

Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
Only a moron would think that subservience to the abortion industry makes you pro-woman.

1) Planned Parenthood, which receives 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars, lies to women. If you really care about choice you don't lie to the one making the decision.

Planned Parenthood’s use of unscientific and fabricated medical information

2) Just a few of the women chewed up by the abortion industry:

New 911 tape reveals botched abortion at Virginia Planned Parenthood

Authorities: Abortion doctors charged with murder

16-Year-Old Girl Suffered Botched Abortion at Planned Parenthood

DA: West Philadelphia abortion doctor killed 7 babies with scissors

The abortion industry, like many industries, has captured the regulatory apparatus. Legalization means mistreatment of women and a huge expansion of the industry.

For example: Lax state oversight results in widespread violations at Michigan abortion providers, report says

3) The abortion industry represents the greatest assault on women in human history. Tens of millions of unborn baby girls have been killed for the "crime" of being a girl!

Sex-Selection Abortion: A War on Baby Girls

4) Not a few abortions are forced on women.

Pregnant Woman Threatened & Assaulted for Refusing Abortion

Why it's The UnChoice
Most abortions are unwanted or coerced, many forced. Women are dying, too. Human rights abuse misrepresented as "choice."

And many rich people & bigots are eager to pressure working women & women of color into killing off their future.

5) The abortion industry just wants more abortions. They have no problem endangering women's health.

Planned Parenthood pushes California bill to let non-physicians conduct abortions

6) Women report being victimized by the abortion industry.

quote: It’s no wonder that 81 percent of women surveyed in a 1992 study reported in the Journal of Social Issues said they felt victimized by the abortion process, and that they were either coerced into the abortion or that information about alternatives or the actual procedure had been withheld.


Women Victimized by Abortion Say They Would Want Breast Cancer Info
The most horrific mass-slaughter of women in world history is going on right now courtesy of the abortion industry. Over 160 million unborn babies have been killed for the "crime" of being a girl. And Western racist liberal elites are complicit in this brutality.

Review - Unnatural Selection, by Mara Hvistendahl

quote: Steven Mosher (Amazon), an anthropology student in Stanford University’s PhD program, who was later expelled by the University, ostensibly due to pressure from the Chinese, and who later went on to become a strong proponent for chipping away at abortion rights and saw banning pre-natal sex-based abortions as an incremental step towards an outright ban on abortions, documented coercive methods on display in an agricultural commune in the Guangdong province in China in 1981, where he heard a pregnant woman being told by He Kaifeng, a commune cadre and Communist Party member, "You are here because you have to ‘think clear’ about birth control, and you will remain here until you do."

Such coercive methods did not go unrewarded by the international community. "In September 1983 the organization (United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA) jointly awarded Qian Xinzhong, the former People’s Liberation Army general charged with administering the one-child policy, and Indira Gandhi, who had overseen both India’s mass sterilizations and the AIIMS sex selection experiments in the 1970s, with the first United Nations Population Award."

Mara Hvistendahl

quote: “f a simple method could be found to guarantee that first-born children were males, then population control problems in many areas would be somewhat eased.” – Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, 1968
Check out the NYT article:

160 Million and Counting

quote: The spread of sex-selective abortion is often framed as a simple case of modern science being abused by patriarchal, misogynistic cultures. Patriarchy is certainly part of the story, but as Hvistendahl points out, the reality is more complicated — and more depressing.

Thus far, female empowerment often seems to have led to more sex selection, not less. In many communities, she writes, “women use their increased autonomy to select for sons,” because male offspring bring higher social status. In countries like India, sex selection began in “the urban, well-educated stratum of society,” before spreading down the income ladder.

Moreover, Western governments and philanthropic institutions have their fingerprints all over the story of the world’s missing women.

