Pro-lifers cannot have it both ways

** Pro-lifers cannot have it both ways **​

No, but so-called “transgenders” and their leftist faithful can have it both ways, if you know what I mean. I know, totally off the subject, but I just wanted to use your phrase to point out how sick our nation has become.

Critics of President Biden raised their eyebrows Monday night when they learned that he sat down with a trans activist, Dylan Mulvaney, who wants to "normalize" women having visible "bulges" in their crotch area… "And I wear clothes like this, and we all just normalize women having bulges sometimes because we’re coming up on bikini season, baby, and you might see a bulge or two," Mulvaney said before bursting into song.
Transgender Biden interviewer called to ‘normalize’ trans women having visible ‘bulge’
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As far as your claim Christians do little or nothing to help single mothers who are poor, you are wrong. But that is because you purposefully did not do any research to find out the truth.
So you have a problem with Transgender people...

Could you please explain what they have done to you?
Do they make you feel uncomfortable?
So you have a problem with Transgender people...

Could you please explain what they have done to you?
Do they make you feel uncomfortable?
So you do not have a problem with parents allowing doctors to give their young child hormone blockers, and medical surgeries to turn them into something very strange?
Nor do you have a problem with "educators" and therapists encouraging this highly abnormal 'transition," even doing much of it without parental knowledge?
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They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born.

Now the automatic response to this is always “well should have never gotten pregnant!”

Uh yeah no shit. Here’s the issue though: the kids exist. They exist right? Should they starve because of something their mom did? Probably not right? You guys get so caught up in shaming the woman that you forget why they get SNAP in the first place. The benefits they get is a small fraction of the full cost to raise a kid every year therefore it’s ridiculous to suggest the mom is profiting off of having kids.

Now some republicans’ fascist solution to this is to force the mom to put the kids up for adoption. Well that’s obviously a stupid idea. It’s not like people are lining up to adopt the kids huh? Meanwhile such a foster system would cost the government an astronomical amount of money per year. Far more than the cost of SNAP.

Do republicans realize how insane it is to suggest a ludicrous idea like this just so that mere PENNIES will not be taken out of their OWN paychecks to pay for this program?

Yeah really Christian of you guys! Jesus would be proud.
I didn't see any links to them being denied benefits.
They can’t tell an impoverished pregnant woman she has to carry the baby to term and then not have her kids receive any government benefits like SNAP after they are born
Yeah they can

you don't need Socialism to prevent murder.

But, again, I am pro choice until the age of two. Kill those fucking worthless shit spawn. All you fucking cocksuckers do is take up air and suck off everybody else with your fucking Socialism.

But let's take your shit a step further.

I think we should execute people who can't support themselves.

How about that?
Actually your source was stupid. It didn’t explain why those 2 million werent weren’t actually doing the adopting. It’s clearly because they all want infants and not older children.

About 135,000 children are adopted in the United States each year. Of non- stepparent adoptions, about 59% are from the child welfare (or foster) system, 26% are from other countries, and 15% are voluntarily relinquished American babies.”

“There are 107,918 foster children eligible for and waiting to be adopted. In 2014, 50,644 foster kids were adopted — a number that has stayed roughly consistent for the past five years. The average age of a waiting child is 7.7 years old and 29% of them will spend at least three years in foster care.”

“The average child waits for an adoptive family for more than three years. 11 percent spend 5 years or more waiting for a family (43,083 children). The average age of children waiting for an adoptive family is 8.”

“On any given day, there are nearly 428,000 children in foster care in the United States. In 2015, over 670,000 children spent time in U.S. foster care. Unfortunately, instead of being safely reunified with their families — or moved quickly into adoptive homes — many will languish for years in foster homes or institutions.

How long does the average child spend in the foster care system?​

More than 60% of children in foster care spend two to five years in the system before being adopted. Almost 20% spend five or more years in foster care before being adopted. Some never get adopted.”

