Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens

No, I won't Remember just the victims of illegal aliens today, but I already have taken a moment to remember the victims of all senseless violence in this country, regardless of who did it.
Maybe one day you will take some time to consider why we have so much crime and many deaths caused by people here illegally in this country. But I doubt it.
We have a family friend who's permanently crippled after an ILLEGAL with no license, no insurance, driving drunk T boned her car. Illegals have no respect for our laws when sneaking into our country, then once here they completely ignore our laws, shocker.

The last accident I had was with a Mexican. He asked me not to call the cops, then I found out why. He was licensed and had insurance, but not so for his passenger. When the cops got there, I got out of the car, and his friend was gone. I don't know if he was hiding in the work van or just took off.

In front of the officer, the guy said he hit me because his breaks didn't work. He never had it repaired. The cop didn't do a damn thing about it. He just gave him a citation and let him drive off to pickup his friend and perhaps hit somebody else.
Oh, it's okay, mainly I was just shit-stirring anyway.

Not to say it isn't a serious issue, I think everyone from all political walks of life would agree that it is.

But it's never gonna get worked out unless there are major policy changes. And I don't see that happening from leadership on either side of the two major parties.

This is a problem easily remedied: Make a law that being here illegally is a felony, and the minimum sentence is five years in prison. That's just for the first offense. Give them until January 1st to be the hell out of this country. They will self deport and we wouldn't even need a wall.
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Didn't see one, oddly enough. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens

From the White House....
This must be fake news – something from The Onion or the like.
Don't take my word for it National Geographic did an investigative story on illegals in Oregon and Washington, their whole damn families are involved in the drug trade.
If not selling drugs then certainly driving while drunk and then fleeing to mexico

illegal aliens are notorious for drunk driving

Nothing wrong with enforcing laws. This isn't enforcing a law, though. This is blatant scapegoating because the vast majority of those coming aren't coming to sell drugs or murder. Putting "Illegal immigrants" and "murderers" in the same sentence over and over and over is done for a reason. Me and rightwinger are just shaking out the wheat from the chaff.

It's important for Trump to remind people how serious this issue is since he's for keeping them out of this country and Biden is for virtual open borders letting more in. Biden himself said the day he enters the White House is the day the wall construction stops.
Look at the responses to OldLady on this topic

its obvious that conservatives are much better informed with facts to counter lib emotion
Remember when Obama was gracious enough to fly them in by the planeload? Stupid Trump. As for the veggie pickers that's all we've heard for yrs ,,, we don't need them, plenty of covid unemployed
Try picking lettuce for one day. Just one, and then get back to me. I've given harvesting a shot a couple of times, and it's a job you've got to grow up doing in order for your body to agree. Plus you don't make shit for all that suffering unless you've got years of experience with it. I'm not lying.
I could not find the drunk driving rate in mexico, but traffic fatalities per billion miles driven was 27 for mexico and 7.3 in the US

List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia
It's a dysfunctional lawless country with a largely illiterate unskilled lower class who constantly enters our nation to live in. We don't get doctors or lawyers or business people from Mexico.
We get their lowest rung of people. Then we have to deal with their largely lawless behavior here.
Try picking lettuce for one day. Just one, and then get back to me.
There are at least two ways to deal with that

we could have a legal guest worker program that allows one male family member into the US to pick lettuce

or we could use machines instead of people
Nothing unreasonable about any of that, and I certainly don't encourage illegal entry, either. If they couldn't get jobs, they wouldn't come in the first place, and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, in my book.

They come here for a host or reasons, not just jobs. It's estimated by some we have over 20 million illegals in this country, and they all can't be working illegally.

If we made it as uncomfortable as possible, they would be less inclined to come here. But these Democrats created sanctuary cities and states. They refuse to contact ICE when they have an illegal criminal in custody. They give them drivers licenses so those who work can legally drive to their jobs they aren't supposed to have. Democrat Mayors alert companies that hire illegals when ICE plans on doing workplace raids.

You can't put the blame on employers alone.
Nothing wrong with enforcing laws. This isn't enforcing a law, though. This is blatant scapegoating because the vast majority of those coming aren't coming to sell drugs or murder. Putting "Illegal immigrants" and "murderers" in the same sentence over and over and over is done for a reason. Me and rightwinger are just shaking out the wheat from the chaff.

It's important for Trump to remind people how serious this issue is since he's for keeping them out of this country and Biden is for virtual open borders letting more in. Biden himself said the day he enters the White House is the day the wall construction stops.
Well, that's stupid, stopping the Wall in places where it can help. Unless we have more important places we need to spend the money, which this coming couple of years I could see. I think Dems just see it as an expensive deterrent. They've suggested other improvements that cost a lot less. But it is a complete fabrication that Biden or any other Democrat wants open borders. You aren't usually that big on horseshit, Ray. Opposing spending a lot of money on a wall that has limited effectiveness doesn't mean you welcome illegals, for heavenssake.
Remember when Obama was gracious enough to fly them in by the planeload? Stupid Trump. As for the veggie pickers that's all we've heard for yrs ,,, we don't need them, plenty of covid unemployed
Try picking lettuce for one day. Just one, and then get back to me. I've given harvesting a shot a couple of times, and it's a job you've got to grow up doing in order for your body to agree. Plus you don't make shit for all that suffering unless you've got years of experience with it. I'm not lying.
Shut up. Worked hard my entire life and have little use for whining lazy asses
I dunno if there's a thread about this. Didn't see one, oddly enough. Interesting, though. It's an unfortunate phenomenon which does seem to happen quite a bit these days.

President Trump has issued a proclamation designating a “National Day of Remembrance” on Sunday for people killed at the hands of illegal immigrants.

“On this national day of remembrance we pause to honor the memory of every American life so egregiously taken from us by criminal illegal aliens,” the statement, emailed to reporters on Friday night, reads. “We solemnly stand with their families — our Angel families — who have endured what no American family should ever have to suffer.”

“Now, therefore, I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 1, 2020, as a National Day for Remembrance of Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens,” the president wrote. “I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.”

Continued - Proclamation on National Day of Remembrance for Americans Killed by Illegal Aliens

From the White House....

How about a national day of remembrance for those killed by the coronavirus. That has killed more people.
How about a day of remembrance for all the unarmed black people killed by police?

What's to remember? Just as many unarmed whites are killed by police as blacks. But both groups have one thing in common: They didn't obey the commands of the police officer.

I don't know where you people get this idea that the only time a police officer or armed citizen can use deadly force is when the criminal has a weapon. There is no law in this country like that.
How about the millions of illegal immigrants who pick our crops and cut our lawns and make our beds.

Can we remember them too

We do remember them. We remember that they are taking jobs Americans should have. We remember they are lowering American wages. We remember they are sending our money over that border for their family or to save up for when they return. We remember all of that.
Try picking lettuce for one day. Just one, and then get back to me.
There are at least two ways to deal with that

we could have a legal guest worker program that allows one male family member into the US to pick lettuce

or we could use machines instead of people
I think a lot of produce is harvested by machine, but some things are too fragile or awkward, like fruit on trees. It makes perfect sense to me to expand the guest worker program, but only AFTER they've figured out how to track when that visa expires. It's embarrassing that our goverrnment can't figure it out. It's simple really, going back to my original beef: stop farmers who pay the illegals. But the government won't, because illegals are cheaper and Republicans representing farmers have come right out and said their farmers would go bankrupt if they had to pay legal workers legal wages.

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