Problems With Socialized Medicine & Government Healthcare

No I didn't ever say that mainly because it's a rather vague statement. Less how? Less per capita, less in total dollars spent on health care, less as a % of GDP, less as a percent of income? I don't speak in vagueries, you do.

It's a fact now that the DoD will not have to pay back what it borrows. Interesting. Prove it. Find for me the institutin that is giving the DoD money that supposedly doesn't knows and doesn't care if it gets its money back. I'll wait.

Less how? You really must be stupid if you don't know that we spend more PER CAPITA than any other nation, and more IN TOTAL, than any other nation. We spend a higher % of GDP on health care than France, and we receive a lower level of care than France does.

In other words, they spend less IN EVERY WAY YOU MENTIONED with the only possible exception being "as a percent of income" because those #'s are not available.

......and they can't actually pay for it. You keep proving my point about you lazy ass liberals. You don't care how it gets paid for as long as it ain't you. If someone else has to go in debt to do it, fine. If the bill has get passed on generation to generation who gives a shit as long as I (you) don't have to deal with it right?

bern can't admit that I pwned his ass by showing that Frances health care is cheaper in every way that has been measured, so now he's going to make up stuff about the how govt can't pay the DoD's budget, and how France can't pay for health care, even though they are :lol:

And once again, bern is repeating the nonsense that the DoD has to borrow money to pay its' bills :cuckoo:
Ummm, you must be too stupid to realize that neither the DoD or Frances health care system gets its' money from borrowing.

Where do they get it then smart guy?

The treasury, stupid guy

Is there any other commonly known fact that you need to learn for this discussion to continue?

Every year, every taxpayer sends money to the DoD knowing they will never get it back

Correction - not every taxpayer knows they're not getting the money back. Idiots like you think your tax payment was a loan:cuckoo:

Why would I think I'm going to get what I pay in taxes back?

You keep saying that someday, someone the taxpayers are going to want their money back, WITH INTEREST :cuckoo:
bern can't admit that I pwned his ass by showing that Frances health care is cheaper in every way that has been measured, so now he's going to make up stuff about the how govt can't pay the DoD's budget, and how France can't pay for health care, even though they are :lol:

Man why didn't someone tell me all I had to do was declare myself winner to win an argument. Woulda been so much easier.....

If they are paying for their health care how is they ran a deficit for the last 5 years? This isn't politics Sangha. This is basic principles of finance. I can't wait to see you in a few years when the debtors are knocking at your door because you thought keeping debt didn't matter.

The treasury, stupid guy

Is there any other commonly known fact that you need to learn for this discussion to continue?

Sure is. Next I would like to know where the treasury gets its money.

You keep saying that someday, someone the taxpayers are going to want their money back, WITH INTEREST :cuckoo:

I said no such thing. I'm fairly certain most tax payers are not under the impression that the taxes they pay are a loan.
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All healthcare is socialized unless you are paying out of pocket.

The French have the best system, and it is a combination of public and private insurance.

They do healthcare better than we do. They have more doctors per capita, limit liability, costs are less per capita than ours, and they cover everyone.

And their life expectancy to two year longer than ours.
All healthcare is socialized unless you are paying out of pocket.

The French have the best system, and it is a combination of public and private insurance.

They do healthcare better than we do. They have more doctors per capita, limit liability, costs are less per capita than ours, and they cover everyone.

And they're going into debt to do it and their doctors make half what ours do. Two factors that will make it extremely difficult to apply to the U.S. and have it be successful. Again, the problem with the left is there insistant focus on just one factor; the cost to the customer. You think if you just fix that everything will be just swell. Paying out of pocket is not the worst idea either for a lot of people. If more people did it, costs would likely go down.

And their life expectancy to two year longer than ours.

You're a complete idiot if you think life expectency has much of anything to do with the quality of a countries health care system.
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I don't think there are too many conservatives that believed Bush was a conservative. He sure didn't govern our country that way.
I was a Conservative and a registered Republican voter going all the way back to Barry Goldwater. But I re-registered as a Democrat in 2004 -- only because there is no Independent Party in New Jersey and I wish to vote in primaries.

I was motivated to detach from the Republican Party because it has gradually morphed into something more appropriately called the neo-Fascist Party. And as for today's Conservatives, while most of them don't realize they are neo-Fascists some of them are well aware of it and are proud of it.