From the 1950s onward, Asian countries that legalized and then promoted abortion did so with vocal, deep-pocketed American support. Digging into the archives of groups like the Rockefeller Foundation and the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Hvistendahl depicts an unlikely alliance between Republican cold warriors worried that population growth would fuel the spread of Communism and left-wing scientists and activists who believed that abortion was necessary for both “the needs of women” and “the future prosperity — or maybe survival — of mankind,” as the Planned Parenthood federation’s medical director put it in 1976.

For many of these antipopulation campaigners, sex selection was a feature rather than a bug, since a society with fewer girls was guaranteed to reproduce itself at lower rates.

Hvistendahl’s book is filled with unsettling scenes, from abandoned female fetuses littering an Indian hospital to the signs in Chinese villages at the height of the one-child policy’s enforcement. (“You can beat it out! You can make it fall out! You can abort it! But you cannot give birth to it!”) The most disturbing passages, though, are the ones that depict self-consciously progressive Westerners persuading themselves that fewer girls might be exactly what the teeming societies of the third world needed.
Vaccinations cause autism which is why many parents are becoming concerned about being forced to give their children vaccinations. I remember when my cousin was born my grandmothers sister said she was as normal as any child. After the vaccination she was not normal. This was years ago and they diagnosed her with autism. My grandmothers sister was a very wise woman and she said without question it was the vaccination that caused the autism. Vaccinations should be a choice made by the family. Not the government.
Only a moron would think that subservience to the abortion industry makes you pro-woman.

1) Planned Parenthood, which receives 100s of millions of taxpayer dollars, lies to women. If you really care about choice you don't lie to the one making the decision.

Planned Parenthood’s use of unscientific and fabricated medical information

2) Just a few of the women chewed up by the abortion industry:

New 911 tape reveals botched abortion at Virginia Planned Parenthood

Authorities: Abortion doctors charged with murder

16-Year-Old Girl Suffered Botched Abortion at Planned Parenthood

DA: West Philadelphia abortion doctor killed 7 babies with scissors

The abortion industry, like many industries, has captured the regulatory apparatus. Legalization means mistreatment of women and a huge expansion of the industry.

For example: Lax state oversight results in widespread violations at Michigan abortion providers, report says

3) The abortion industry represents the greatest assault on women in human history. Tens of millions of unborn baby girls have been killed for the "crime" of being a girl!

Sex-Selection Abortion: A War on Baby Girls

4) Not a few abortions are forced on women.

Pregnant Woman Threatened & Assaulted for Refusing Abortion

Why it's The UnChoice
Most abortions are unwanted or coerced, many forced. Women are dying, too. Human rights abuse misrepresented as "choice."

And many rich people & bigots are eager to pressure working women & women of color into killing off their future.

5) The abortion industry just wants more abortions. They have no problem endangering women's health.

Planned Parenthood pushes California bill to let non-physicians conduct abortions

6) Women report being victimized by the abortion industry.

quote: It’s no wonder that 81 percent of women surveyed in a 1992 study reported in the Journal of Social Issues said they felt victimized by the abortion process, and that they were either coerced into the abortion or that information about alternatives or the actual procedure had been withheld.


Women Victimized by Abortion Say They Would Want Breast Cancer Info

Only moron would post such ignorance and stupidly, unaware of the fact that his thread fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
The world is aborting its gene pool. That's why autism is up over 1,000%.

You don't know much about genetics.

Ya wanna back up that nonsensical assertion with some facts?

Seriously. That's a really dumb thing to write.
Results from major prospective studies

The largest, and probably the most reliable, study on this topic was done during the 1990s in Denmark, a country with very detailed medical records on all its citizens. In this study, all Danish women born between 1935 and 1978 (a total of 1.5 million women) were linked with the National Registry of Induced Abortions and with the Danish Cancer Registry. All of the information about their abortions and their breast cancer came from registries – it was very complete and was not influenced by recall bias.

After adjusting for known breast cancer risk factors, the researchers found that induced abortion(s) had no overall effect on the risk of breast cancer. The size of this study and the manner in which it was done provide good evidence that induced abortion does not affect a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Another large, prospective study was reported on by Harvard researchers in 2007. This study included more than 100,000 women who were between the ages of 29 and 46 at the start of the study in 1993. These women were followed until 2003.

