Pro-lifers cannot have it both ways


What’s the matter, puppy?
They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born.

Now the automatic response to this is always “well should have never gotten pregnant!”

Uh yeah no shit. Here’s the issue though: the kids exist. They exist right? Should they starve because of something their mom did? Probably not right? You guys get so caught up in shaming the woman that you forget why they get SNAP in the first place. The benefits they get is a small fraction of the full cost to raise a kid every year therefore it’s ridiculous to suggest the mom is profiting off of having kids.

Now some republicans’ fascist solution to this is to force the mom to put the kids up for adoption. Well that’s obviously a stupid idea. It’s not like people are lining up to adopt the kids huh? Meanwhile such a foster system would cost the government an astronomical amount of money per year. Far more than the cost of SNAP.

Do republicans realize how insane it is to suggest a ludicrous idea like this just so that mere PENNIES will not be taken out of their OWN paychecks to pay for this program?

Yeah really Christian of you guys! Jesus would be proud.
Sure they can....because they don't really care about helping kids.
They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born.

Now the automatic response to this is always “well should have never gotten pregnant!”

Uh yeah no shit. Here’s the issue though: the kids exist. They exist right? Should they starve because of something their mom did? Probably not right? You guys get so caught up in shaming the woman that you forget why they get SNAP in the first place. The benefits they get is a small fraction of the full cost to raise a kid every year therefore it’s ridiculous to suggest the mom is profiting off of having kids.

Now some republicans’ fascist solution to this is to force the mom to put the kids up for adoption. Well that’s obviously a stupid idea. It’s not like people are lining up to adopt the kids huh? Meanwhile such a foster system would cost the government an astronomical amount of money per year. Far more than the cost of SNAP.

Do republicans realize how insane it is to suggest a ludicrous idea like this just so that mere PENNIES will not be taken out of their OWN paychecks to pay for this program?

Yeah really Christian of you guys! Jesus would be proud.

Pro-lifers cannot have it both ways​

The pro-lifers I know believe in the sanctity of life, they believe the unborn deserves a chance at life….that does not mean they want to pay filthy degenerate liberal whores to run their baby factories.
Sure they can....because they don't really care about helping kids.
you're goddamn right I don't care.

Neither do you.

I'm the only one in this fucking thread who's consistent.

Kill your filthy vermin spawn. I don't care one way or another. Just don't make me pay for any of your shit or your living.

Fuck you. Die. I don't care. I don't owe you living.

Pro-lifers cannot have it both ways​

The pro-lifers I know believe in the sanctity of life, they believe the unborn deserves a chance at life….that does not mean they want to pay filthy degenerate liberal whores to run their baby factories.
Stop pretending like you actually give a shit about kids.
Well yes you shouldn’t waste your time with anecdotes because statistics are what matter. Fraud in programs like SNAP are rare. I guess you like to think the government workers that design these programs are incompetent, but they aren’t. They understand the value of minimizing fraud as much as they can and they do come up with ways to do just that. Obviously they can’t eliminate it completely because that’s impossible.

Ugh spare me this tax speech. You guys like to pretend you’re some vital piece of the puzzle of government programs but you really aren’t. You’re just like everyone else that pays taxes. When it comes to these programs, your OWN contribution is PENNIES from your income each month. Pennies. That is how much you are giving to a program like SNAP that is ultimately a drop in the bucket relatively speaking for the overall US budget.

You have to stop and do some reflection of why you’re so obsessed with gentrification. Maybe just be glad you live in a good neighborhood and not whine about loud music? That’s no way to live. Jesus would not approve of your disdain for the needy…

How many take we in is how many we take in. It’s not like people teleport here. The distance they cover is a pretty solid deterrent to how many ultimately arrive.

I get that the whole freedom thing to you is this romantic idea, but let’s be practical about it. I don’t understand why you have such a simplistic view of people. The reason why any population around the globe procreates is complex. You can’t just simplify it as “well they shouldn’t have had kids.” Also its not like that country has always been such a failure. There were years when it was stable. During that time it made sense to have kids. Of course the more important point you are missing is like what my OP says is that we are talking about the kids themselves. It’s purely about THEIR well-being. You’re so caught up in shaming the adults that you’re not even giving any consideration to the kids existing. Yep, the kids shouldn’t have been born, but they are here either way, right? This has nothing to do with rewarding bad choices as you like to think it is.

