Procter & Gamble employees issue a warning to America

If you work for a company, it is usually in your contract that they own any patents or work you create.
Had you read the article his parent company didn't get the patent. Another researcher jumped ship with the patent and a new company was formed. They promised Malone that he would get the credit and money.

They then Fked him over with no vasoline.

The earlier poster DB tried to discredit him. Using a Fact Checker . I then researched that Fact Checker and went to their FACE PLANT page. They are so far up the the Dems butt they need a stamp a pic of a Donkey on their butts.

Instead, after Vical was formed, Vical/Felgner stole these ideas and never licensed the technology from the Salk - as they had originally promised to Dr. Malone. Vical literally stole millions of dollars from Dr. Malone and claimed credit for the discoveries that Dr. Malone had made while at the Salk Institue.

E. Cationic Lipid-Mediated RNA and DNA patent application, 1988 submitted by the Salk institute to the USPTO. Primary author: Robert Malone. This patent application and all disclosures were later abandoned by the Salk, without informing Robert. This is shown on the Salk counsel cover letter signed in 1991, where it is not mentioned that this patent had already been abandoned. This occurred after Dr. Verma became a consultant of Vical. The ideas and research of this Salk patent application were the foundation of the Vical patents, with a priority date of 3/21/1989. Three months after Robert left the Salk – and Robert was the ONLY person at Vical at that time, formally working on this project. Vical promised Robert they would license the patent from the Salk – but instead, the Salk abandoned those applications, literally worth millions of dollars at the time (based on the sale of the Vical patents to Merck, which were licensed for $30 million USD). Then Salk abandoned this patent application and all other disclosures submitted by Robert. There was a clear quid-pro-quo between Vical and Dr. Inder Verma for this work to be abandoned by the Salk. At the time, the Salk Institute was widely known as “Verma’s Institute.”
You act like this is a bad thing. You prefer Immunosuppressed old people catch CoVID and die?
Yawn. Admiral Tory pushed a button and I responded. TO ADMIRAL TORY. YES 4 JABS and that is why I posted it.

Now I posted 2 articles showing that Natural is better than the jab. Where is your evidence to state that is NOT TRUE.....and why do I need the JAB with Natural Immunity..........hmmm

Even Tory stated he got it and was mild and good enough for him. Why should he get the shot?

If he wants go for it.........If you want 50 shots go ahead......Just don't tell me I have to.
P&G has a right and a duty to protect their workforce from anti-vax idiots. By now, even the dumbest of the dumb should know the meaning of the words Contagious and Asymptomatic.
How are vaccinated people at risk from unvaccinated? Vaccinated are the ones carrying new variants that will infect other vaccinated.
Companies do not want to have to shut down and get everyone tested every time someone tests positive for COVID
They don’t have to shut down, nor do they need to test anyone. If people get sick, they take time off like any other time they get sick.
Yawn. Admiral Tory pushed a button and I responded. TO ADMIRAL TORY. YES 4 JABS and that is why I posted it.

Now I posted 2 articles showing that Natural is better than the jab. Where is your evidence to state that is NOT TRUE.....and why do I need the JAB with Natural Immunity..........hmmm

Even Tory stated he got it and was mild and good enough for him. Why should he get the shot?

If he wants go for it.........If you want 50 shots go ahead......Just don't tell me I have to.
Natural Covid infection also kills more people than breakthrough infections. So you’re basically saying that you want more people to die
Natural Covid infection also kills more people than breakthrough infections. So you’re basically saying that you want more people to die
No.........I'm basically telling you to shut up with your mandates..........Those who want the jab get the jab.........those who don't........that is their choice.

If you are vaccinated why the hell are you worried about it..........hmmmm

And again.......why do those with natural immunity need the shot..........hmmmm

Because we drug this out.......more variants came and the Delta is actually very deadly to some......We lost a guy 33 at work from it.
No.........I'm basically telling you to shut up with your mandates..........Those who want the jab get the jab.........those who don't........that is their choice.

If you are vaccinated why the hell are you worried about it..........hmmmm

And again.......why do those with natural immunity need the shot..........hmmmm

Because we drug this out.......more variants came and the Delta is actually very deadly to some......We lost a guy 33 at work from it.
You're telling me to shut up?! How very fascist of you. Shame shame
An entire company shutting down while everyone tests for covid is absurd and unreasonable. It is part of the politically motivated covid hysteria.
Good. I'm glad to see employees of such a huge and powerful company as proctor and gamble standing firm.

It gives me hope for the real Americans in this country.
They are saying..........IF YOU DO NOT OBEY......WE WILL FIRE YOU........NOT ALLOW YOU TO EAT IN A RESTAURANT..........AND WILL STARVE YOU OUT......and your FAMILY.


Well, in my defense, my drama queen skills are far surpassed by yours...

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