Again, because they were asked about childbirths and abortions at the start of the study, recall bias was unlikely to be a problem. After adjusting for known breast cancer risk factors, the researchers found no link between either spontaneous or induced abortions and breast cancer.

The California Teachers Study also reported on more than 100,000 women in 2008. Researchers asked the women in 1995 about past induced and spontaneous abortions. While the women were being followed in the study, more than 3,300 developed invasive breast cancer. There was no difference in breast cancer risk between the group who had either spontaneous or induced abortions and those who had not had an abortion.
What do the experts say?

In February 2003, the US National Cancer Institute (NCI) held a workshop of more than 100 of the world’s leading experts who study pregnancy and breast cancer risk. The experts reviewed human and animal studies that looked at the link between pregnancy and breast cancer risk, including studies of induced and spontaneous abortions. Some of their findings were:
Breast cancer risk is increased for a short time after a full-term pregnancy (that is, a pregnancy that results in the birth of a living child).
Induced abortion is not linked to an increase in breast cancer risk.
Spontaneous abortion is not linked to an increase in breast cancer risk.

The level of scientific evidence for these findings was considered to be “well established” (the highest level).
Is Abortion Linked to Breast Cancer?
Let's look at Kermit Gosnell's house of horrors and the abortion-lovers who enabled him:

Report: Planned Parenthood covered up Kermit Gosnell complaints

quote: However, Steinberg made a stunning admission. She said while Gosnell operated his clinic, his patients would often come to her Planned Parenthood and complain to staff about the conditions at Gosnell's West Philadelphia clinic. "We would always encourage them to report it to the Department of Health," she said.
Incredibly, no one at Planned Parenthood nor Steinberg herself ever followed up with the Department of Health about Gosnell, despite claiming that their organization makes women's safety a top priority.

Gosnell the baby-killer and the liberals who shielded him

quote: Indeed, reports of Gosnell’s foul clinic – which had a policy of treating white women more carefully than penniless black women – were routinely ignored by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, local hospitals, the National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood, a lobby group supported by Barack Obama.

The truth about late-term abortion

quote: The Gosnell case is a deeply political one. The grand jury directly accused political conditions for creating an environment in which abortion mills escape even the mildest curiosity from regulators who take a great deal of interest in your chihuahua.
From 1979 to the 1990s, such establishments were subjected to yearly visits from inspectors — who failed to do anything about the violations they discovered.
Then the inspectors stopped coming at all: “With the change of administration from Governor [Bob] Casey to Governor [Tom] Ridge,” wrote the grand jury, “officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions. Better to leave clinics to do as they pleased, even though, as Gosnell proved, that meant both women and babies would pay.”

Horrifying Illegal Abortion Clinic Wasn't Inspected For 17 Years Due To Pro-Choice Policy

quote: The clinic was not inspected from 1993 to 2010, when FBI agents finally raided the place. They found moaning women covered in blood-stained blankets and jars with severed fetus feet, according to the 281-page grand jury report.
The grand jury report that lays out allegations against Gosnell has an entire section called "How did this go on so long?" The simple answer is politics.
Pennsylvania's health department stopped routine inspections of abortion facilities in the state after Tom Ridge, a pro-choice Republican, became governor in 1995.
Health department lawyers "changed their legal opinions and advice to suit the policy preferences of different governors," health department official Janet Staloski said in grand jury testimony. In this case, she said the state didn't want to be "putting a barrier up to women" who wanted abortions.
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There was also a ring of abortion clinics in the Gulf that settled for millions and then shut down after they were found falsifying medical records, and defrauding Medicare. They were taking money from medicare for procedures they didn't provide, and using the money to fund abortions...which they they then turned around and charged their poor clients exorbitant fees to perform...because they told their clients that medicare wouldn't fund them.
In the mid-1990s, the administration of Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge, a pro-choice Republican, ended regular inspections of abortion clinics—a policy that continued until just last year.

