Producer prices up record 7,8%

Delayed reaction...from the obama/biden right: the 7.8% is only up slightly from the 7.x% we (in the real world) have been seeing since obama-care.

Kids, say goodbye to Kansas, papa just left the train station for Ft. Worth...

"Got up, gone higher, all aboard
I'll take my seat, right way back, ooh yeah
Watch this train roll down the track
I'm gonna bring it on home
Bring it on home to you
Watch out, watch out"

[bring it on home]
Awesome classic tune!
“Conductor hollered ‘All aboard!’”…
That would be "President Trump."

Inflation is a delayed reaction. This is coming from all the fiscal stimulus signed under Trump and the monetary stimulus from the Fed in response to the pandemic.

If we are at high inflation three years from after the $3.5 trillion budget passes, you can then blame Biden.
We were doing great under Trump. Then pedo joe comes in and screws it up.
I went shopping today prices are up on many a thing
I paid 2 dollars more than I did last time for the ridiculously big box of garbage bags
4 pack of butter up 2.50
Coffee was a dollar more ...big bag o beans

Paper towels up

Ground beef for burgers up

Steaks to paid way to much for rib eyes

Chicken cutlets ....up buck a lb

It's gonna get worse

The 1970s gonn a look like a cake walk
Produce hit hard: organic apples now $2.00 bucks apiece, so back to buying a bag of less expensive apples that have also marked up in price.
That would be "President Trump."

Inflation is a delayed reaction. This is coming from all the fiscal stimulus signed under Trump and the monetary stimulus from the Fed in response to the pandemic.

If we are at high inflation three years from after the $3.5 trillion budget passes, you can then blame Biden.
Not when Resident Biden pulled the plug on oil production, which immediately drove up gas prices. Not to mention how many trillions he is printing and giving to the bottom feeders.
These Moon Bats were morons voting for this Joe Dufus asshole and then ignoring the fact he stole the election.

We told them that Joe Dufus was going to be a disaster (like all Democrats) but being the idiots they are they didn't listen.
Hell, Dementia Joe told everyone he was going to do it during the last debate and none of these moron lefties believed him.
Not when Resident Biden pulled the plug on oil production, which immediately drove up gas prices. Not to mention how many trillions he is printing and giving to the bottom feeders.

Oil production is up since Biden was sworn in.

Oil prices are back to where they were two years ago pre-pandemic.

Biden signed a $1.9 trillion spending bill.

Trump signed a $2.3 trillion billion spending bill.

Any other false misinformation you wish to post?
Oil production is up since Biden was sworn in.

Oil prices are back to where they were two years ago pre-pandemic.

Biden signed a $1.9 trillion spending bill.

Trump signed a $2.3 trillion billion spending bill.

Any other false misinformation you wish to post?
A sharp spike followed by an immediate return is quite a twist of information. Average fuel prices NEVER reached the level of Obama's or Biden's. You want some mustard with that pretzel.
Oil production is up since Biden was sworn in.

Oil prices are back to where they were two years ago pre-pandemic.

Biden signed a $1.9 trillion spending bill.

Trump signed a $2.3 trillion billion spending bill.

Any other false misinformation you wish to post?

I don't want to discourage you, Toro, from posting your views. I actually enjoy hearing all sides of a story.

However glaring math errors can't be ignored: if you look at the numbers you cite in the "US Field Production..." chart, production was down YOY except for the last month in the chart. This information, however, is not a true indicator of why/how gasoline prices have risen so sharply in the last 8 months. Personally, I think the gas prices were artificially low for the past several years, but that's besides my point.

You correctly point out the orange man signed a 2.3 trillion bill authorized by congress ostensibly to shore up the economy and fund vaccine distribution, hospitals, and the unemployment system:

"Trump signed off on the $2.3 trillion package from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla., days after he expressed displeasure with the spending outlined in the omnibus and complained that the coronavirus relief measure should include direct payments of $2,000 per person, up from $600." He really had no choice, and was rooting for the people.

Also, you correctly point out the blue man signed a 1.9 trillion dollar bill. However the original bill was supposed to be a final measure for the foreseeable future...this bill went above and beyond the original 2.1 trillion authorized by congress, basically snuck in on the exuberance of successful voting booth outcomes in the blue camp:

"Just weeks after Trump signed that $2.3 trillion COVID-relief bill, Biden took office and set about putting together another one. Most of the resulting bill was wasteful, counterproductive, overly intrusive, or unrelated to the pandemic. Congress passed it anyway on a party-line vote, and it’s now the law." Little of that spending actually did any good economically...most indicators showed no real improvements... or haven't you been paying attention to what's really going on? Total con job, the money went mostly to the pockets of his socialist allies to shore up their pocket money...which in turn they use to shove more bull crap non-sense (via big tech/media) down the people's throats.

I give you thumbs up for trying to make a rational argument, though. Even if your points were non-sense if you really look at them.
Deplorable Yankee
With the price of gas going up, the price of everything that gets delivered to stores will be going up. Not to mention inflation that will also be going up.

All thanks to that stuttering fuck in the WH and his crappy decisions.
Of course price of fuel and energy impacts EVERYTHING

When I was still in business truckers and trucking companies...... when diesel prices were getting ridiculous they start adding fuel surcharges to yer bill of ladings ...ive shipped millions of lbs and yds over the years

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