Execute the kids. Cheaper.
How about that?
I mean, if that’s what you believe then okay, but don’t pretend you’re not a fascist and have a philosophy very much antithetical to American ideas. You would need to recognize that the founders would find you abhorrent.

If you can admit all that, I would have a sliver of respect for you. Otherwise, that would be pretty pathetic.
Lol I’m well luckily for you the DD rarely actually ever vote. Making them about politics and the left does not make any sense.

Yes you’ve given me this tired story about the checkout line over and over again. Like I said before, you don’t actually know if they are using SNAP. You simply look at these impoverished looking people and blindly assume they are on SNAP because it would reinforce your initial disgust of looking at them. You see such folk as subhuman so of course you assume the worst based on nothing. Could I give you the benefit of the doubt that like, ONE single time you happened to have seen they were using a SNAP card? Maybe. That would be it though. Instead you just pretend any impoverished looking person you see is on government assistance. It makes you feel manly and superior in comparison. Deep down you are just insecure. I mean a real adult would just mind their own business and not eagle eye look to see what’s on that card they are using. That’s pretty juvenile.

In our state the cards are rather obvious with a big OHIO emblem on it; unless our state is in the credit card business. Also most people don't have two separate bills either. We have one bill and pay it with one kind of payment either card or cash.


And just some friendly advice: I don't know what you do for a living or if you're still in school. But whatever you do, don't go for psychiatry. You really suck at it. Reverse psychology (or whatever they call it today) is as obvious as the hand in front of your face.
In our state the cards are rather obvious with a big OHIO emblem on it; unless our state is in the credit card business. Also most people don't have two separate bills either. We have one bill and pay it with one kind of payment either card or cash.

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And just some friendly advice: I don't know what you do for a living or if you're still in school. But whatever you do, don't go for psychiatry. You really suck at it. Reverse psychology (or whatever they call it today) is as obvious as the hand in front of your face.
Perhaps a little obvious - I’ll give you that. Of course I still seriously doubt you see this card being used as often as you are claiming. I still really just think you pretend any impoverished person you see is on it and ultimately you need to mind your own business.

Funny you mention that because I do have a Bachelors in psychology. This certainly does not make me an expert like it would be if I were a psychiatrist, but it doesn’t make me ignorant either.

I mean you really have to ask yourself why you despise illegal immigrants or impoverished people so much. It has to do more with you than them. I mean if you gave this any objective thought, you would know that both of these demographics are bound to have good people within them. Take illegals for instance: many of them are desperate people from Venezuela. They were born in a country of an incompetent government. That’s really not their fault and if escaping that country is their only way to have a chance at a decent life you should have respect for them for that. Because they are desperate and often have children, they understandably are not concerned with following laws in any circumstance. I mean imagine if you were born there. Wouldn’t you do anything you could to leave and try your luck in the US?

And I mean come on, poor people? A lot of them are good people and many are NOT on SNAP.

So yes, when you think of those people as subhuman like you clearly do without expliciting saying it, you come across insecure.
I mean, if that’s what you believe then okay, but don’t pretend you’re not a fascist and have a philosophy very much antithetical to American ideas. You would need to recognize that the founders would find you abhorrent.

If you can admit all that, I would have a sliver of respect for you. Otherwise, that would be pretty pathetic.
You can't have it both ways, commie.

If aborting is the solution to avoid government theft and redistribution, so is capital punishment.
You can't have it both ways, commie.

If aborting is the solution to avoid government theft and redistribution, so is capital punishment.
Why am I not surprised you dodged my point? Point blank: do you admit you’re a fascist with an antithetical philosophy to American ideas and that the founders would find you abhorrent?
Why am I not surprised you dodged my point? Point blank: do you admit you’re a fascist with an antithetical philosophy to American ideas and that the founders would find you abhorrent?
I made no such admission dumbfuck.