It's not my job or anybody in this country to take care of kids from other places. As I stated, we do have charities that contribute to other countries for that reason. They don't need to come here, it's just easier than moving against their government to change things where they live.

As Trump supposedly stated, these places are shit holes. They were never great places to live, and not having children isn't difficult. I managed to do it all of my life. Trump kept those people out with his policies, and now Dementia reversed them so we have the worst border problem in over 20 years according to the Border Patrol. Sure they'd love to come here. All the work is done. Our ancestors created this great place, fought in wars to protect it, we spend a lot of money to keep it this way, and these drifters come in and say "Nice place you people made, I think I'll move here to take advantage of all your hard work and money!" Sorry, but I fail to see the equity in that.

Food stamp spending for 2023 will be budgeted at 147 billion dollars next year, so don't give me this garbage that it only costs us a few pennies a day. And quit telling us what Jesus would have approved of or disapproved of. You probably never read the new testament once in your life. I was raised in a religious household. I went to a private Catholic school in my primary education years. I was even an altar boy at our church. So trust me, you have no idea what you're talking about.
It's not my job or anybody in this country to take care of kids from other places. As I stated, we do have charities that contribute to other countries for that reason. They don't need to come here, it's just easier than moving against their government to change things where they live.

As Trump supposedly stated, these places are shit holes. They were never great places to live, and not having children isn't difficult. I managed to do it all of my life. Trump kept those people out with his policies, and now Dementia reversed them so we have the worst border problem in over 20 years according to the Border Patrol. Sure they'd love to come here. All the work is done. Our ancestors created this great place, fought in wars to protect it, we spend a lot of money to keep it this way, and these drifters come in and say "Nice place you people made, I think I'll move here to take advantage of all your hard work and money!" Sorry, but I fail to see the equity in that.

Food stamp spending for 2023 will be budgeted at 147 billion dollars next year, so don't give me this garbage that it only costs us a few pennies a day. And quit telling us what Jesus would have approved of or disapproved of. You probably never read the new testament once in your life. I was raised in a religious household. I went to a private Catholic school in my primary education years. I was even an altar boy at our church. So trust me, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Those charities, whatever it is you are talking about, barely amount to anything and it’s safe to say you haven’t given jack shit to them lol.

Where do you get this ideas they want to take advantage of your hard work and money? You’re trying to just pretend they would all be moochers who wouldn’t work for a living but you’re basing that on nothing at all.

Food stamps funding, like ANY government program, goes up in dollar amount each year because of inflation. With any program, more dollars are needed each year to pay for the exact same programs. That’s just basic economics. Even with that total, it would still be pennies on the dollar out of your income each month.

I was raised Catholic. I went to Sunday School and mass every Sunday. I know Christian teachings even if i am now atheist. See you can make an argument all day long about how you think it is wrong for your tax dollars to go to these programs, but your blatant disdain and hatred for people on food stamps or illegal immigrants is very much antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. There just isn’t any squaring it. Being a rightwing Christian makes no sense at all.
Those charities, whatever it is you are talking about, barely amount to anything and it’s safe to say you haven’t given jack shit to them lol.

Where do you get this ideas they want to take advantage of your hard work and money? You’re trying to just pretend they would all be moochers who wouldn’t work for a living but you’re basing that on nothing at all.

Food stamps funding, like ANY government program, goes up in dollar amount each year because of inflation. With any program, more dollars are needed each year to pay for the exact same programs. That’s just basic economics. Even with that total, it would still be pennies on the dollar out of your income each month.

I was raised Catholic. I went to Sunday School and mass every Sunday. I know Christian teachings even if i am now atheist. See you can make an argument all day long about how you think it is wrong for your tax dollars to go to these programs, but your blatant disdain and hatred for people on food stamps or illegal immigrants is very much antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. There just isn’t any squaring it. Being a rightwing Christian makes no sense at all.

