Procter & Gamble employees issue a warning to America

The Gov't, Pharma and leftist HATE THIS GUY........

He invented mRNA tech in 1989. He has come out saying the vaccines have issues and were given approval too quick.

So they just LABEL HIM ANTI VACCINE..........A Quack..........the normal stuff.

Fauci is a freaking joke.
OF COURSE they were approved too quickly!!!

All other vaccines have taken DECADES. That's ALL ALL ALL ALL vaccines, decades.

If people haven't figured out by now that these vaccines have "issues," they just aren't paying attention.
Burger flippers and P & G. Experts..................lmao

You people ...........prove every day why I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.

FUCK EM.........OBEY ME...........IT'S FOR YOU SAFETY......

You prove you are Fascist Pricks every single day.........Keep it up and let everyone see it.

P&G experts? LMFAO. Those are production line jobs, that can easily be replaced, and i'm sure P&G already has a stack of applications ready to go.

That's right. Fuck 'em.
P&G experts? LMFAO. Those are production line jobs, that can easily be replaced, and i'm sure P&G already has a stack of applications ready to go.

That's right. Fuck 'em.
Keep up the good work. Letting everyone here KNOW YOU ARE A FASCIST PRICK.

No it’s not just like the damn star… you’re just a confused person. If I am responsible for a school or work place then I can require people to do whatever the hell I want and making sure there isn’t a contagious douche bag like yourself walking around spreading their shit during a pandemic would be priority one.
Fuck you Karen.

Of course nowadays the new Brandon is the old Karen.
Time for all businesses to close entirely. That'll eliminate so many chances for infection!

From that there would be much those who learn to live without.
Companies do not want to have to shut down and get everyone tested every time someone tests positive for COVID

It is reasonable to fire someone who refuses to vaccinate

You are losing badly, but since you don't learn, you will have to lose a lot more and worse before it settles between your ears.

I'm here for it, as the kids say

Long live freedom
Millions of fully vaxxed have tested positive. So what then?

Being vaxxed does not prevent you from catching or spreading Covid, so why mandate it?

Because in part the mandates and force take attention off the fact that the vaccines are a failure, just as you said.

But not for much longer. Too many vaxxed getting sick. You can only hide it for so long
P&G experts? LMFAO. Those are production line jobs, that can easily be replaced, and i'm sure P&G already has a stack of applications ready to go.

That's right. Fuck 'em.

Behold, witness a Democrat and his care for American workers.

I hope I get to see you all wander in the political wilderness for a generation at least

NO ONE deserves it more
Time for all businesses to close entirely. That'll eliminate so many chances for infection!

From that there would be much those who learn to live without.
Hell we already did that. Worked so

About a 1000 of us taking our gang boxes out when it started.

Came back after 5 weeks and been working ever since. Had my temp taken for almost 2 years every day........yippie...........This whole thing has been a Cluster Fuck since the beginning.

And it's no where near close to being over. The variants will keep coming. Until we get a strain like MERS.............maybe that's what they want.........INSANITY.
No it’s not just like the damn star… you’re just a confused person. If I am responsible for a school or work place then I can require people to do whatever the hell I want and making sure there isn’t a contagious douche bag like yourself walking around spreading their shit during a pandemic would be priority one.

Great. HIV is next. This will be fun.
Hell we already did that. Worked so

About a 1000 of us taking our gang boxes out when it started.

Came back after 5 weeks and been working ever since. Had my temp taken for almost 2 years every day........yippie...........This whole thing has been a Cluster Fuck since the beginning.

And it's no where near close to being over. The variants will keep coming. Until we get a strain like MERS.............maybe that's what they want.........INSANITY.
What part of "all" is found to be so challenging?
Behold, witness a Democrat and his care for American workers.

I hope I get to see you all wander in the political wilderness for a generation at least

NO ONE deserves it more
You hardly have to prod them with a cattle prod anymore to make them slip up and show how evil they are today.

They expose it more and more. That's why I attack them. They slip up and show their true colors during it. lol
What part of "all" is found to be so challenging?
So peeps leave the plant online and walk away and hope it runs by itself..........hmmm.

Well we will have plenty of jobs after about a day as every plant blows up.........JOBS WILL BE PLENTY AFTER THAT...

Sure then.
We have only prolonged this Plannedemic............the first round was not near as bad as the new variants. Since the beginning of time the world has had pandemics. The world has NEVER JUST SHUT DOWN........that is a stupid policy..........and using experimental vaccines without knowing the long term effects is STUPID.

