Problem with Black Parenting!!!


Apr 22, 2007
I will admit many whites are victims of this also. When their kids get in trouble it's always they didn't do it, they are innocent, it's the system it's an outrage. This sends a bad message to the kids - You can do whatever you want, get in trouble, but you won't get in trouble with me, because I will be your apologist. You hear it all the time when black youth do worse than this child - meaning homicide!

The kid here even ADMITTED to hitting the teacher and telling her she would kill her and her family!!! Sorry, but the police should be called now-a-days when those threats are made. What did the poor parent do. It's an outrage, my kid won't haven't done that, blah blah blah!

[ame=]10 Year Old Girl Attacks Teacher & Says She Would Kill Her & Her Family Over A Bag Of Candy. - YouTube[/ame]
I will admit many whites are victims of this also. When their kids get in trouble it's always they didn't do it, they are innocent, it's the system it's an outrage. l]

Then why did you post it in the race relations forum?
Hell thats what we got when I was in elementry school,and the parents ok'd it for the teachers.So when that lil girl got home the parents would have whipped her behind. All family's got weaker as time went by,let the kids say or do anything they wanted and not worry about the consequences.Thats why kids of today do some of the stupidous things cause they know their parents are too scared to do anything.
The teacher should have slapped the hell out of her.

This story would have gone global then. It would have been a white (even though the teacher was hispanic) teacher beats a black child for complaining that the teacher took her candy!

Jesse Jackson and Sharpton would be outraged. The media would be relentlessly reporting this story and we would hear about the assault on black children by white (even though this teacher was hispanic) teachers!

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