Zone1 Professor's Theory: Only two positions can be held logically: Catholicism or Agnosticism

Why should I? It would be like attempting to talk to Baghdad Bob about how Saddam Hussein was a bad person.
Your immediate surrender is duly noted.

But please, stop wasting my time with your nonsense.
If I was Baptist my life would be so much easier. I could do anything I wanted and still be "saved."

But since I'm Catholic I have to behave myself.
Protestants don't have to obey the Ten Commandents. You might as well toss out the entire Moses story.
Baptists believe although saved doesn't make one perfect. They need to confess their short comings to each other. Baptist as all Christians can fall from the narrow path but know how to pick themselves up and with help from fellow believers continue on the right path.
Baptists believe they're "saved" and nothing can change that once it's happened.
My father is a professor in mathematics and computer science. He is a devout Catholic who believes the Earth is billions of years old and that Darwin's theory of evolution is the way God created life.

He told me there are only two religious positions that can be believed by a person who applies logic: Catholicism or Agnosticism.

All other faiths and creeds requires one to ignore logic and provable facts to believe in.

I would expect that kind of response from a devout Catholic.
Sure, but what's your response to what I said?
Well, the book of Genesis tells us that God created Adam from the dust of the earth and created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. Adam and Eve, according to Genesis were created on the 6th day of creation. According to the Apostle Peter, a day unto God is as a thousand years.

2 Peter 3:8
8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

The creation couldn't have been according to our days since the sun wasn't even a part of the equation until the 4th day. So I believe that the 7 days of creation was actually 7000 years. I seriously don't think that Adam and Eve took billions of years before they partook of the forbidden fruit.

It is interesting that God told Adam and Eve that in the day they ate of the forbidden fruit that they would surely die. Adam died after partaking of the fruit at the age of 930 years. If it were according to our days then God would have lied. But he died before 1000 years expired which is one day unto the Lord according to Peter.

Not sure how a Catholic buys into the THEORY of evolution and also believe the Bible simultaneously. A theory is not a proven fact and scientists today are still debating Darwinian theory and creationism.

The Creation Story in Genesis was written by men who wanted to teach religious truths about God's relationship to the universe, God's relationship to Man, Man's relationship to the Earth and all the animals, and Man's relationship to Woman.

Genesis is not a science book.
Jesus founded the Catholic Church on the Apostles with Peter being the leader of the Church.
NO, He did not. Peter started the first church and it was not Catholic. Peter preached at the church he started, in Jerusalem, for 15 years after Christ ascended.
Why would a Jewish Rabbi start a Catholic church?
NO, He did not. Peter started the first church and it was not Catholic. Peter preached at the church he started, in Jerusalem, for 15 years after Christ ascended.
Why would a Jewish Rabbi start a Catholic church?
Peter moved to Rome and died on Vatican Hill and was buried underneath it.
Protestants hate the Catholic Church so much they forget that Christianity is about loving one another.
Peter moved to Rome and died on Vatican Hill and was buried underneath it.
Peter escaped from jail in Israel, hid out in Israel for a short while and then went to Rome. He was murdered shortly thereafter.
But, how we know that Christ didn't start the Catholic church is His comments to the 7 churches that Paul started and called those churches His candlesticks. Jesus never even gave the Catholic church honorable mention.
Christ is a Jewish Rabbi then, now, and in the future. He is not Catholic, and neither was Peter. Peter preached to the Jews, Paul preached to the Gentiles.
Peter escaped from jail in Israel, hid out in Israel for a short while and then went to Rome. He was murdered shortly thereafter.
How we know that Christ didn't start the Catholic church is His comments to the 7 churches that Paul started and called those churches His candlesticks and never even gave the Catholic church honorable mention.
Christ is a Jewish Rabbi then, now, and in the future. He is not Catholic, and neither was Peter. Peter preached to the Jews, Paul preached to the Gentiles.
Peter was the first Pope. Linus was the second Pope. Anacletus was the third Pope. We know the names of all the Popes until Francis.
Peter was the first Pope. Linus was the second Pope. Anacletus was the third Pope. We know the names of all the Popes until Francis.
No, Peter was not. Peter preached to the Jews.
Constantine built the basilica over a graveyard that may have been where Peter and Paul were tossed. The rumors grew from there. Peter was a Messianic Jew. Not a Catholic Pope.
Why is there no mention of Peter the Pope's church, yet all of Paul's are addressed and given a role in Christ's return to earth.
If Jesus started the Catholic church wouldn't it make sense that when He returns it would be to His Vatican? Why is He going to touch down on the Mt. of Olives, and remain forever with the Jews?
No, Peter was not. Peter preached to the Jews.
Constantine built the basilica over a graveyard that may have been where Peter and Paul were tossed. The rumors grew from there. Peter was a Messianic Jew. Not a Catholic Pope.
Why is there no mention of Peter the Pope's church, yet all of Paul's are addressed and given a role in Christ's return to earth.
If Jesus started the Catholic church wouldn't it make sense that when He returns it would be to His Vatican? Why is He going to touch down on the Mt. of Olives, and remain forever with the Jews?
Your arguments don't make any sense.
Peter stayed in Jerusalem and preached for 15 years to the Jews. He wanted no part of Rome, so Paul went to Rome and Peter stayed in Jerusalem to preach and only went to Rome after he escaped from prison and could no longer stay in Israel.
Peter and Paul were believed to be killed by Nero (32AD). Constantine didn't come along until 329 AD and built the basilica where he assumed Peter and Paul were buried.

If the Catholic church is the work of Jesus or Peter, why are Paul's churches that Jesus addresses as His stars, His candlesticks, and not Peter's church too?
Why does Jesus return to the Jews and not to the Vatican when He comes back? Will He be called Pope Jesus, or Rabbi?
They are valid questions...
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