Problem!! I edited another poster's POST!

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Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
I edited a post of LockJaw's, not my intent. Moderators available? I do not want to edit other posts when I post.
I edited a post of LockJaw's, not my intent. Moderators available? I do not want to edit other posts when I post.

Acknowledge you did it in the thread and apologize. That should take care of it. Mistakes happen.
No, deleting will cause me to again access his posts.
You can edit your own post and explain.
You can use the little icon to report it.
You can write to the mods.
I edited a post of LockJaw's, not my intent. Moderators available? I do not want to edit other posts when I post.

You did the right thing by getting out in front of your error.
Case closed.
Don't sweat it.

My error? More like unintentional harm. I never changed another's post before. Do not want to. Never saw anything deleted before when responding. If it is just me posting, it would seem like it would have happened before.
These things do happen. If you did it by mistake just say so and move on.

On the other hand, if you did it on purpose, there's a jar of honey and a fire ant hill with your name on it!
No, deleting will cause me to again access his posts.

You have not edited his post. You have quoted him and edited your post inside his quote. Just delete the whole thing and then say a few Hail Mary's.

Edited my post inside his quote, gotcha. (No true.) I will delete the post under LockedJaw's name when, and if, LockedJaw so instructs.
Peach, really, people have been known to screw up quotes. Best thing you can do is point it out, say you're sorry and move on.

It takes time to figure these things out. If you meant no harm it's no biggie.
The point is...if peach has access to edit someone elses post, that means others might be able to as well. There is a glitch. Staff needs to be made aware so they can fix it since not all here are as honest as peach.
No, deleting will cause me to again access his posts.

You have not edited his post. You have quoted him and edited your post inside his quote. Just delete the whole thing and then say a few Hail Mary's.

Edited my post inside his quote, gotcha. (No true.) I will delete the post under LockedJaw's name when, and if, LockedJaw so instructs.

It happens. Some people get waaaaaay bent out of shape about it, but most don't. I sometimes have to go back and edit posts because the quotes got all out of sorts. I sometimes cut down posts to the relevant part I am working on. I don't love this set up here where a reply can carry forward a wall of posts. I prefer it just being the last post, but I am sure others prefer it the other way to avoid confusion when discussions about 4 different topics within a thread can be going at once.
Such awesome power!!!

True though.

I gained three pounds last month, my new found strength must be from topping the scales at 105. :(

I weighed 112 when the photo was taken.
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