I don't practice the religion either, but just pointing out I'm not ignorant to the new testament. I remember some of the teachings since religion was nearly half of what we learned each day in Catholic school. Jesus never supported government confiscating money for the poor. He wanted his followers to give of themselves influenced by their belief in him and God. It wasn't all money either. Giving of yourself could also mean housing a poor person or give him or her a helping hand at their work. He never supported sloths which is where a lot of our money goes to; people that could work but don't because government money doesn't require work, but how to game the system. If you think Jesus supported that then I would say you lie about your religious upbringing, or didn't learn a damn thing in Sunday school.

Now that I brought some facts into the discussion, you changed it from pennies a day to pennies on the dollar. Most of the cases I know of were people who could otherwise make their own money, but opted for government handouts. Even in states where they raised their minimum wage, they found that workers on these programs cut their hours to stay on those programs. As a truck driver, I'm very familiar with the system. Some of our customers strictly used temporary employment agencies. When they asked their temps to work more hours because of increased business, they refused. Why? Because they'd be working for free in a sense. Making more than X amount a month cuts into their food stamp stipend.

As I demonstrated, the US does more than it's share to help others outside our country. If that's not enough, then too bad. We built this place, we made it the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world in just a couple of centuries, and we only need to share it with those we choose, not by those who demand it.
Those charities, whatever it is you are talking about, barely amount to anything and it’s safe to say you haven’t given jack shit to them lol.

Where do you get this ideas they want to take advantage of your hard work and money? You’re trying to just pretend they would all be moochers who wouldn’t work for a living but you’re basing that on nothing at all.

Food stamps funding, like ANY government program, goes up in dollar amount each year because of inflation. With any program, more dollars are needed each year to pay for the exact same programs. That’s just basic economics. Even with that total, it would still be pennies on the dollar out of your income each month.

I was raised Catholic. I went to Sunday School and mass every Sunday. I know Christian teachings even if i am now atheist. See you can make an argument all day long about how you think it is wrong for your tax dollars to go to these programs, but your blatant disdain and hatred for people on food stamps or illegal immigrants is very much antithetical to the teachings of Jesus. There just isn’t any squaring it. Being a rightwing Christian makes no sense at all.
Hahaha…athieist Leftist beggars using Jesus to justify their begging is comedy gold.
I don't practice the religion either, but just pointing out I'm not ignorant to the new testament. I remember some of the teachings since religion was nearly half of what we learned each day in Catholic school. Jesus never supported government confiscating money for the poor. He wanted his followers to give of themselves influenced by their belief in him and God. It wasn't all money either. Giving of yourself could also mean housing a poor person or give him or her a helping hand at their work. He never supported sloths which is where a lot of our money goes to; people that could work but don't because government money doesn't require work, but how to game the system. If you think Jesus supported that then I would say you lie about your religious upbringing, or didn't learn a damn thing in Sunday school.

Now that I brought some facts into the discussion, you changed it from pennies a day to pennies on the dollar. Most of the cases I know of were people who could otherwise make their own money, but opted for government handouts. Even in states where they raised their minimum wage, they found that workers on these programs cut their hours to stay on those programs. As a truck driver, I'm very familiar with the system. Some of our customers strictly used temporary employment agencies. When they asked their temps to work more hours because of increased business, they refused. Why? Because they'd be working for free in a sense. Making more than X amount a month cuts into their food stamp stipend.

As I demonstrated, the US does more than it's share to help others outside our country. If that's not enough, then too bad. We built this place, we made it the wealthiest and most powerful country in the world in just a couple of centuries, and we only need to share it with those we choose, not by those who demand it.
See you have this delusion in your mind that there is a US government program that allows an able bodied person to not work and just mooch 24/7 and it’s some epidemic. I can see how this belief would make you feel manly and superior, but such a program does not exist lol. The ONLY people who get a program like that outside of SS for old people is the fully disabled.

Lol i didn’t change anything. “Pennies on the dollar” is not any different from my point. I also never said “Pennies a day”. You said that. I said pennies a month. For just SNAP, that is how much it costs a single tax payer.
“Give to charity” does not equate to ‘pay Guadalupe to run her baby factory’.
Surely you can make the simple distinction…right?
Well see you’re a moron to think such a person exists because you would have to be stupid to think a program like SNAP somehow pays for the yearly overall cost to raise a child.

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