"Either let us kill these babies or give us money stolen by government guns."


"fine, then let us kill the fuckers who caused all this."
Perhaps a little obvious - I’ll give you that. Of course I still seriously doubt you see this card being used as often as you are claiming. I still really just think you pretend any impoverished person you see is on it and ultimately you need to mind your own business.

Funny you mention that because I do have a Bachelors in psychology. This certainly does not make me an expert like it would be if I were a psychiatrist, but it doesn’t make me ignorant either.

I mean you really have to ask yourself why you despise illegal immigrants or impoverished people so much. It has to do more with you than them. I mean if you gave this any objective thought, you would know that both of these demographics are bound to have good people within them. Take illegals for instance: many of them are desperate people from Venezuela. They were born in a country of an incompetent government. That’s really not their fault and if escaping that country is their only way to have a chance at a decent life you should have respect for them for that. Because they are desperate and often have children, they understandably are not concerned with following laws in any circumstance. I mean imagine if you were born there. Wouldn’t you do anything you could to leave and try your luck in the US?

And I mean come on, poor people? A lot of them are good people and many are NOT on SNAP.

So yes, when you think of those people as subhuman like you clearly do without expliciting saying it, you come across insecure.

I didn't say every single person on any program is gaming the system, but many of them are. I could tell you story after story but it would be a waste of my time and I wouldn't want to bore you if I told you before, plus you would just reply they are an anomaly and not the norm anyway.

How people spend our money that we worked for is every taxpayers business because it's our money they are spending. So don't tell me it's none of my business when this country is 31 trillion in debt and growing. The guy next to my property rents to Section 8 people. So-called poor living in the suburbs, and since they moved in, I can't sit on my own back porch in peace with them blaring their jungle music so loud it could be heard four houses away. Those people don't belong in the suburbs. They don't know how to conduct themselves around civilized people.

Our planet has 7.3 billion people on it, many I'm sure in need and would love to live in he USA. So how many should we take in?

Our country was built with blood. The only bad thing about freedom is you have to keep fighting to preserve it. We can't open our borders to people that decided not to fight and change their government because of laziness or lack of courage.

Furthermore our country is the most generous in the world. We allow a million outsiders to become citizens of this country every year. We hand out nearly that much in VISA's and green cards so those people can come here and take advantage of everything we created. Our government not only provides foreign aid for these people, but we have hundreds of private charities that also go to help the impoverished. If it's so bad in these places they have to leave, WTF did they have children in the first place?
So you have a problem with Transgender people...

Could you please explain what they have done to you?
Do they make you feel uncomfortable?

For one they are invading our sports especially in school, robbing real girls of trophies and in some cases college scholarships. These guys insist on using female public rest rooms where our wives and daughters go. Any male should be uncomfortable about that.

I have no problem with what anybody does behind their closed doors, but when they expect the rest of the public to accommodate their weird desires, that's where I draw the line.
I made no such admission dumbfuck.

"Either let us kill these babies or give us money stolen by government guns."


"fine, then let us kill the fuckers who caused all this."
Okay got it. You’re an anti-American FASCIST and the founders would find you abhorrent. Thanks.
I didn't say every single person on any program is gaming the system, but many of them are. I could tell you story after story but it would be a waste of my time and I wouldn't want to bore you if I told you before, plus you would just reply they are an anomaly and not the norm anyway.

How people spend our money that we worked for is every taxpayers business because it's our money they are spending. So don't tell me it's none of my business when this country is 31 trillion in debt and growing. The guy next to my property rents to Section 8 people. So-called poor living in the suburbs, and since they moved in, I can't sit on my own back porch in peace with them blaring their jungle music so loud it could be heard four houses away. Those people don't belong in the suburbs. They don't know how to conduct themselves around civilized people.

Our planet has 7.3 billion people on it, many I'm sure in need and would love to live in he USA. So how many should we take in?

