies, which have the the middle class subsidizing the wages for the most profitable corporations in America, are destroying and impoverishing the American middle class.

A healthy and thriving middle class is necessary for a successful capitalist economy. Republicans have all but destroyed the American economy for working and middle class voters.

Only by dividing the working and the middle class, can the GOP retain power.

Always with the excuses.
Yes they did, because the Republican Congress refused to pass any bill which gave working people raises or benefits. They didn’t want to give Obama anything to run on

And under Trump, 8 million people fell into poverty. Joe Biden has pulled millions back out of poverty, but Republican tax codes and policies, which have the the middle class subsidizing the wages for the most profitable corporations in America, are destroying and impoverishing the American middle class.

A healthy and thriving middle class is necessary for a successful capitalist economy. Republicans have all but destroyed the American economy for working and middle class voters.

Only by dividing the working and the middle class, can the GOP retain power.

You really live in your own little world, don't cha? DumBama had total control in his first two years and didn't do shit about raising wages or benefits, not that it's something the federal government is supposed to do in the first place. You can't name one Dementia policy that pulled anybody from anything. The economy improved after we got two Trump vaccines and a third one a month or so after Dementia got in. Dementia didn't do a Fn thing but screw up this country like it hasn't been screwed up since Carter.
Opioid and drug abuse, high crime rates, and mental health problems - all are symptoms of a national despair and a sick society.

No, it's a sign Democrats are in charge. Open borders for dangerous drugs to get in, slap on the hand for criminals that commit serious crimes, tent cities, all Democrats doing.
They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born.

Now the automatic response to this is always “well should have never gotten pregnant!”

Uh yeah no shit. Here’s the issue though: the kids exist. They exist right? Should they starve because of something their mom did? Probably not right? You guys get so caught up in shaming the woman that you forget why they get SNAP in the first place. The benefits they get is a small fraction of the full cost to raise a kid every year therefore it’s ridiculous to suggest the mom is profiting off of having kids.

Now some republicans’ fascist solution to this is to force the mom to put the kids up for adoption. Well that’s obviously a stupid idea. It’s not like people are lining up to adopt the kids huh? Meanwhile such a foster system would cost the government an astronomical amount of money per year. Far more than the cost of SNAP.

Do republicans realize how insane it is to suggest a ludicrous idea like this just so that mere PENNIES will not be taken out of their OWN paychecks to pay for this program?

Yeah really Christian of you guys! Jesus would be proud.
The Democratic party platform. You are not responsible for your own actions and someone else will pay for those actions.
The Democratic party platform. You are not responsible for your own actions and someone else will pay for those actions.
See you’re just choosing to ignore my point. You’re simply pretending I am trying to defend the mother yet my post clearly isn’t doing that. Can’t you be an adult and respond to what is actually said?
They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born.

Now the automatic response to this is always “well should have never gotten pregnant!”

Uh yeah no shit. Here’s the issue though: the kids exist. They exist right? Should they starve because of something their mom did? Probably not right? You guys get so caught up in shaming the woman that you forget why they get SNAP in the first place. The benefits they get is a small fraction of the full cost to raise a kid every year therefore it’s ridiculous to suggest the mom is profiting off of having kids.

Now some republicans’ fascist solution to this is to force the mom to put the kids up for adoption. Well that’s obviously a stupid idea. It’s not like people are lining up to adopt the kids huh? Meanwhile such a foster system would cost the government an astronomical amount of money per year. Far more than the cost of SNAP.

Do republicans realize how insane it is to suggest a ludicrous idea like this just so that mere PENNIES will not be taken out of their OWN paychecks to pay for this program?

Yeah really Christian of you guys! Jesus would be proud.
Adoption. It’s a thing

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