What the events of the past few days has clearly shown is America is a divided nation and many of the things we see happening here now bear a strong resemblance to what happened in Germany in the early 1930s. And as Santayana wisely observed, "They who ignore history are doomed to repeat it."
bern can't admit that I pwned his ass by showing that Frances health care is cheaper in every way that has been measured, so now he's going to make up stuff about the how govt can't pay the DoD's budget, and how France can't pay for health care, even though they are :lol:

Man why didn't someone tell me all I had to do was declare myself winner to win an argument. Woulda been so much easier.....

If they are paying for their health care how is they ran a deficit for the last 5 years? This isn't politics Sangha. This is basic principles of finance. I can't wait to see you in a few years when the debtors are knocking at your door because you thought keeping debt didn't matter.

The treasury, stupid guy

Is there any other commonly known fact that you need to learn for this discussion to continue?

Sure is. Next I would like to know where the treasury gets its money.

You keep saying that someday, someone the taxpayers are going to want their money back, WITH INTEREST :cuckoo:

I said no such thing. I'm fairly certain most tax payers are not under the impression that the taxes they pay are a loan.

You have more patience than I do for Sangha's intellectual dishonesty. Rep is coming your way.

Edit: Sorry, I have to spread some around first.
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All healthcare is socialized unless you are paying out of pocket.

The French have the best system, and it is a combination of public and private insurance.

They do healthcare better than we do. They have more doctors per capita, limit liability, costs are less per capita than ours, and they cover everyone.

And their life expectancy to two year longer than ours.

A few questions:
Do you believe the current plan that the Republicans plan to repeal will increase doctors per capita, limit liability, and increase longevity? If so, please explain specific reasons.

Do you believe having a public option will reduce health care costs? If so, please explain specific reasons.
bern can't admit that I pwned his ass by showing that Frances health care is cheaper in every way that has been measured, so now he's going to make up stuff about the how govt can't pay the DoD's budget, and how France can't pay for health care, even though they are :lol:

Man why didn't someone tell me all I had to do was declare myself winner to win an argument. Woulda been so much easier.....

If they are paying for their health care how is they ran a deficit for the last 5 years? This isn't politics Sangha. This is basic principles of finance. I can't wait to see you in a few years when the debtors are knocking at your door because you thought keeping debt didn't matter.

Sure is. Next I would like to know where the treasury gets its money.

You keep saying that someday, someone the taxpayers are going to want their money back, WITH INTEREST :cuckoo:

I said no such thing. I'm fairly certain most tax payers are not under the impression that the taxes they pay are a loan.

You have more patience than I do for Sangha's intellectual dishonesty. Rep is coming your way.

Edit: Sorry, I have to spread some around first.

Admittedly it is tough debating someone who asks for facts (percent of income spent on health care), is supplied the facts (from the DoL), then says the source has the facts wrong with no evidence to support that statement.
Bern, the treasury gets its' money from taxpayers.

The following is the quote where you claimed that taxpayers are going to want their money back (with interest) from the DoD

Umm yes, idiot. I would think anyone who borrows money to someone regardless of who it is is going to want to be repaid. I'm pretty sure no one is giving money to the dept of defense knowing their never going to get it back.

And I understand completely that France's heath care and DoD are funded at a defecit. My point is in both cases they will have to pay someone eventually. Just like you will someday have to payoff the entirety of the balance on your credit card (well unless you leave to your kids of course).

Now tell me again about how you never said that the someone will want the DoD to pay them back?

I'll wait :eusa_whistle:
All healthcare is socialized unless you are paying out of pocket.

The French have the best system, and it is a combination of public and private insurance.

They do healthcare better than we do. They have more doctors per capita, limit liability, costs are less per capita than ours, and they cover everyone.

And they're going into debt to do it and their doctors make half what ours do. Two factors that will make it extremely difficult to apply to the U.S. and have it be successful. Again, the problem with the left is there insistant focus on just one factor; the cost to the customer. You think if you just fix that everything will be just swell. Paying out of pocket is not the worst idea either for a lot of people. If more people did it, costs would likely go down.

And their life expectancy to two year longer than ours.

You're a complete idiot if you think life expectency has much of anything to do with the quality of a countries health care system.

The US is going into even greater debt than France to finance our system, and increasing out of pocket costs has never reduced the total cost of health care. Not to the consumer, and not to the govt.

bern is trying to argue that "govt solutions are bad" but he just has no evidence to back it up. All he can do is claim that it's bad. He can't back his words up with evidence
All healthcare is socialized unless you are paying out of pocket.