Our country was built with blood. The only bad thing about freedom is you have to keep fighting to preserve it. We can't open our borders to people that decided not to fight and change their government because of laziness or lack of courage.

Furthermore our country is the most generous in the world. We allow a million outsiders to become citizens of this country every year. We hand out nearly that much in VISA's and green cards so those people can come here and take advantage of everything we created. Our government not only provides foreign aid for these people, but we have hundreds of private charities that also go to help the impoverished. If it's so bad in these places they have to leave, WTF did they have children in the first place?
Well yes you shouldn’t waste your time with anecdotes because statistics are what matter. Fraud in programs like SNAP are rare. I guess you like to think the government workers that design these programs are incompetent, but they aren’t. They understand the value of minimizing fraud as much as they can and they do come up with ways to do just that. Obviously they can’t eliminate it completely because that’s impossible.

Ugh spare me this tax speech. You guys like to pretend you’re some vital piece of the puzzle of government programs but you really aren’t. You’re just like everyone else that pays taxes. When it comes to these programs, your OWN contribution is PENNIES from your income each month. Pennies. That is how much you are giving to a program like SNAP that is ultimately a drop in the bucket relatively speaking for the overall US budget.

You have to stop and do some reflection of why you’re so obsessed with gentrification. Maybe just be glad you live in a good neighborhood and not whine about loud music? That’s no way to live. Jesus would not approve of your disdain for the needy…

How many take we in is how many we take in. It’s not like people teleport here. The distance they cover is a pretty solid deterrent to how many ultimately arrive.

I get that the whole freedom thing to you is this romantic idea, but let’s be practical about it. I don’t understand why you have such a simplistic view of people. The reason why any population around the globe procreates is complex. You can’t just simplify it as “well they shouldn’t have had kids.” Also its not like that country has always been such a failure. There were years when it was stable. During that time it made sense to have kids. Of course the more important point you are missing is like what my OP says is that we are talking about the kids themselves. It’s purely about THEIR well-being. You’re so caught up in shaming the adults that you’re not even giving any consideration to the kids existing. Yep, the kids shouldn’t have been born, but they are here either way, right? This has nothing to do with rewarding bad choices as you like to think it is.
Well yes you shouldn’t waste your time with anecdotes because statistics are what matter. Fraud in programs like SNAP are rare. I guess you like to think the government workers that design these programs are incompetent, but they aren’t. They understand the value of minimizing fraud as much as they can and they do come up with ways to do just that. Obviously they can’t eliminate it completely because that’s impossible.

Ugh spare me this tax speech. You guys like to pretend you’re some vital piece of the puzzle of government programs but you really aren’t. You’re just like everyone else that pays taxes. When it comes to these programs, your OWN contribution is PENNIES from your income each month. Pennies. That is how much you are giving to a program like SNAP that is ultimately a drop in the bucket relatively speaking for the overall US budget.

You have to stop and do some reflection of why you’re so obsessed with gentrification. Maybe just be glad you live in a good neighborhood and not whine about loud music? That’s no way to live. Jesus would not approve of your disdain for the needy lol.

How many take in is how many we take in.
It’s not like people teleport here. The distance they cover is a pretty solid deterrent to how many ultimately arrive.

I get that the whole freedom thing to you is this romantic idea, but let’s be practical about it. I don’t understand why you have such a simplistic view of people. The reason why any population around the globe procreates is complex. You can’t just simplify it as “well they shouldn’t have had kids.” Also its not like that country has always been such a failure. There were years when it was stable. During that time it made sense to have kids. Of course the more important point you are missing is like what my OP says is that we are talking about the kids themselves. It’s purely about THEIR well-being. You’re so caught up in shaming the adults that you’re not even giving any consideration to the kids existing. Yep, the kids shouldn’t have been born, but they are here either way, right? This has nothing to do with rewarding bad choices as you like to think it is.
Spoken like a dyed-in-the-wool commie.

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