According to the grand jury report [PDF] released this week by Philadelphia prosecutors, Pennsylvania health officials deliberately chose not to enforce laws to ensure that abortion clinics provide the same level of care as other medical service providers.

But perhaps most frightening of all? The atrocities were discovered by accident, as the Philadelphia Inquirer points out. Warnings—from patients and their attorneys, a doctor at a Philadelphia hospital, women’s health groups, pro-choice groups, and even an employee of the Philadelphia Department of Public Health—failed to prompt state and local authorities to investigate or take action against the clinic.

The grand jury report said that one look at the place would have detected the problems, but the Pennsylvania Department of Health hadn’t inspected the place since 1993. Here’s the grand jury report, in surprisingly strong language:

The Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be “putting a barrier up to women” seeking abortions.

“Even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety,” the report states. "Without regular inspections, providers like Gosnell continue to operate; unlawful and dangerous third-trimester abortions go undetected; and many women, especially poor women, suffer."

According to the report, the policy change occurred after 1993 when attorneys under the administration of then-governor Tom Ridge "interpreted the same regulations that had permitted annual inspections for years to no longer authorize those inspections." Thereafter, only inspections triggered by complaints were authorized. The report noted that Department of Public Health officials reinstituted regular inspections of abortion clinics in February 2010. Ed Rendell, the Pennsylvania Democrat whose second term as governor ended last week, released a statement saying he was "flabbergasted" when he learned of the department's lax scrutiny of abortion clinics and immediately ordered increased inspections, the Associated Press reported.
Why a Gruesome Pennsylvania Abortion Clinic Had Not Been Inspected for 17 Years - ProPublica

Complaints came from all arenas.

So, in light of that, Planned Parenthood treats both low income men and women for STDs. Which is well known. Nor do they sales pitch abortions. The actual issue behind a bunch of uneducated hilljacks trying to close Planned Parenthood is because they have made reproductive health for both men and women low cost. So, that is the reason for spreading disinformation.
The world is aborting its gene pool. That's why autism is up over 1,000%.

You don't know much about genetics.

Ya wanna back up that nonsensical assertion with some facts?

Seriously. That's a really dumb thing to write.

Here are two facts. Just for you...

The Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be “putting a barrier up to women” seeking abortions.
Glad we got that straight.

Nor do they sales pitch abortions.
Are you kidding?! Let's look at the facts from former PP clinic director Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson: Planned Parenthood Business Model All About Abortion

The actual issue behind a bunch of uneducated hilljacks trying to close Planned Parenthood is because they have made reproductive health for both men and women low cost. So, that is the reason for spreading disinformation.
PP targets minorities for mass murder.
I gave you the information. You don't like it. Don't lie to me.
Why do you dismiss the article from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health? You don't like facts that fail to confirm your prejudices?
The Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be “putting a barrier up to women” seeking abortions.
Glad we got that straight.

Nor do they sales pitch abortions.
Are you kidding?! Let's look at the facts from former PP clinic director Abby Johnson

Abby Johnson: Planned Parenthood Business Model All About Abortion

The actual issue behind a bunch of uneducated hilljacks trying to close Planned Parenthood is because they have made reproductive health for both men and women low cost. So, that is the reason for spreading disinformation.
PP targets minorities for mass murder.

Did you miss the part where there were prochoice complaints? Or did you just skim over that to trash Planned Parenthood? Life news is NOT a viable resource.

Bottom line..............if you had a case then it wouldn't be necessary to lie. Don't want an abortion? Don't have one.
I gave you the information. You don't like it. Don't lie to me.
Why do you dismiss the article from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health? You don't like facts that fail to confirm your prejudices?

First of all because this little lie has been out for a very long time. Therefore, it was necessary to bring the only viable studies. You don't like that. Don't lie to me.

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