The French have the best system, and it is a combination of public and private insurance.

They do healthcare better than we do. They have more doctors per capita, limit liability, costs are less per capita than ours, and they cover everyone.

And they're going into debt to do it and their doctors make half what ours do. Two factors that will make it extremely difficult to apply to the U.S. and have it be successful. Again, the problem with the left is there insistant focus on just one factor; the cost to the customer. You think if you just fix that everything will be just swell. Paying out of pocket is not the worst idea either for a lot of people. If more people did it, costs would likely go down.

And their life expectancy to two year longer than ours.

You're a complete idiot if you think life expectency has much of anything to do with the quality of a countries health care system.

Once again, bern is reduced to making ridiculous claims that he will never back up with evidence

This wingnut is stupid enough to think that health care has nothing to do with how long a person lives :cuckoo:
Man why didn't someone tell me all I had to do was declare myself winner to win an argument. Woulda been so much easier.....

If they are paying for their health care how is they ran a deficit for the last 5 years? This isn't politics Sangha. This is basic principles of finance. I can't wait to see you in a few years when the debtors are knocking at your door because you thought keeping debt didn't matter.

Sure is. Next I would like to know where the treasury gets its money.

I said no such thing. I'm fairly certain most tax payers are not under the impression that the taxes they pay are a loan.

You have more patience than I do for Sangha's intellectual dishonesty. Rep is coming your way.

Edit: Sorry, I have to spread some around first.

Admittedly it is tough debating someone who asks for facts (percent of income spent on health care), is supplied the facts (from the DoL), then says the source has the facts wrong with no evidence to support that statement.

I posted links which show that France pays less per capita and in total than the US does for health care.

Bern has CLAIMED that the French pay a greater share of their income on health care, but he hasn't been able to provide the evidence to back himself up. He now is trying to claim that the DOL has info on the % of income the French pay on health care
Bern, the treasury gets its' money from taxpayers.

The following is the quote where you claimed that taxpayers are going to want their money back (with interest) from the DoD

Umm yes, idiot. I would think anyone who borrows money to someone regardless of who it is is going to want to be repaid. I'm pretty sure no one is giving money to the dept of defense knowing their never going to get it back.

And I understand completely that France's heath care and DoD are funded at a defecit. My point is in both cases they will have to pay someone eventually. Just like you will someday have to payoff the entirety of the balance on your credit card (well unless you leave to your kids of course).

Now tell me again about how you never said that the someone will want the DoD to pay them back?

I'll wait :eusa_whistle:

Well the problem is your reading comprehension sucks. I said someone will want their money back. That someone would be whoever financed the shortfall in the budget. A shortfall occurs when you've already spent what you took from the taxpayers and you still don't have enough, which is the case in France and with the DoD and any other entity that owes more than it can collect in revenue/income.
Bern, the treasury gets its' money from taxpayers.

The following is the quote where you claimed that taxpayers are going to want their money back (with interest) from the DoD

Umm yes, idiot. I would think anyone who borrows money to someone regardless of who it is is going to want to be repaid. I'm pretty sure no one is giving money to the dept of defense knowing their never going to get it back.

And I understand completely that France's heath care and DoD are funded at a defecit. My point is in both cases they will have to pay someone eventually. Just like you will someday have to payoff the entirety of the balance on your credit card (well unless you leave to your kids of course).

Now tell me again about how you never said that the someone will want the DoD to pay them back?

I'll wait :eusa_whistle:

Well the problem is your reading comprehension sucks. I said someone will want their money back. That someone would be whoever financed the shortfall in the budget.

No, you said nothing about financing the general budgets' deficit. You only spoke of the DoD's budget. You said:

I'm pretty sure no one is giving money to the dept of defense knowing their never going to get it back

Every year, millions of taxpayers give money for the DoD with no expectation that they wil get it back.

A shortfall occurs when you've already spent what you took from the taxpayers and you still don't have enough, which is the case in France and with the DoD and any other entity that owes more than it can collect in revenue/income.

Yes, and govt agencies have shortfalls every year, and they are sustainable.

What was your point again? Wasn't it that govt agencies that run deficits are unsustainable? So when are you going to explain how the DoD, which has run a deficit for CENTURIES is unsustainable?
You have more patience than I do for Sangha's intellectual dishonesty. Rep is coming your way.

Edit: Sorry, I have to spread some around first.