Plenty of evidence that the spike proteins are moving throughout the body doing damage from the vaccines..........Malone who invented mRNA technology has warned about it.......We know some from the State of Mississippi WHO ARE EXPERTS SAYING THE SAME THING. They are the big boys going up against the States experts.............

But I guess you will JUST IGNORE THAT SIDE OF THE EQUATION..........Because you bow to Daddy Gov't
We haven’t prolonged anything with mitigation. We have saved lives and tried to manage it best we can… well some of us
We haven’t prolonged anything with mitigation. We have saved lives and tried to manage it best we can… well some of us
With some of

So all those who worked every day the whole time......beat the virus are the problem because we will NOT GET THE JAB because we don't need it, and are smart enough to read all the reports and data on it.

All you are saying here is OBEY ME........HOW DARE YOU........WE WILL DESTROY YOU. VACCINATE OR STARVE TO DEATH...............YOU WILL BE A LEAPER TO US............LOL

Your Fascist power mad for more power...........that's how your side rolls........You WE PEOPLE destroyed our economy.......caused WORLD WIDE SUPPLY SHOTAGES...............released criminals and then threw Business owners in jail................etc.......

You PEOPLE the WE PEOPLE...........SUCK. If you are the answer we are ALL SCREWED...............

The MANDATE is BS............the lockdowns STOPPED NOTHING.........and now we have MUCH WORSE VARIANTS as a result from hiding from a pandemic................The virus gets to Flu like transmission.........this world is FUCKED BRO..........It will eventually mutate to new strains that will be like MERs.........................

The world has gone MAD...........and you are one of them allowing it.
With some of

So all those who worked every day the whole time......beat the virus are the problem because we will NOT GET THE JAB because we don't need it, and are smart enough to read all the reports and data on it.

All you are saying here is OBEY ME........HOW DARE YOU........WE WILL DESTROY YOU. VACCINATE OR STARVE TO DEATH...............YOU WILL BE A LEAPER TO US............LOL

Your Fascist power mad for more power...........that's how your side rolls........You WE PEOPLE destroyed our economy.......caused WORLD WIDE SUPPLY SHOTAGES...............released criminals and then threw Business owners in jail................etc.......

You PEOPLE the WE PEOPLE...........SUCK. If you are the answer we are ALL SCREWED...............

The MANDATE is BS............the lockdowns STOPPED NOTHING.........and now we have MUCH WORSE VARIANTS as a result from hiding from a pandemic................The virus gets to Flu like transmission.........this world is FUCKED BRO..........It will eventually mutate to new strains that will be like MERs.........................

The world has gone MAD...........and you are one of them allowing it.
If somebody had covid and has antibodies then I’m not worried about them getting the jab… but yes, people like you are exactly the problem
If somebody had covid and has antibodies then I’m not worried about them getting the jab… but yes, people like you are exactly the problem
Yawn..............and you are crawfishing.............If you would study some you'd understand that T cells and B cells are the best indicator of immunity............anti bodies will go away and ARE NOT A TRUE MEASURE of immunity. It is the T Cells that recognize the virus and then produce the anti bodies to fight the virus.

I've read studies showing those that had the 2003 SARs had T cell immunity from that one. Also the 2005 study showed the Corona common cold gave immunity. J & J vaccine is exactly that except it is a SYNTHETIC FORM OF IT..........I reported that within the first few months of this PLANNEDEMIC on these boards.............I showed the NIH STUDIES for it back then.

I was right then.......proved right now..........and you ARE WRONG NOW.......What you do if you want to be a LAB RAT is your business..............You ORDERING ME TO BE A LAB RAT is a different story.
With some of

So all those who worked every day the whole time......beat the virus are the problem because we will NOT GET THE JAB because we don't need it, and are smart enough to read all the reports and data on it.

All you are saying here is OBEY ME........HOW DARE YOU........WE WILL DESTROY YOU. VACCINATE OR STARVE TO DEATH...............YOU WILL BE A LEAPER TO US............LOL

Your Fascist power mad for more power...........that's how your side rolls........You WE PEOPLE destroyed our economy.......caused WORLD WIDE SUPPLY SHOTAGES...............released criminals and then threw Business owners in jail................etc.......

You PEOPLE the WE PEOPLE...........SUCK. If you are the answer we are ALL SCREWED...............

The MANDATE is BS............the lockdowns STOPPED NOTHING.........and now we have MUCH WORSE VARIANTS as a result from hiding from a pandemic................The virus gets to Flu like transmission.........this world is FUCKED BRO..........It will eventually mutate to new strains that will be like MERs.........................

The world has gone MAD...........and you are one of them allowing it.
A leaper?


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