Admittedly it is tough debating someone who asks for facts (percent of income spent on health care), is supplied the facts (from the DoL), then says the source has the facts wrong with no evidence to support that statement.

I posted links which show that France pays less per capita and in total than the US does for health care.

Bern has CLAIMED that the French pay a greater share of their income on health care, but he hasn't been able to provide the evidence to back himself up. He now is trying to claim that the DOL has info on the % of income the French pay on health care

Yes I did. Go read the links I posted early on. You keep on lieing about what I've said seeing as it's the only way you can win the argument. You've lied in every post for probably the last dozen or so about what I've said. I NEVER said the DoL had stats on France. They are of course U.S. figures. and you are the one who claimed those statistics for the U.S. were wrong.
Admittedly it is tough debating someone who asks for facts (percent of income spent on health care), is supplied the facts (from the DoL), then says the source has the facts wrong with no evidence to support that statement.

I posted links which show that France pays less per capita and in total than the US does for health care.

Bern has CLAIMED that the French pay a greater share of their income on health care, but he hasn't been able to provide the evidence to back himself up. He now is trying to claim that the DOL has info on the % of income the French pay on health care

Yes I did. Go read the links I posted early on. You keep on lieing about what I've said seeing as it's the only way you can win the argument. You've lied in every post for probably the last dozen or so about what I've said. I NEVER said the DoL had stats on France. They are of course U.S. figures. and you are the one who claimed those statistics for the U.S. were wrong.

No, you posted #'s that excluded the military and the instutionalized, two of the largest groups of health care consumers
No, you said nothing about financing the general budgets' deficit. You only spoke of the DoD's budget. You said:

I'm pretty sure no one is giving money to the dept of defense knowing their never going to get it back

Now you're just nitpicking. You're not even interested in the topic anymore. Anyone with gray matter between their ears should have picked up that the pronoun 'no one' in the context of this sentence referrs to whomver financed the difference in the budget shortfall. You can keep being deliberately obtuse if you want. I'm just not sure where that gets us.

Yes, and govt agencies have shortfalls every year, and they are sustainable.

What was your point again? Wasn't it that govt agencies that run deficits are unsustainable? So when are you going to explain how the DoD, which has run a deficit for CENTURIES is unsustainable?

Then we have different definitions of sustainability. You apparently would call having a $10,000 credit card debt and growing and only paying the minimum each month, sustainable.
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No, you said nothing about financing the general budgets' deficit. You only spoke of the DoD's budget. You said:

I'm pretty sure no one is giving money to the dept of defense knowing their never going to get it back

Now you're just nitpicking. You're not even interested in the topic anymore. Any with gray matter between their ears should have picked that the pronount 'no one' in the context of this sentence referrs to whomver financed the difference in the budget shortfall. You can keep being deliberately obtuse if you want. I'm just not sure where that gets us.

I see. You say it, then you deny saying it, so when I prove you said it, it's just "nitpicking" :lol:

And you follow it up with a claim that "no one" means "whoever is financing the govts' debt". FYI, the treasury finances the difference in the DoD budget, and the treasury does not want or expect the money back.

Yes, and govt agencies have shortfalls every year, and they are sustainable.

What was your point again? Wasn't it that govt agencies that run deficits are unsustainable? So when are you going to explain how the DoD, which has run a deficit for CENTURIES is unsustainable?

Then we have different definitions of sustainability. You apparently would call having a $10,000 credit card debt and growing and only paying the minimum each month, sustainable.

Once again, when are you going to explain how the DoD, which has run a deficit for CENTURIES is unsustainable? The DoD's "credit card" has a balance of $548.9 billion. Last time I looked, $548.9 billion is a lot more than $10,000

Once again, when are you going to explain how the DoD, which has run a deficit for CENTURIES is unsustainable?
I posted links which show that France pays less per capita and in total than the US does for health care.

Bern has CLAIMED that the French pay a greater share of their income on health care, but he hasn't been able to provide the evidence to back himself up. He now is trying to claim that the DOL has info on the % of income the French pay on health care

Yes I did. Go read the links I posted early on. You keep on lieing about what I've said seeing as it's the only way you can win the argument. You've lied in every post for probably the last dozen or so about what I've said. I NEVER said the DoL had stats on France. They are of course U.S. figures. and you are the one who claimed those statistics for the U.S. were wrong.

No, you posted #'s that excluded the military and the instutionalized, two of the largest groups of health care consumers

Actually you made that up, because nowhere in the DoL numbers cited does it indicate those people were excluded.

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